Have you ever been burned by a close friend?

November 18, 2007 8:59pm CST
Thinking of someone who is close to you and you've basically treated as family, and later you find out that you have been betrayed? What's the reaction that you will make?
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4 responses
• Malaysia
19 Nov 07
Hello and Hi fortunebee. Yes I got experience on it. I really love her so much. If I got a problem I will shared it with her. Sometimes I invite her sleep at my house to accompany me study. She very close to me and my family. But after I know she make a bad things behind my back I can't stand it anymore. I told her what have I think in my mind and after that we break our friendship that we have built 9 years ago. I never expect she will do it to me. I really frustrated and don't want to see her face again. Now I got a new friend. I will care of her properly. I don't want to lose my best friend again. HAPPY LUCKY. **prettyhanan**
• Philippines
24 Nov 07
Hi Prettyhanan! I'm sorry to hear about your past friend. Let's hope that she will also learn from what she did in hurting you. It is expected that you may not be able to get the response you like though. What's most important also is to have the heart to forgive. It may take some time but it is important because if we put ourselves on their shoes and know that you will not be forgiven forever also sounds tough and very depressing. Wish you all the good luck with your new friend!
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
25 Nov 07
Thanks for your support. I have try to make up our relationship, but she wont. Hope I will have her as my friend back. I am ready to be her friend for second time. **prettyhanan**
• China
19 Nov 07
usually we have very close friends treat them like our family,never have same person,different thinking always normal,it's nothing,if we still trust each other.for myself something wrong in my friendship i never leave it in my own,talking seem to be great way to solved,when talking did not useful,frighting with friend just good for us,of couse just for male friends,fight just a way to get some better deal way.close friends still trust each other,it can be broke our shipment.after frighting we aslo drinking together,laughing,it's ok.some one not closely to me that should have another way,it can be deal like family members,it should be more smart.
• Philippines
24 Nov 07
If fighting is one solution, then doing it in a manly manner might be fair. A fist fight or wrestling perhaps? I've heard that this works wit a lot of males, but I would also see it being harsh, but so long as no one becomes disabled. Girls would also have their own way to deal with this and it varies.
@diannebcrs (1549)
• Philippines
19 Nov 07
That sucks. Especially when you have trusted that person. I'm the type (or at least I am now) who don't like unpleasant confrontations, but if time calls for it - I want to march up right to that person and tell him how I felt about his betrayal. I do give second chances, though. Everyone deserves it. But if that person does it again, well, he's history.
• Philippines
24 Nov 07
I understand the feeling and it is true that people deserve the second chance. Although the second time around, those who got burned should be more careful and perhaps 'extra' careful. It's unfortunate though, that the trust may not exactly be 100% anymore.
• Australia
19 Nov 07
On two occasions I have been betrayed by someone close to me. The first time was an ex boyfriend (who was my boyfriend at the time of the incident). We were thinking of moving in together, so I'd started to buy things, which he kept at his place. He also borrowed a substantial sum of money because he lost he had quit his job just as his car needed major repairs. However, I realised that he wasn't the sort of person I wanted to spend my life with, so we seperated, but he refused to pay me back any of the money he had borrowed, or to give me any of the things that I had bought, despite the fact he maintained that he wanted to remain 'friends'. In a seperate situation, I had a friend borrow money from me, and then received a letter in the mail about 3 weeks later from a lawyer, informing me that my supposed friend had declared herself bankrupt, so therefore she was released from her obligation of repaying the money. I now don't lend money - not to friends or family. People have found this to be harsh in some circumstances, but I've realised that I work hard for what I earn, and I'm not willing to risk getting into a situation again where I am betrayed over something like money.
• Philippines
24 Nov 07
When money is involved which becomes a weight to friendship it should be understood and a form of respect that money should not become a form of 'Thank you' when this is lent. I can really emphatize on how you feel. It is not easy to take the fact that you have worked hard on something that is only intended to disappoint you by someone whom you trust. With a similar experience, sometimes, I feel that it's hard to look at another person who may really be needing a truthful help because of your past bad experience. Time heals wounds but the pain constantly comes back.