what's your opinion about bush?

November 18, 2007 11:24pm CST
en ,yes ,as the title! love? admire? dislike? or hate ?
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8 responses
• India
22 Jan 09
I am from India and i support Bush's policies.He did a lot for India.In US why people don't like him i really can't understand.I may not be 100% correct but after 9/11 not a single terrorist incident occurred in USA.Where as in India terrorist incidents are occurring frequently.Now lets how Obama responds to the war on terror.
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• United States
24 Nov 07
In many of the very things 'we the people' should be getting protection in or from, this idiot is genuinely against. The power is in having a war, a conflict, a disagreement, started by him and ending with him looking like a hero instead of a common assasin against any and all of the people he ordered to have killed as commander in chief to all the armed forces of our country. I am not mad at the soldiers for following order that your commander-in-chief instructs you to obey, I 'm mad Bush is the one allowed to give those orders ! I have been told my vote counts so make it from a unified, informed, non-exclusive of ability to budget, save, spend, help, create, destroy, administer and oversee position on the decision to make sure another one like Bush does NOT make it into the presidential chair ! sharing the light, Miss Erica Hidvegi, the Enlightenment Advisor, B.A. Psych/M.A. Transpersonal Studies- Cnslng/Author, Artist, Photographer, Entrepreneur & Freelance extraordinaire www.enlightenment-psych.net
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• United States
6 May 08
You know..I don't love or hate President Bush. I do not agree with his thoughts or his philosophies, etc..But I am neutral about emotion with him. Being president isn't an easy job. I may not agree with him? (And that's THE TRUTH, because I do NOT!)But at the same time..I have to say that I wouldn't want his job for all the money in the world! Someone ahs to take the job on, though. Better him than me? LOL! But I do wish he would have listened to his dad's advise on not going into Iraq and to his other advisors better. But wishing does not make it so, does it? We'll have a new person in office soon and that's my focus now. And that person also will not have an easy job, I say..let's wait and see how it all goes. (Time to just move on/forward.)
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
4 May 08
I have always leaned toward the Republic side when it comes to politics,and when George Bush first came it to office I was glad,I was also kind of glad when he beat John Kerry,and was elected for his second term.Now I am starting to dislike George Bush because he is keeping US troops in Iraq,when the war should have ended with the capture of Sadaam Hussain,but for some reason George Bush wants to keep the war going.I dont like the fact that it doesnt seem like hes trying to do anything about the high gas prices,which are getting higher and higher each day that passes.There is also a great number of people who are unemployed,and I think he should do more to help those people.I cant wait until the next election,because then George Bush will be out of office,and someone new can be elected in.Hopefully the next president will pull US troops out of Iraq,and let Iraq take over the security of their country,because US troops are needed to defend the US.Also hopefully the next president will fight to keep gas prices at an appropriate price,because the high gas prices is killing the economy,and making it where noone can leave there houses,because they cant afford the gas,which I believe has an affect on all the people getting unemployed from factories because of low volume,and other people at other jobs,because the economy is slowly failing.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
4 May 08
I used to support Bush and when he was elected into office his first term I was glad,and I was kind of glad that he beat Kerry and won his second term.Now I am not so happy with him,because one he has US troops in Iraq,even though the war should have ended when they captured Sadaam,and all they are doing now is getting shot at,because apparently Bush wants to keep the war going,even though there is no need.I also dont like the fact that Bush isnt doing something about the high gas prices.Also it seems more and more people are umemployed,and I dont think Bush is doing much to help.I cant wait until next election because Bush will be out of office and someone else will be end,hopefully our next president will pull US troops out of Iraq,and try to keep the gas prices from getting so high,because the high gas prices are hurting the economy.Also maybe our next president will try to find new jobs for all the currently umemployed people who have been layed off due to the collapse of the economy,the president is suposed to be for the country,so they should do whats best for their country.
@BaziIL (47)
• Israel
7 Oct 09
I salute George W. Bush. I think he was the right man in the right place when America attacked on 9/11 . I agree he wasn't perfect, but there is one thing certain: Since 9/11 no terror attack took place in the US and that's a fact !
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Nov 07
I'm a little afraid to answer this honestly after seeing the image that you admire George W. Bush! But, I refuse to be dishonest, especially since I've posted plenty of discussions and responses here that say exactly what my opinion of this man is. I believe he'll go down in history as the worst President we've ever had, I think he was in way over his head from day one and this war proves it. Sorry, but you asked and I wanted to be honest. Annie
• United States
5 Jan 08
All I have to say is Bush 2008! Haha, I wish that were possible. Aside from my parents, he is my biggest role model.