What Should I Do?
By missberlee
@missberlee (467)
November 19, 2007 1:15am CST
Right, I need some advice. What should you do when you think a health care professional has got it wrong?
I went to the doctor complaining of not being able to sleep, being tearful all the time, not wanting to eat etc. and she gave me antidepressants. They gave me panic attakcs so they changed them. The new ones made me sick, so they changed them again. I asked to come off them completely because I think they are doing me more harm than good and she refused. I came off them by myself and I am now fine, apart from suffering from insomnia every now and again. She is still saying that I am depressed and that I should continue taking the tablets but I really don't think I am anymore. I don't even think I was in the first place.
Should I do as she says, and start taking the pilss again or should I trust my own judgement. I don't think I need them, I'm no longer crying all the time and I'm eating OK.
I have consulted a second doctor but all he did was call the first doctor in and agree with her!
Please help!
Many thanks!
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11 responses
@muralimn (534)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Nov 07
May be you know yourself better. If you are doing fine now then I think that you should not take any pills. Lack of sleep is the main problem. If you sleep well, then you eat on time and everything will be fine. To get sleep, try something like reading a boring book while on bed (which makes you fall sleep), drinking some warm milk.
I hope you get well soon. Take care of yourself.
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@missberlee (467)
19 Nov 07
Ah see, you're all telling me to change Doctor's but for me it's not that easy. I am an Army Wife based in a foreign country (currently in Germany, usually from the UK) so I have a choice of two Doctor's and thats it!!!
It's hopeless! I have taken myself off the pills once and for all and I feel much better.
Thanks for all of your help and advice, I really appreciate it!
Many thanks!
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
19 Nov 07
I think that maybe you should see another doctor. Someone not connected to the first doctor. Maybe even talk to phycologist and get their opinion. Personally, when I get insomnia, I get teary eyed and cannot eat either, it's called exhaustion. Once I get some sleep, I am fine again. My doctor gave me Elavil (sp?) for sleep. I take one anytime I cannot get to sleep. I have been just fine ever since. I no longer have any symptoms of depression. Why? Because I was never depressed to begin with.
Talk to another doctor. Tell them that you need something to help you with your insomnia. Explain how you thought you might be depressed, but all the symptoms went away AFTER you got some real sleep. You may even want to go see a someone who specializes in sleep disorders.
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@AeroChickie (459)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
Agreed. I would see another doctor, and highlight the fact that your symptoms have gone away after getting more sleep. Let them know how your symptoms have changed over time. Perhaps you were under more stress at that time, causing the insomnia, and generating the host of other symptoms. Let them know that you do not wish to continue taking anti-depressants. It's important that a doctor and patient come to an agreement regarding treatment plans. Otherwise it may not be very effective.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
19 Nov 07
I have been on anti-depressants before and in my experience they help in the long term. It doesn't seem to help right way some of them can take up to 2 weeks to see any results. If I were you I would try them for the 2 weeks at least and see if there are any changes. If there aren't any changes after 2 weeks then I would say stop taking them. Have you told your doctor that you stopped and you don't have the symptoms anymore?
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
19 Nov 07
"What should you do when you think a health care professional has got it wrong?" -Find a new health care professional. It sounds like you were just over tired and stressed. That can make anyone tearful and cranky and not feel like doing anything. The first step before anti-depressants should have been figuring out a way to get you to sleep, whether by natural methods or a sleep aid. Then t would have been easier to know what was causing the "sadness" and loss of appetite. See if you can switch doctors, preferrably to one that won't be so quick to medicate.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Everything you first described sounds like classic depression, which is why the doctors diagnosed you with it.
It depends on how long you had been suffering to determine what kind of depression you are looking at. It could be something as little as seasonal depression. Obviously not all depression is lasting or needs medication.
I have suffered from some sort of depression/anxiety/insomnia my whole life. My husband is also a medical provider, so I get a lot of answers from him and/or his collegues. I also read his medical books and journals.
If you have any kind of anxiety, you would want to stay away from medications such as Wellbutrin. The endorphins would send you (they sure did me) into panic attacks.
Many of the anti-depressants have side effects that can make you feel sick. These typically go away in the first couple of weeks as your body adjusts to them. Some of them will also make you really tired at first(Zoloft).
If you truly think the doctors you have seen are wrong and you are not depressed then I would go to another practice for an opinion. This way the doctor isn't coming in with any pre-formed diagnoses.
Most of my doctors left it up to me to know how well I was doing. They (with my permission) also brought in my husband (my support system)because he lives with me and can help see changes in my moods as well.
I haven't been on meds for two years now and I haven't ever had a doctor insist that I be medicated if I didn't feel I needed it.
I hope you find the answers you are looking for!
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Maybe you just needed something to help you sleep..Losing sleep and not getting the right amount of sleep can cause you to be irritable, and not want to eat, when you are over tired it can also cause you to cry, because your body is not getting the proper sleep at night.I am not a doctor but if your symptoms seemed to be depression then just maybe they have not found the right medication for you...I was depressed for years with mood swings.My moods were never level, i was up and down, and i was suffering from depression.They gave me prozac , and that did not work, they gave me zanex, and that did not work, they tried several and they just did not work..Finally they put me on paxil, and i have been wonderful ever since.I am steady all the time, not depressed, and my life is great..Doctors can also be wrong.Sometimes we are just going through a tough time and need something just for that time and then we get ok...I would seek the opinion of another doctor that specializes in depression,and do not tell them about the other docs, just tell them what you have taken that did not work, and maybe he has a better solution...I do not like doctors that always has to go by another doctors opinions...There are test they can take to find out if you are really depressed...I don't know if this will help but just don't give up.Sometimes our gut feeling is the best way to go..
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@terrych (1227)
• United States
20 Nov 07
I think you should try alternative medicine (natural, like herbs, bach flowers, etc), sometimes doctors just want to give you pills, and as you said, they are not always good for you, usually they have secondary effects, and because they are not in your shoes they do not care about it...
@linben (132)
20 Nov 07
I'm sorry to hear that. I think if you feel good without taking those pills, then why take them only to make you sick. Doctors are human. It's not surprising if they make mistakes. So just believe your body and take care of yourself. Maybe you should take some sports to be strongger or do something you really wanna do, then you'll get better soon!!God bless you!!!
@sunwei111 (78)
• China
19 Nov 07
yes, sometimes the professional may give you the wrong sugesstion. I think your own judement is very right. Don't take the pills any more, it won't solve the probem and the trouble you face. Please do the things you are interested in. then you may forget the bad things which depressed you a lot.
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@vikash143 (3)
• India
20 Nov 07
i think what the doctor said was right that u r under depression . i think that u should ask for some alternative source to relieve the depression . If u work somewhere than take a leave and if u r a student then unload a bit of assignment . secondly do some workout like go to gym and yes have a glass of warm milk before ur bed .I think u will get some relieve