Sweet Potatoes

United States
November 19, 2007 5:48pm CST
Ok, I'm making the sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving for the first time this year. I've found a bunch of different ways to cook them but can't decide on the best one. What is your favorite way of preparing sweet potatoes?
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13 responses
@vikceo (1301)
• India
20 Nov 07
well i love sweet patotoes and potatoes too.:) however i dont know how to cook much recipes of sweetpotatoe but i like them.one thing i share to cook is steam the sweet potatoes for 10 min till they become soft.hot onlt u peel it of and cut into small pieces and put some spices on it. i like to put some chat masala on it and thats yummmyyyyy
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• Australia
20 Nov 07
Yum! lol. I like mine roasted or mashed. Or cut into wedges. Or soup! lol. Ok, I just like sweet potatoes! My husband roasted and mashed them one time, and that was so yummy too! Actually, the were supposed to be just roasted, but were so mushy! lol.
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• United States
20 Nov 07
I have to admit- up until about a year ago I wouldn't touch sweet potatoes. I just didn't even like the sight and smell of them. It's fun to know, now that I have developed a taste for them, that there are so many different ways to enjoy them!
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• Australia
21 Nov 07
Thanks Sara for the recipe. I'll be sure to give it a go soon! Blue, it is great to try new foods. Sweet potatoes to me are just heaven! lol. I'm very good at trying new things and it seems our girls are too!
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• Australia
21 Nov 07
Yum! sounds good! I'm hungry now!
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• Canada
20 Nov 07
The only way I have ever had my sweet potatoes has been either mashed like regular potatoes, or baked in the oven like regular potatoes! Pµrþ|ëTëddýßëâr
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• Canada
22 Nov 07
I don't know about that! Never tried it lol.
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• United States
20 Nov 07
Hmm... now that makes me wonder if they would be good like french fries.
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
22 Nov 07
I love baked sweet potatoes with a little butter, cinnamon and sugar on them. At thanksgiving I also love them done with the marshmallows. Especially the nicely toasted marshmallows on top.
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• United States
24 Nov 07
I think I'm going to have to give the marshmellow topped sweet potatoes another try. All my life I have really disliked them, but I have recently found that I like sweet potatoes. I don't know what changed, but I'm looking forward to trying some different recipies.
• China
21 Nov 07
You may topped with yoghourt or ice cream, it's a very different taste with last one. And it's nice too.
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• United States
21 Nov 07
That is very different. I know I'm not adventerous enough to try that yet but I will keep it in mind for another time. Thank you!
• China
20 Nov 07
peel severy sweet potato, steamed and mashed. Put them in a glass bowl and topped with some green pea and tomota sauced soybean. This dish can be served as a sweet. It's not only looked nice but healthy and tasteful.
• United States
20 Nov 07
I've never heard of that. It sounds interesting. I can't eat soybean, though.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I'm not big on sweet potatoes, so I only made up some canned ones for Thanksgiving... I do like them just baked like a regular potatoe with some cinimon on them. I also like sweet-potatoe pie. I'll have to try some of the suggestions here though, they look good!!!
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@men82in (1268)
• India
21 Nov 07
Only in india sweet potatoes are available that also only with southindia i think. We herein southindia use to take as raw as it is with sweet potatoes. Baked one plainly will also add to taste much sweety.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
20 Nov 07
The same way my mom has fixed them since I can remember, she dumps them in a cast iron skillet, and adds brown sugar, cooking them over a low heat until the brown sugar has made a thick coating on the potatoes, then she dumps them into a baking dish, tops with marshmellows and heats in the oven until the marshmellows are lightly browned on top. I'll be fixing them that way in just a couple of days.
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• United States
20 Nov 07
I have decided I can't do the ones with marshmellows. The first Thanksgiving my family moved from IL to AZ my mom had dinner at her house. She did the sweet potatoes with the marshmellows on top, just like she did every year. Well, this year I don't know what happened, but the marshmellows bubbled over and started a fire in the oven. My dad had to open the oven and pour salt all over the fire to make it stop. To this day people tease my mom about her signature dish- yams flambe. That was 22 years ago.
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
20 Nov 07
Well, I tend to do the traditional sweet potatoes and marshmallow "casserole" for Thanksgiving. I've done it using canned and fresh potatoes. I prefer fresh, but they have to be cooked before they go into the casserole or they just don't come out right. I also tend to add a little bit of cinnamon to each layer along with the marshmallow, brown sugar and butter. This year, since i'm the only one who's going to be eating at my house, I'm just going to bake a sweet potato and cut it in half. Then hollow out the skin, mash up the inside with some brown sugar and cinnamon, add a pat of butter, stuff it back in the skin and give it a crust of marshmallows then bake until the marshmallows are toasted. I can jsut wrap up the second half without doing all that to it for later. Whichis nice since that casserole never re-heats right.
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• United States
20 Nov 07
I've been craving a baked sweet potatoe ever since I got elected to make the dish for the Thanksgiving dinner. That sounds yummy. I think I'm going to make one for myself for dinner tonight!
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
20 Nov 07
We have sweet potatoes so seldom that just baking them is exciting to us. Plus we have to have low salt and low sugar. So cutting them in half, putting real butter on them, and mashing them make us happy. If I can't have that, then in a casserole or in a pie are fine. Take care
• Philippines
20 Nov 07
in my country, the easiest way to cook sweet potatoes is to boil them and when cook, dip it in sugar when eating. or sometimes we cook them like our native delicacy we call ginataan. that's glutinous rice mix with coconut milk, sugar, banana, ube (violet colored root crop), ripe jackfruit and any other root crops. why not try any of the recipe you have there. it's fun to expriment in cooking sometimes. just hope it will turn out well. lol
• United States
20 Nov 07
I am not really good with experimenting- especially when I'm bringing the food to a large gathering. I really don't like cooking to begin with and am afraid I'm going to screw it up. Don't ask me how I got myself talked into making one of the main dishes! LOL
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
20 Nov 07
I peel them and slice them into about 1/2 inch slices, then boil them. When they are tender, I put them in a casserole dish with a few pats of butter and sprinkle some brown sugar on top. Put them in the oven for about 30 minutes on about 350, but they can go in at a higher temperature if you are also cooking something else. You just want the butter and sugar melted, and everything hot. They are so yummy.
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• United States
20 Nov 07
That sounds clear and easy. That is one recipe I can follow!