What do you think of God ?
By zhhyhb
@zhhyhb (11)
November 20, 2007 4:41am CST
Here are some personal point of views of mine. and have no intention to make you accept my viewpoints.Talk about your opinion.
We know , there are many people believe in god, they pray every sunday, and firmly believe that they are going to heaven where is the most perfect world and filled with love , peace and nicenesses.
But,I think, most people misunderstand the meaning of "god" .There really is a god ,but it is not a particular man or omniscient who knows everything and everyone's foreordination. The real god is the infinit which we will never understand clearly.erveryone has his own god , mostly the god in my mind is not the god in your mind, just likes the same thing: we can never confirm that the colour of sky i see is the color you see.
We all know that science can not explain every phenomena that takes place around us, so we resort to religions which tell you god arranged everything, things happen to be that way because god make it that way. It is ridiculous, isn't it?
Science can not explain something so far, but it will! Because science is advancing, the ability of humanbeing to perceive world is developing. Those things that we ain't familiar with so far will be known well by our hard explore in the future.
I don't deny the fact of existence of god just because there is always something mysterious we don't know why, not because i ever saw god or communicated with him.
I've never seen god and I won't. The infinit is the infinit.
So , what do you think?
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8 responses
@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
20 Nov 07
For me, I think that God is a supernatural being that is just so big beyond our imagination. What He does and what He is going to do, no one knows except Himself. He has created the Heavens and the Earth, and He gave life to every creature and being on this planet. He knows our every thoughts and He cares about us. According to His will, He has already planned everything for us before we were born until the time we die and along the way, He gives us the freedom to choose our own choices but sny choice that we choose we will still go according to His will. God is also a place where I can find comfort and peace when I feel stressed out and also when I have problems. He does answer prayers and many times He's answered my prayers. There is just so much to talk about God that I think it would take up the whole page if I were to type it all out. But you may ask why I believe even though I don't see Him. It's just like the wind. You can't see wind, but when it blows across your face, you can feel it. The same goes that we "see" God through the things He has done in our lives and also the creation that is just so beautiful and wonderful.
It's OK if you don't agree with me, because it's my point of view, and you have yours. =)
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@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
25 Nov 07
There is only one God, more than one cannot exist.This God
is God of Abraham/Isaac/Jacob.
Science cannot explain God,it is branch of knowledge human made about the things made by God.Something scientists do is to change things when something appears differently once
he affirmed.But God Never changes.
@swissgaar (2)
• United States
20 Nov 07
God supplied us with his Word so we could know and understand true freedom...Jesus is Freedom..
Jesus is against fictitious legalism(so-called man made laws).
When Jesus was on earth in human form, he spoke against the edomite/idumean pharisees and sadusees because they were so insecure and controlling that they were so behaviorly conditioned by legalism (much as the world is today).
I live by a strict principle that all should live by so that they will be secure and free, I'll put it in layman terms: "Just because a group of insecure control freaks print rules, statutes and ordinances and expect us to bow down to them does not mean we have to live as slaves and submit to thier fictitious legalism".
I hope you learn to live by this principle and be free and not a slave;if your a male, be a man and stand up for your freedom and protect others from being slaves. don't just be a behaviorly conditioned sheep.
God wants us to be free, just as he he wanted the hebrews to be free of egypt; "come out of her my people" .
You cannot serve two masters for you will hate the one and love the other...who do you love? God or Money.
The federal reserve is the beast that is the main controller of fictitous legalism today, is money your idol that you worship? Money has polluted the temple of God because it pollutes people into persons (purse-ones).
"My people suffer from lack of knowledge.
You can be in this world but not be part of it.
When Jesus was forced into court, he did not speak in court because he refused to recognise thier fictitous legal system, if he was brought before a U.S. court today he would also refuse to speak.
If you really want to know God, then understand true freedom.
By the way... are you aware of the national ID that will be forced on us in May of 2008?
@bharatibajaj (133)
• India
20 Nov 07
Hi!Well, 'GOD'is the name given to that SUPERNATURAL POWER,which is above all the powers of MAN or any other species.Some see it in the form of LIGHT, Some as JESUS, Some as ALLAH, KRISHNA, RAMA, BUDDHA & so on.The fact is we see what we perceive in our mind & believe.If we get to know our inner self, we come closer to GOD.GOD is LOVE & present everywhere.Though GOD HIMSELF does not do anything, HE is always beside us as a FATHER, MOTHER, GURU, GUIDE, FRIEND etc.We do not have to pray only on a SUNDAY, BUT, remember HIM every second for whatever we do is all by HIS GRACE. We cannot move even a finger without HIS GRACE.SO, if we believe this & accept that whatever happens, happens for a PURPOSE, accept it as HIS WILL,there would be no question of unhappiness or loneliness.This WORLD, the food , the LUXURY, BEAUTY,FAMILY.....THANKS to GOD for all that mercy bestowed on us.