falling for an older man/woman

November 20, 2007 9:52am CST
is it alright to fall in love with a man/woman who happens to be 10-15 years older than you?
4 responses
@pinay81 (1535)
• Philippines
20 Nov 07
hi baby, for me there is no problem about falling in love with the older people even the age gap is 10,20, 30, 40 or what ever the important is you really love each other and respect not because he/she was older than you hehe actually my husband was 11yrs older than me he was 37 and im just 26 and i really love this man thats why i marry him and choose him than the other guys:-)
@fyrechsr (293)
• United States
20 Nov 07
absolutely nothing wrong with it. My relationship I am in is the best I have ever seen personally...He is 42 I am 30. (12 years)As long as you both have common areas in life and you love each other then age is simply a number.
@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
20 Nov 07
I think there's nothing wrong in falling in love with a man or woman 10-15 years older than you. If true love prevails, nothing is impossible. One example of such a case is the prime minister of malaysia is like in his 60s-70s and he married his wife who is only like in her 30s. I've also heard of another case where a millionaire married a girl only 16 years old. But that was most probably the money, not love....lol....
20 Nov 07
I think that love can exist between any ages... However, many couples nowadays~ you see the millionare old man and the beautiful young girlfriend/wife and wonder if she is just in it for the money~ And if your friends and family are against it but you really love them, follow your heart or you will regret it later! But be careful not to get together with somebody because you sympathise with them because the relationship will never work ^^