Best Response To Any One Who Can Guess This Tri-Breed
@OUT2WIN (669)
United States
November 20, 2007 10:30pm CST
Check out my doggie. I've been offered $2,000 for her because of her look, temperment, intelligence, and I turned it down without a second thought. She is great with my 1 year old son and even took on a pit-bull who was in the process of attacking a woman carrying a baby. It was so cool, she ran at the dog and tackled it into the street,and then leaned against the woman and barked and snarled at the pit until it ran off. The neighbor made my dog a steak for saving her and everyone on my block knows her and that story, so I've never had the copls called on me for not having her on a leash. I trained her to stay away from the street and she only stays in our yard. We live on a busy street and have no fences but, she doesn't leave the property and patiently waits for a little girl who gets let off the bus at the end of my block who she took a liking to for some reason, and the mail lady every day on the porch. If you can guess the 3 breeds that make my Gretchen Dog, I'll award thee with the best response. Good luck to all.
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4 responses
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
21 Nov 07
I doubt I'm gonna get this but here goes...She has the coloring of and facial features similar to my Cocker Bull so my first guess is Pit Bull and since everyone here says Gretchen looks just like ours I'll throw in the unlikely but possible 2nd guess of Cocker Spaniel. The ears remind me of doberman's or rotti's...I can never keep them straight so you'll have to excuse me sneaking in a 4th breed. I know her temperment doesn't reflect the stereotypes but I don't care about them, upbring matters more than what other people think of them.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
21 Nov 07
Wow!..hmm I think I know which one is wrong because I wasn't too comfortable with it in the first place. I'll be watching to see just what she is. And she IS a nice looking kids kept insisting she was ours they look so much alike.
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@MakinMoney129 (231)
• United States
21 Nov 07
I used to have confidence in my breed-guessing skills, but this is a it goes. I'm gonna go with Pit Bull, Lab, and German Shepherd. There. We'll see how close I am LOL
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
21 Nov 07
wow you got yourself a great sounding dog! let me see due to a bit of deductive reasoning based on earlier gonna say;
Pit, Rott (cause you didnt want to show a full pic and a rott tail would give it away lol) and this last guess is a stretch, but her head looks a lot like my sisters dog..a Ridgeback??
that last one is the one that im am least confident about lol!
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
24 Nov 07
whoa! dang thats one smart dog!!
im gonna have to try and find a pit/rott/boxer mix myself now!
@OUT2WIN (669)
• United States
21 Nov 07
Very close my friend, two right out of 3. She is such a great dog, I forgot to mention that she pulls me all over town on my skateboard. She is all muscle and loves when I say, "Gretchen Go Skateboard". I've made her very smart by training her with key words that fit together into broken sentences. For instance, she can follow a 4 word command which is hard for a lot of dogs. "Gretchen, sit, stay, Dylan" She sits and stays with my son, or "Gretchen, get, Daddy, ball". Hears a small list of some of the commands I've taught her:
sit, stay, speak,up,jump, no, go, get, go around, sit pretty, lay down, crawl, come, drop, Dylan, Daddy, Momma, food, water, treat, home, good girl, bad puppy, footser, (paw) give, tail, outside, inside, stick, ball, frisbee, toy, doggie, kitty, squirrels, skateboard, back yard, front yard, street, kitchen, basement, night night, and I'll sum it up with lovins and kisses because thats what she loves giving. By Using the words above in a broken 1 to 4 word sentence, you can get her do do almost anything. Pretty cool huh?
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
21 Nov 07
the pic is small so a little hard to tell. but i think i see some wrinkles in her face, so i'm gonna say she has shar pei in her,pit
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