Will this stress ever end I wonder? Sigh!

@webeishere (36313)
United States
November 21, 2007 5:19pm CST
I am very thankful for my Higher Power. I am also thankful for my sobriety. I have endured a whole lot of stress these past frew months. The level of stress in my life I feel is a level that would cause most to breakdown. But like I said my Higher Power helps me out a great deal. I feel He only gives me the level of stress that I can handle & deal with. It's all a test I believe. The last 4 months the stress is centered around my brother-in-law who has a deadly form of Leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant. My wife is a 100% match and we are going through the tests and blood samples etc dealing with he being a donor. Now that stress has topped off the stress of dealing with my fathers health as well as my own. I just am thankful that through the A.A. program and my Higher Power I can handle this stress on a daily basis. Now for discussion purposes what is the highest level of stress you've endured? What's the level it would take to break you mentally? Have you ever had a breakdown due to stress? Okay this is depressing enough. Thanks all. HAHAHA!! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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14 responses
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
21 Nov 07
I know you have had alot on your plate but youve always come through with flying colors. Im pretty good with stress because I believe staying positive is the key. No matter how hard it gets never back down. It come from being stubborn which means you are stubborn too.LOL I know it will be tough for your wife but you must keep her strong. So theres some more stress on you.LOL You will be fine my friend I promoise HUGS and Gobble Gobble!
@dbmax41 (585)
• United States
21 Nov 07
Oh ya Been there for sure. Good to hear AA works for you. Stress is just part of life and dealing with it is up to you. Higher power God works well for me. My stress peaks at least once a year. Gotta love it. Well I grow every time Im pushed like that. Been lotsa chips sence that last drink. Im doing something that works cause Im happy. Still have handfulls of problems though. Health being one. I pray when Im pushed way out there.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
21 Nov 07
Haven't heard the word "chips" in eons. We call them coins or meddalions. It's been nearly 17 years for me. 4-6-1991 is my Sober Birthday. My health isn't the greatest either. Thanks. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
22 Nov 07
I think the highest level of stress so far is taking care of my first husband while he was dying, and then my sister right after that. It was also a stressful time when I had a great niece living with me and she had severe behaviors. I do not know what would break me. Right now my son is having a rough time, and dealing with some of the stuff is looking like it is going to get pretty stressful. I could name a few other things that have been eras of stressfulness in the last few years, but I do not like to dwell on them. It is with help Who is beyond us that we endure. No, I have not broken yet. There is always someone who needs me, so I have to hang in there. I am stress relieving by myLotting right now.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 Nov 07
The stress thinking about dad passing away gets to me as well. I have no idea what my breaking point is. But so far that is way up there as far as where the breaking point is as I have been doing fairly well dealing so far. That's me as well, someone somewhere needs me and I can't afford to break just yet. Thanks for sharing. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Time has passed, and you can change some of your stressors, your wife is approved as a donor, she had done her testing, your next stress obviously is the separation. I am sure you will do well. You have family, friends, myLot, a Higher Power, and your loving wife, who will be away but only in body. You will handle whatever comes in time with your dad. Ten thousand cheers for you for keeping him in your home. PM me if you need to, or anyone else. I like the fact that we are here for each other.
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
22 Nov 07
I have never had a breakdown from stress. Some of the problems I have had to deal with recently could cause anyone to feel depressed. We had severe fires in Southern California where many lost their homes, jobs and several people are no longer living. My family is fine, as my brother lost his home, but not most of his belongings. My brother was in a traffic accident, but he is fine. The car is totaled, but it can be replaced. I'm just glad he is taking it well, as he had a heart attack a few years ago.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Nov 07
See the thing is, I don't really know if I've ever felt depressed. Lonely, angry, dissatisfied, and many other feelings but depression I have no idea really. Mostly because I use laughter a lot. That may be the reason. I have no idea really. Babbling aren't I? HAHAHAHA! Thanks. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
22 Nov 07
I don't know yet Grandpa Bob what would it take for me to breakdown. But i have endured stress already such as the break up of my marriage and being saddled with the sole responsibilities of supporting my children alone and paying the debts of my husband. Though there was a time that it made me depressed and feel down and i thought that there is no end to it, but i pulled through because of prayers and the love of my family. During stressful and difficult times indeed realize our strengths that we thought we don't have. We sometimes surprise ourselves to the extent of what we can do.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Nov 07
nless the debts were incurred by him under your name would you HAVE tp pay those debts. If they were in his name you should not have to pay them off. Things can get very bad before most humans break it seems. We are a strong minded group. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
23 Nov 07
He incurred those debts in his name and it is still conjugal Grandpa Bob so i am obligated to pay. It is also a matter of honor. He borrowed some from my relatives and I had to pay them also Grandpa Bob. Thanks!
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
22 Nov 07
Hello, webishere! i consider you to be a wonderful person because you have ended your posting with a hearty laugh.keep on the practice.now i am in my seventies with lot of experience in the past.i believe in fate and reached the conclusion that what is written in the fate that must come to pass.we will have to face all such problems,even greater problems may come.so, why worry...take every thing sportively.one thing you must remember,laugh away the troubles then only life will be easy to live.search the truth and keep going through.all the best.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Please call me Grandpa Bob. I always laugh no matter my feelings most days. Humor keeps me alive basically. Thanks also very well worded. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
23 Nov 07
hello,grand paa! welcomei am glad to get a grand paa with you as i had none.have touch with me.thanks alot and all the best.
@vikceo (1301)
• India
22 Nov 07
well yup stress is always there. any change brings stress along with it. so if we are able to cope up with the stree it is gud but some time stress become so much to handle taht it lets us to break down.and moreover one stress leads to others and then we think what do that all stress are meant for us only? yup god belief plays important role as we have trust on almighty it give us strength to cope the situation and when we try to do gud things do happen gud. for me the highest level of stress is my currents life situation. i love a girl and wants to marry but her parents may oppose that and i m tense of thinking of my future.
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@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
22 Nov 07
Yes, I had a breakdown a few months ago from stress. It got hard for me to deal with at the time. I did not want to face anything anymore and broke down.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Nov 07
Well, I don't like to go into too many details here. I nearly had a breakdown in my third to last year of teaching. It was basicly due to my class being stacked with the behavioural problem kids. It was done deliberately by the school, as I won a position three after being a behaviour Coordinator at my previous school. Most of the school had various problems, & the Principal was unbelievably off her head. I became a whistle blower, & left the school after one term. That was probably the nearest I came to a breakdown. When my husband was diagnosed with terminial cancer I was extremely depressed, but I didn't get to the breakdown stage, possibly because I received a lot of support. The lastest incidents in my life, occuring over the past 12 months have been very stressful. It is to do with my step children & related issues. It is not resolved, but I got help very recently. I am weighing up the options of starting a discussion (in a vague way) about it. Keep talking & communicating with us, & maybe a local community source,m to help you with your stress.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 Nov 07
Yikes. I would have a hard timer with normal kids yet alone ones with behavioral problems. I did not know you teached at one time. The support is always needed. Mine is my A.A. friends and it's a huge support group as well for me. My stress isn't that bad yet as I am being able to handle it and live a normal life at this point. If it gets too bad I will find help that's a given. Thanks for sharing here as well. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Nov 07
I also thank God for my life right now. I have not had to endure as much stress as you have gone through these past months/years but I have had my fair share. I am just thankful to God for my life right now.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I've felt close to a breakdown several times these past few years. My mom broke her hip in January of 2003 and had a hip replacement, then was in a nursing home for a couple months. At the same time I was getting all kinds of grief from the idiot postmaster I worked for and I ended up being pushed out of my job because I couldn't work fast enough to suit him; never mind that I delivered the right mail to the right address - what a unique concept! - but I wasn't a speed-demon anymore, plus being a woman gave me 2.999 strikes against me to begin with with him... Sorry, I'm rambling as I do when I get on this subject. I was drinking very heavily for a time after leaving the Post Office but I'm proud to say I've been dry and sober for over 15 months. Anyway, we've been struggling financially to put it very mildly while I wait for my disability retirement and Social Security claims to go through. I'm on anti-depressants and blood pressure medication along with pain killers and sleeping pills and up until a few years ago I took nothing but an occasional OTC pain killer and vitamins. But, with the help and love of my family, I've made it through so far. Since you're "Grandpa Bob" I guess you understand how much grandkids can give you a reason to keep going! Annie
@mummymo (23706)
22 Nov 07
Well Grandpa Bob I still think you are amazing and an inspiration to the rest of us! I haven't been here very much lately and that is because a few months ago I DID have a 'nervous breakdown' the professionals seem to think this is because I am under so much stress! First off their is the pain I suffer daily, the immobility and dependance on my partner for so much! Add to that having two kids to raise (one of 6 and one of 14) and not being able to do 'normal' things with them and the financial problems as I have not been able to work for so long and am receiving NO benefits and you have the basis of why it happened. I also have another couple of medical conditions that affect me negatively but I am determined to get over this and get my life back on track and I still have a strong faith that I will, with the help of God, my family and friends get back on top! Having said all that I feel very weak and felt that I was letting everyone down during my breakdown - now however I realise that being so hard on myself only perpetuates the problem and makes me feel worse so I try very hard as my doctor says to be 'kind to myself'! Well done again Amazing Grandpa Bob you are doing so well! xxx
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Keep the faith and all turns out for the better one way or another I say. That's how I handle whatever stress comes my way. As I said I think it's all a test and He won't give us anything more than we can handle. Even if it includes a breakdown. My feelins is all. Thanks again. Amazing? I still don't know about that though. HAHAHAHA!! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Nov 07
hi...i think we are near on the same page but circumstances are a bit different. I take care of my mom daily from 10 am to 3;30 or 4;00 except on days which i work which i leave my moms at 2 pm and get back home at 12am. I get up at 6 am each day to make sure my 13 year old gets off to school on time. I do not get child support at all and while I'm at work , my girl's dad is "supposed" to be responsible for her. 'she is 13 and absolutely beautiful and has a 17 that is tearing at her heart. Stressed you ask? yup...but somehow I am managing to be peace keeper between my two brothers who are caring for my mom at nite. finances are so tite and So is time.And yet thru it all, I feel I am doing quite well. I am , yes, stressed, but feel also for the most part happy with my life. I think I handle the stress level much better than those with seemingly less on their plate. tis true, we are not handed anything we can't handle.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
22 Nov 07
Hi :) I really dont know,sometimes it doesnt take much and other times it takes quite alot to do it.The highest level of stress that ive endured was when i came home from the hospital with our new born daughter and i was awake every 2 hours to feed her,plus she had colic and crying alot.I cried alot becasue we could not find something to help her get rid of the gas pains and tried everything like driving,ricking,sitting her on top of the dryer for the vibration,etc.i did break down after 2 months of this,plus the no sleep,hehe.It would take 2 like this at the same time to totally break me down mentally and physically.Ive never had a breakdown so far and hopefully won't,but stuff does get to me very easily and its me who lets it become a bigger problem in my head.Ive learned to just let things go and not build up and change the way very fast before its gets ahead of me. Peanutjar:)
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