Who does she think she is
By bicklelady
@bicklelady (1404)
United States
November 22, 2007 10:37am CST
Ok yall, I have really got to vent. Today is ThanksGiving. I got up in a great mood. I started cooking. My 15 year old son came into the kitchen really upset. He has a girlfriend that was adopted by this couple that is so rich, adoption is like a hobby to them. The girl has a great life. The thing is, my family is not rich. We live from day to day. Well my son came to me and said the girls mom don't think the girl should hang out with my son anymore. We are a bad influence on her. My family is a christian family. We have morals. I may not be able to spell good, but that is beside the point. I mean the kids are only 15. The girls mom said she did not think her daughter would be took care of if she married my son. WHAT!!!! They are only 15. Hello!! Now my son is depressed because we dont have alot of money. Now he says he feels like he has nothing to be thankful for. This is the last Thanksgiving we will have with my oldest son living at home. He is off to defend our country. Could she not have waited until tomorrow to be better then us. Well anyway I vented. Happy Turkey Day!
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21 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
23 Nov 07
Every cloud has a silver lining! Look at the bright side! Your son is only 15! What a Great lesson he has learned from this experience! No matter how much money anyone has, there's always another person who has Much Much More. This is life and everything changes. Next week your son will have another problem. The best thing you can do is Laugh and be Happy. You have a Wonderful Family! And tomorrow will be another day!
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I am so sorry about this happening to you.This girls mother or adopted mother i might say, she is all about money..this family that she is in has been doing a good thing in adopting children, and they are going to loss their reward by only thinking of money, and thats really a shame.These kids are only 15 years old, and i am sure at this point they are not fixing to get married..i understand that money is nice to have but only because it can buy you things that you want, but the things that are really important in life are Morels,love, family,and all that goes with it.I had rather be a poor mans love than a rich mans door mat.Your son has a lot to be thankful for, you said you were cooking so you do have food on your table, and you being able to prepare it means you are healthy enough to cook, he has you,his Mom and many children do not have that..He has a warm bed to sleep in, what more do we really need in life.Your son is just young and has had a terrible blow because of a materialistic person,but he will be better.It is tough for kids now days in the world we live in where all we think about is what we want, or how much we can spend..or who has a better car...Today we all gathered in a circle, and we talked about what we had to be thankful for.One young girl stood up and said that she was so thankful that she was even able to be there because last year she lost her dad to cancer,and she was thankful that she was able to have been able to spend last thanksgiving with him, just one more time.It was so touching..When we think of all the things that could happen to us,but by the grace of God we are still standing, now that is what being thankful is all about.God Bless, and i do hope your son will, get better after this and understand more about what real thankfullness is all about..
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
17 Dec 07
That is really alsome. I always love reading what you have to say. Thank you so much.
@Gmens91 (389)
• Philippines
22 Nov 07
Hi bicklelady. Some people are like that, making money as the basis on who to hang out with. Well, at least your son, at his early age has learned something from this experience. Did the girl's father say something?? Maybe the mother was just overprotective of her daughter (she is their daughter, even if she was adopted) and just blurted out some nonsense. Try to keep a cool head, and keep advising your son to do the same. You can even use it as a motivating tool. Anyways, good luck, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
3 Dec 07
Thanks alot and happy thanksgiving to you also. I am so Thankful for the blessings I have. It did not cost me anything.
@ellen546 (110)
• United States
22 Nov 07
I'm sorry to hear about your son and his girlfriend. Unfortanally we have people in this world that think money is everything, and those that dosen't have as much is beneath them. But having a good loving christan family is priceless there is no dollar amount that can set on that as it is priceless. I pray that your son will realize this and be happy today as there are so many things we have to be gratfull for. Our familys love for each other, a roof over our loving heads, plenty of food to eat, clothes to keep us warm, and our great country. Hope every thing works out for you and your family. and God Bless your son that is going into service for our country so we can so much more to be thankfull for. Happy Thanksgiving to your family from my family.
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@livintx49 (245)
• United States
23 Nov 07
poor guy, I'm a mother too so I know exactly what your going through. The one good thing to come out of this is he will get a girl that deserves him, when he's old enough and he will be a hard worker. That way he can have money to do his thing!! He is only 15 so we both know he'll find someone different but that don't help his heartache now.
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
8 Dec 07
Yea, to them, the love of there life is that person right now. The next week, it might be someone else. I really like this girl. They have dated for one year. I just dont understand.
@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
Pay no attention to what they have said about your family. They might be rich money wise but to tell you the truth I think your family is richer. Family and family values is more important than money. Maybe oneday they will learn this for themselves. Good luck.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
22 Nov 07
Isn't this an overreaction on the part of the girl's family. Like you say the kids are only 15 years old. They still have to finish school, go to college or learn a trade in order to make a living for themselves. That applies to the girl also despite money in the family. Maybe the mom is also worried the girl might get pregnant. I know your boy is from a good Chritian family but things happen sometimes when two yougsters see each other exclusively. Tell your boy this might be a blessing in disguise. He has the opportunity to mingle with many young people his age, do things together and have fun. He will realize it does not take money to be happy. He will come to apprecite that other young people will like him for himself. He will realize that he has a lot to be thankful for, his fine brother his loving family and friends who truly appreciate him. Happy American Thanksgiving.
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
3 Dec 07
Yea it is overreacting. I think the lady has more problems then her thinking she is better then anyone else. I count my blessings every day. No money does not make you happy.
@Darkwing (21583)
7 Dec 07
Oh my... this is a case of complete and utter snobbery to my mind, and I thought England was the country for class distinction! lol.
Your son, my friend, has more than this girl will ever have. He perhaps doesn't have money, but he is truly loved by his Mother and his life values are strong. I think we can take that for granted when somebody with money, or better education belittles us in this way, but he must be strong, and understand that a good old country gal, with the same life values and family love that he has, will become a much better person than those who can buy their way through life. Indeed, he has EVERYthing he could possibly want from life, without the stress of the expense... he has love, nature, and values. What more could he ask for? Money will eventually bring sadness... it's his appreciation of what he actually does have that matters.
He's only fifteen! He'll meet the right girl one day, and he'll be perfectly happy to provide for her in the best way he can... she will appreciate and love him for what he is, not for what he's got financially. Stress over!!! :)
Brightest Blessings, my friend.

@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Thank you very much. I hope you also have a blessed day and be happy.
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Thanks! Now the girl and her mother is out of the picture.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
18 Dec 07
parents are very protective to their siblings its an instinct i guess even though she is not their biological daughter..just explain to your son of how some parents think ..and make it a challenge for him to study hard and be good so that someday he may find a good work/job to support his future family..anyway hes still too young and theirs still a bright future ahead of him.God bless then..
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
22 Jul 08
You are so right! My son is now 16. He has an IQ of 135. Him and 6 of his friends are already working on a computer game. He has been invited to Clemson University to speek and he has also been on tv about this game. I am really proud of him.
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
22 Dec 07
I can understand her wanting daughter to marry someone that will take care of her. I think fifteen is not the time to worry about that, but she should be becoming someone that can take care of herself. The mother should trust the girl judgment.
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Yea 15 was way to young. You know how that first love goes.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
22 Nov 07
this family need to remember that money is not every thing and that the love of it is a great sin so you my friend may not be wealthy in the way of the world but as you say you are christian you have riches in heaven they will never have love you all and have a happy thanksgiving in spite of them.By the way if there daughter has the same values as the rest of her familt then he is better off without her !
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
22 Nov 07
Well at least we know that someday your son will make a fine husband for some very lucky woman. And they'll have a very strong maiage beause he knows what it's like to not have as much" so the money stresses that many couples face won't be so hard on him. This other woman would make for a terible mother in law anyway. It's sad that your son has to go through this heartbreak now but it's better than dealing with it is entire life if he had eventually maied that girl and ended up with a witch of a mother in law who would always look down on him and everything he ever did.
"Could she not have waited until tomorrow to be better then us." In my eyes she still hasn't proven she's better than you. She's only shown how insenstive, small minded, and cruel she is. Have a great Thanksgiving knowing that you truly understand the meaning of "giving thanks".
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Thank you very much! My family is not poor. I mean we are not rich either. We are middle class. I am happy with that. We don't want for anything. My hubby pays the bills. I do wish he would give me a little bit more money.LOL. Thanks
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
7 Dec 07
Oh Lord. I hope all that got cleared up. I am sorry I didn't even get the notice on this post! Anyhow, your son has a great deal to be thankful for, but being so young, it's hard for them to look beyond what can be seen or touched. As we get older we realize that there is more to life than material possessions. Give him some time, I am sure he will come around. It's disappointing to be looked down upon by those that are better off financially, but keep your head high, and let me tell you something. Your spelling is just fine! Good people are good people whether they are rich or poor. It sounds like this lady doesn't have a rich heart only rich pockets.
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@hhhxxccc (222)
• United States
22 Nov 07
It's a shame that today's value's seem to have a big basis around how much money, you have in your pocket. Try not to make too big of an issue of it (unless your son really wants to talk about it), and see if it all will pass over (i don't really see that there's much more you(yourself) can do to fix their relationship, unfortunately) Just make sure your keep's up an active lifestyle for the next couple months, if you notice any signs of depression and to keep his mind off the matter.
Hopefully you are all still able to have a happy thanksgiving. :)
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
23 Nov 07
We did have a great Thanksgiving. I hope you did also. That is some great advice you give.
@citygirl (1080)
• Canada
23 Nov 07
What an over bearing lady. I would bet the girl doesn't have all that happy of a life with such a bious woman for a mother. You have a lot to be thankful for my girl you sound like you have a wonderful family and kids you can be proud of. Does that woman have any kids willing to defend her county , I would bet not. 15 year olds aren't even thinking about marriage for god sakes they are still just having fun, and puppy love . Tell her to get a life and leave the poor girl alone. As we all no money is the root of all evel. I managed to raise three kids , who I am very proud of with little money and that sure didn't make them lessor of a person, nor will it make yours. In fact when everything isn't handed to them, it makes them a stronger and better person. Honey that woman will never be better than you or your family, it will only be in her alusions lol. Be thankful that you aren't like her. Happy Thanks giving. Take care, and I wish you son who is going away all the luck in the world may god be with him. Take care.
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Thank you so much. Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts.
@lbinkley (1075)
• United States
3 Dec 07
That is a very sad situation indeed, where someone would make a judgement like that based on money. If that were th most important thing in the world.. well... wow, very sad. You can be very wealthy without money. And why are they worried about when a 15 year old gets married? That is a long way in the future!That just isn't right! Coming from someone who grew up, well I wouldn't say rich, but definitely comfortable. Upper middle class I guess you could say. Well, I married someone who really didn't have much growing up. I think it's a mix of the family didn't have much money, and they also didn't really give him anything anyway.. I think he was kinda the black sheep. But you know? My mother would NEVER have made a judgement based on the financial status of his family. She embraced him as one of her own, and now I think my family likes him better than me! LOL! But really, my husband did time in the military, and that is a very low paying job if you aren't an officer..., and I am very happy with the way he "takes care of me". He works his butt off every day to provide for me and our children. We are lower middle class, there are things we don't have that we would like to have, but they aren't things we NEED. Just things we want. But for our age I think we do pretty well, much better than his background I would say. And it doesn't matter anyway because it is about love, not money. I would be just as happy with a smaller house and less income, because that isn't what life is about!
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
20 Dec 07
That is really what life is all about. Family, My hubby and I was talking earlier. He got a great paying job. My hubby is very tight with his money. I have to work to make my own spending money. My kids will not ask him for money because they know he will get mad if he has to give them any money. So they always come to me for it. That is one thing we don't agree with. But, back to the conversation we had earlier. My hubby has just had natural gas and two really beautiful fire places installed in our home. We was talking about how far we have come in life. We use to have to heat with a carosene heater and hang blankets up to block off all the rooms but one. Then my two boys, my hubby and I would stay in that one room. He is rocking one of the walls where one of our fire places is. It is going to be so beautiful. It has took us 15 years to be able to have what we got, and it is not much, but it is ours. My hubby will go down to the river and haul the flat rocks in a backpack up a hill for the wall he is doing because we cant afford to buy the rocks. To us it means more then doffing off money here and there instead of working a little harder and being able to sat back and be proud of what we have. This Friday all four of us are going to the river and haul rocks. It is going to be a family thing.
@recycledgoth (9894)
23 Nov 07
How very sad hun. Sad because this mother is so shallow and selfish, sad because your son feels so worthless, sad because at only 15 years of age these two kids are being put under so much pressure. I wonder when people will stop looking at the material and start looking within, to see the worth of the person not the size of the bank balance. (hugs)
@nehenderson (140)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Sometimes the more money and other material items people have it seems to block their vision. Sometimes I feel they are afraid to really look at others, because they are afraid they will see their own past and do not want to remember how it was to have real caring in their lives. I mean the kind money cannot buy. I think they really have something missing in their own lives and are afraid to look for it.
With a Mom lier you, sounds like your son is really blessed.
One day your son will realize that you do not need lots of money to be rich. Gods love and his family is worth more than all the money can buy. Just keep talking and showing your love and support. GOOD LUCK.
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
20 Dec 07
My son has told me that he rather live in a box, then have to live with a mom like that. That is one thing I can about my son, He is not into meteral things.
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
23 Nov 07
But she can NEVER be better Bicklelady.....so no matter what the occasion she would be the selfish stupid woman!! forget her. I know it would have spoiled things for you and your lovely son and the rest of the family. LOL imagine think about marriage when they are just 15 !! i found that really funny....who know what will happen in the next few years?..how does she know they will grow up and get married? LOL ...maybe they wont even remain friends....what was she thinking?...sorry she was NOT thinking. That is the problem. Just tell your son he has lots more to be thankful than the poor little rich woman and her precious daughter .....take care and i hope you had a good day.....
@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
18 Dec 07
I did. You guys also made it special. Yall lifted me up! Thanks
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Unfortunately some people in this world are like that. It's umfortunate for your son that he has to learn that now. But like you said he is only 15. I think that is too young to be having a girlfriend but that's my opinion. He needs to concentrate on school, that should be his only job right now. If your son feels he has nothing to be thankful for take him to a soup kitchen to volunteer or a homeless shelter. He will see he has plenty to be thankful for. He has a roof over his head, food to eat, a family who cares about him that's all he needs.
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
18 Dec 07
oh! he is very thinkful. He is a streight A student and he is in the robotics team and him and 4 other 15 year old boys are creating a christian video game.