Which class you belong to ?
By strogy
@strogy (131)
November 22, 2007 9:23pm CST
Hi people, just finnished reading article about "middle", "lower" and "upper" class categories of humans.
Well, which one could be me?
Working my head off, far from my family, checking budget.....
There must some other class or am'i "non-classed", because i don't feel as a lower class - sounds nasty, i'm not upper for sure, and the middle one means what?
Where you will find yourself?
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18 responses
@harris24982 (530)
23 Nov 07
i think you would fit into middle class,
the way i understand it upper is people that dont need to work for money and lead expensive lifes,
middle are hard working people that live a good life
lower are people that dont work and have to save to afford to live
(or atleast thats the way it is around here)
i would think i fit into middle (i work hard to live a good life) but prefer to spend my time with people from lower as there often more fun to be around
but i tend to lead an upper life most of the time so i guess i dont fit into either too well

@harris24982 (530)
23 Nov 07
i'd wondered where they would fit in myself, a friend of mine is in that situation he is on benifit and makes more in a month than i did in my last job (including his kids/ wifes money)
we lived nextdoor to each other (in exactly the same houses worth the same ect) he'd never worked a day in his life
i guess it depends what people see as the reason for class, he lived a better life than me via money. had the same as in house simular cars ect so i'd guess that would make him middle but maybe he would be classed as lower because its all got from benifits,
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@joahnna18 (368)
• Philippines
23 Nov 07
I am in the middle class for sure. I am not so poor and i'm not so rich. A typical life that i can eat three times a day with the regular meal anf i have also a snack so i think i eat five times a day. sometimes i can buy also dresss that i want. I can buy sometimes food that i want and also we can eat in the fancy restaurant if there's an occasion. So i think i'm in the middle calss. Happy posting my friend:)
@joahnna18 (368)
• Philippines
23 Nov 07
Oh i See but i think we don't have to rate classes of our life styles. I thought your asking for our class in the society. Anyway he is my son he's 11 months old now. He is very cute and naughty:)

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
23 Nov 07
I definitely belong to the middle class. Whether I have a family or not, my upbringing was in a middle-class family and my values and beliefs are such. Middle-class means…unlike the lower class people who survive on maybe daily wages and one square meal a day, you have certain luxuries which you can afford but you have to work your butt off for them. You are not born with the proverbial golden spoon in your mouth. You try to get a decent job or a business (which pays for your luxuries), you save throughout the year for a holiday (unlike the upper class who can afford resorts any time), you send you children to a decent public school, you dine out sometimes, you splurge only during the festive season and you take insurance policies coz your children genuinely need them not coz you want to evade tax on your billions.
I hope you got a general overview of ‘middle-class’ and Oh by ‘decent’ I mean costing (on a scale of 1 to 10) somewhere around 5 to 7.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
26 Nov 07
both yes and no. no coz i am basically a bohemian at heart and i would have loved to be a carefree citizen of the world. since that is no longer possible, therfore i am happy to be in the middle-class bracket. see, in order to be in the upper echelons of the society, you have to be born with a golden spoon. since that is not applicable in my case, i intend to stay happy with whatever i earn, whatever i spend and whatever i save. i want to enjoy my life in my own little ways and dont want to run after money all my life just to die rich. i just take enough care so that i dont slip to the lower class.

@larskie23 (866)
• Philippines
23 Nov 07
Social classes are classified according to income, i think, and/or education that you got, lower class is also classified as "working class", "working poor" or "underclass". These are those people who are below the poverty line that social studies declared, people who are limited or no participation in the labor force, and its income is very low. as they say, the "poor" with some high school, or finished high school studies.
Middle class is classied with two, the upper middle class and the lower middle class, those in the lower middle class are people who finished a bachelors degree while the upper are those who have graduate studies. and of course are professionals and has good income.
Upper class are those who are very rich, capitalist, executives.
For me, social classes doesnt matter, we do not live anymore in the midieval that its so important. now, we can mingle with anyone, whether the upper or middle or lower class. we can now handle different positions in the society whatever class we belong. Social classes is mainly a description of how the society is distributed its members according to wealth, income and education.

@larskie23 (866)
• Philippines
27 Nov 07
as reading responses, i see your point now, social classes in your country is important because the government gives subsidy to the lower class and social classes is defined according to how much income you produce for your economy. you country is rich, and can provide some shelter and food for its population that has low or no income at all. like you said, a family with ten kids but the govt provides because the head has no income at all. its good for the lower class cause they get something.
but its good for you too, being on middle class, even you pay taxes you dont have to wait for the govt to provide you something. though sometimes its unfair, because you, the one working, lives the same way as the one who is not working, and the govt doesnt see it that way.
im in the phillipines and were a developing country. the govt cant give subsidy for people in the lower income. so many people are poor. unlike in your country, which is a developed one, rarely you will see poor or homeless people because your taxes are high in order to help this people. social classes doesnt matter here in my place cause we live equal but income is not distributed equally. cheers!!
@strogy (131)
23 Nov 07
Hi "larskie23"
your comment is great ! where do you live ? I'm in UK and you'll be surprised how much social classes matter here!
And once you've been marked, than is very little you can do to get out from the box.
There is nothing personal about, just odd stuff.
Many thanks for comment

@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Right now I consider myself lower middle class. I have a college degree but I don't have a job right now. I think I am less well off than my parents were at my age. I don't own a house I live in a small studio apartment. I have some investments, some retirement savings. I have a car I can afford necessities and I don't skip any meals. I'm just keeping my head above water in the mean time.

@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Of course I wish my situation were better. My goal is to be financially independent and I am working towards that. I don't like to compare myself to other people and money isn't everything. I don't need a flashy car or a McMansion as long as I know I can live the way I want and do everything I want without worrying about pinching pennies I'm ok.

@KevinIX (47)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Most people in America would probably be considered middle class. The categorization doesn't involve prejudice any more. It's just a way to classify a group of people based on income. I have never seen anyone degrade another for being a lower class individual. That style of thinking is outdated, especially in America. In fact there are many millionaires and billionaires whose families would be classified as being a lower or middle class, such as Warren Buffet.
@strogy (131)
24 Nov 07
OK "KevinIX", so tell then, are they "uppers" going to the same fast food restaurant, dollar shop, pawnbroker and Wal-Mart with you? Are they "lowers" able to buy house, pay for school, for healthcare?
No offence, but i'm not sure that America is moving forward with this issue. But that's my personal opinion. Maybe i'm wrong.
Interesting comment, thanks
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I would definitely have to say that I am part of the middle class since I do not make a great income but it is not the worst paying job either. I work hard and own a townhouse and a car and am able to pay my bills and other things. I do not know too many people that are in the upper class range. I am happy where I am now and continue to work hard to possibly move up.
@strogy (131)
23 Nov 07
Hi "kgwat70"
Hard working bloke for rest of your life or can you see bright future? I started getting paid "good" money for my job just after i left my country. Lots a dreams and no way to get there. From the eastern europe to the wild west. I thing that i know what "lower class" mean, when you have to start over and over again from scratch.
Hard to say if i'm happy where i am. Getting paid is one thing, but have to stay long time away from my family.
And all this just to be so called middle class?
Well, i don't know.
Thanks for comment.
@vikceo (1301)
• India
23 Nov 07
well not even clear to me also. i think it is being claasified on the basis of the earning and your monetary amount.who ever is millionaire is one who comes under upper class and lower is one who have to daily stive for his living. i mean daily wages people. middle class is one who have dreams but no money to fulfill them they have some saving and living with that.
@strogy (131)
23 Nov 07
Hi "vikceo", is it fair, that if you are upper class (just because of money, even if you never worked) - you can fulfill your dreams or just have nice life without problems. On the other hand when you're at the bottom, hard working, honest, without debts, with dreams, you don't get much choices. Banks don't like people like this which means, no money.
There are maybe some opportunities in developing countries, where economies are on way up and banks pumping cash in. What i can see here in UK is decline in every aspect.
Thanks for being here
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
24 Nov 07
Hi,well im in the middle class.Im not poor(sorry) and im not rich living a lustrous expensive life.Im happy,well off,have money to get what i want/need and take care of it for a rainy day instead of wasting it on fancy things just to look good or give an appearance.
@strogy (131)
24 Nov 07
Hi "peanutjar", there is nothing to be sorry about, that you've got some money. If you work for it, you deserve it.
Be rich is not shame and i don't get jealous about money. Money giving you opportunity to reach higher and that's the moment where you can see the differences between "rich" and "poor". Once you are rated as a "poor" or "lower" class, there is not much you can do about.
Thanks for comment
@backstageel (51)
• Mozambique
23 Nov 07
i'm for a middle class, or if there is another class, i'm from this class
@xiaoyingli1 (17)
• China
23 Nov 07
hi,coincidently i have the same question today to ask my friend aroud me,for her students are all from the rich family,then i thought about it what's our own position in the sociey or large to the whole world,my answer to it is that i m between the lower and middle, maybe it s more close to the lower,haha, the reason why i'm not be the lower is that i have the net and computer to share in mylot maybe,yeah,it made me feel terrible when i thought about there are still many people around us who have no enough food to satisfy themselves.i'm so sad about that,yea,i or we still have a long way to go to get something we are really needs except the money happiness.
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
24 Nov 07
i am definatly not right so thats out the window.. i feel i was middle classed but now being a single mom and tryn to make ends meet.. i have feel into the lower class. but im not any diffrent then anyone else other then the amount of money i have:)
@strogy (131)
24 Nov 07
Hi there, we all somehow belong to middle class. Personaly, i don't give a monkey about classes, i'm just amazed how others with one scratch desiding who you are, where do you fit in society and how they going to treating you.
As a single mom, you must have lots of experiences with visiting different offices, filling forms over and over again. And what is the result?
Thanks for being here.
@Jasmine78 (135)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I think I'm in middle class since the income of my family is over the average level of the country we worked. But my family can not consume like those local people just in case one day I will go back to my home country. I like to save most of my money, hence right now I live a poor life.
@mary855230 (121)
• China
24 Nov 07
to be truth , there are class categories of humans today . many people have an luxury life, in other side that , many people still dont eat 3times meal . that is unfair ! but we have nothing to do . As for me , i dont think as lower class nasty, dont judge people from their appearance , i think .
@gorgeousdreamer (1034)
• Philippines
23 Nov 07
I think I'm on the middle class. I don't belong to the lower class because we can afford to buy a car, we even have a nice house, not that big but at least a comfy place to live in. I don't also belong to the upper ones, I'm not a rich person. We have just enough money to buy our needs but the luxurious things is out of our budget.
@042101042 (25)
• China
23 Nov 07
To my opinion, we should not be classified only by the money we earn, the house we live or the luxury things we can afford. Yes, these things are easy to measure, and every one can campare, but it is not the essential thing of life. Without happiness and thankfulness, life is empty. Money can not buy this, even fairy tales tell children is, but when we grown up, the world just measured by money. I can not change this, but at least I can disregard this. The world is too wager for quick success and instant benefit, I just want to live simple and peace.
@jennyp08 (68)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I feel like a lower class because I work my butt off and never seems to go anywhere with my money! And trust me, in my line of work, it's really a time and restrining job. But someday I'll be able to feel like a upper classmen because my faithful ways will get rewared! I hope so!LOL
@mackoy1408 (163)
13 Jan 08
Im in the middle class..i guess...in mot rich and im nt that poor...i am supported in all that i needs..