Do you have an alergy?
By violeta_va
@violeta_va (4831)
November 23, 2007 8:02am CST
It looks like I am alergic to curry funny enough. I have never had curry before. Today my sister gave me a pie (it was ment to be a meat pie) and I decided to have it for dinner. So I baked it and when I tryed it I noticed that it wasnt a meat pie but vegetables with curry I didnt like it but decided to eat it anyway because I could not cook all over again. 20 min later I started having a headace, then I started having stomack pain and then my skin turned pinkish red then they turned into little red dots all over. 2 hours later they are very itchy. If this does not go down I will have to go to hospital. I know it is an alergy because it is the same as when I was alergic to eggs when I reached puberty (it went away about 2 years later).
Do you have any alergies? What are they?
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15 responses
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I am allergic to uncooked fruits and vegtables. Everytime I eat say a strawberry the inside of my mouth starts itching really bad. It sucks. I guess it has something to do with the pollons in the veggies and fruits. I have to cook everything first. Which sucks cuz I like fresh fruits! And you cant cook things like watermelon.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
wow that is bad. is it just the berry family sort of fruits or all fruits? I know that my brother in law gets the same from kiwi (as we dont often wash them), banana (same reason) and unpilled fruit. it is the skin in those that give him the alergy. So we have to wash everything really good.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
I think it is common to have an allergy to strawberries. But I have never heard of being allergic to all fruits and vegetables.
What's the difference between cooking them and eating them raw?
You not allergic to strawberry jam?
It cannot be the pollen because the pollen is only in the flower before it becomes a fruit. And vegetables don't have flowers. They grow from seeds and only go into flowers if left too long into the ground... by which time you don't eat them.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Is all fruits. Like apples, oranges, strawberries, raspberries, watermellon, grapes. I was told by cooking them it takes away what im allergic to. I am able to eat strawberry jellys though no problem.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
I had an allergy since I was a teenager. And as I mostly get it when I am cold... I always thought that I was allergic to the cold.
When I was a teenager... my hands and fingers would get covered with spots like mosquito bites and it was very itchy. I was taking medecine to control it.
It went away when I was 21... but then I got itchy around my ankles with tiny dots under the skin. I still get it sometimes... and it drives me crazy. I control it with some cream for skin irritation.
I was talking to my doctor about it recently... and was surprised when he told me that many people are allergic to the cold.

@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
That's what I did. I moved from cold France to warm Australia. laugh.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
WHAT alergic to cold wow. thats a nice excuse to move to a warm place :))) Somethimes when I get cold my skin hurts. And also I have damaged a nerve (by washing clothes in almost freezing water) and now if I tuch anything cold my right hand hurts really bad.

@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
23 Nov 07
sorry to hear about what happened to you. i hope you feel better, too. and that's right. if it won't go away, better go to the hospital and have it checked just to be sure you are okey.
my face is allergic to all kinds of shampoos. funny, huh? even the mildest shampoo on earth can cause pimples to my face. so, whenever i shampoo, i always carefully shower off the shampoo so as not to reach my face. but no matter how hard i try, when rinsing shampoo off, there are still some amount of water running down my face. so, usually, it's my forehead suffering from too much pimples.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
Oh my god few months ago I saw this thing that would have been perfect for you. It was an inflatable ring thing that they put on kids heard so shampoo does not go in their eyes.
@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
23 Nov 07
I remember I dont have any allergy when I was younger up to age 40. When I turned past 40 I had experienced allergies, I dont know the reason behind it. At first I thought that I was just bitten by small insects or bugs coz my skin all over my body turned itchy and I kept on scratching. After 2 days my face become red and swollen, then I realized it was allergy and I ask a relative what medicine to take so that the itchiness and swollen face disappear. After few minutes of taking the medicine, the itchiness was gone.
Everytime I eat eggs, even bread, seafoods and dishes / viand that contains pork and chicken, I notice that my skin all turned itchy and I keep on scratching, so I just take medicines to remove the itchiness. I still eat those food even if I'm allergic to them, anyway there's a medicine that take care of my allergy.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
please go see a doctor its an easy test they do and ask him to give you specific medication just for you.

@errielle (442)
• Philippines
24 Nov 07
Yes I have allergies. But it's not really on food. I am allergic to dust and strong smell of perfume. It triggers my rhinitis and i don't stop sneezing. Sometimes, I have to take antihistamine just to stop sneezing. Because sometimes, sneezing becomes too painful in my nose so I have to find a way to stop it.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
Do you also have asthma or not? Are you alergic to polen as well. I think your alergy is bad because you cant really control it with food you can avoid eating it but dust and perfume well you can only do your best with them.
@errielle (442)
• Philippines
24 Nov 07
Yes I have asthma. Sometimes, my asthma attack is triggered by this continuous sneezing or dry cough. Or sometimes, when the weather is really hot or when I am too tired from work, it triggers an attack. Yes, it's quite bad but it's not yet the worst I think. I can still control it by drinking hot coffee or take my rotahaler before it gets to worse.
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
hi there violeta_va
curry i am not in to curry to spicy for me the thing i get alergic is from polen hay fever today i could not stop sneezing
i hope you never have to go througth that ever again thanks for this discussion and happy posting
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
I know how you feel the same years when I had the egg alergy I was extra sensitive to polen as well (it wasnt alergy but they told me it was a change in my body due to puberty) I used to carry 3 packets of serviets in my bag at school (as tissues are just too thin) and empty bags to put them in once I used them my nose was runny so much I could not write at school. IAnd my eyes would swell and go really red I could not read. Thank god that is over.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
24 Nov 07
I have two allergies, one is to dust which really gets up my nose and I can't stop sneezing, even if there's a little bit of dust around it sets me off, so no excuse for a clean dust free room! The other allergy is more serious it is towards penacillin! I come out in a nasty rash, mainly over my legs and so I have to warn doctors and hospital that I can't take penacillin in any form.
@vikceo (1301)
• India
24 Nov 07
well to be frank i m not allergic to anything but since word allergy mean that unwanted or responsivr reaction to something. however i m so called allergic to raw mangoes. if i ve a single piece of it i get immediately sever dry cough. thats all the symptoms are not more than that. i myself is doctor so i can tell you that there are not the classical symptoms of allergies but may i be alulsive to them.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
25 Nov 07
Yes I know that they are not the classic simptoms but many doctor would consider it an alergy. My son was considered alergic to milk because he used to throw up his bed time milk we were even told he has sevear asthma and to give him 16 puffs of the inhailer every 2 hours. We stoped giving him milk at night for 6 weeks and now he is fine. He drinks 1l of milk a day.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
24 Nov 07
Being asthmatic I am allergic to dust. I would sneeze like there's no tomorrow. LOL
As for foods, I am allergic to seafoods such as shrimp, crabs, lobster. My mouth gets itchy and it triggers an asthma attack. I have no complaints about this allergy, because I don't like those foods anyway.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
I find that people that are asthmatic also have see food alergy as well have they done ant studies about that?

@aaidjs (1149)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
26 Nov 07
Hello Dear,first I am happy that I can tell you that we won!It was close but e won !!The result is /We 67: Communist Party 57/!Now is 8:30 and I have to go in bed ,I didn't seep all night!About allergic, yes I still have problems with milk but no so strong like when I was younger!!Now I can eat cheese or something with milk inside with no problems at all!Have a nice Day and Regards Silvana
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
26 Nov 07
Glad you won all the work has payed off. Good to know that you are not alergic now as milk alergy is one of the worse there is.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
26 Nov 07
wow I never knew you were alergic to milk are you still alergit to milk or not? Man with someone that likes cooking so much that must be a big set back.
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@kaushal4444 (47)
• India
23 Nov 07
I have also elegery. I don't like sweets or any other food material which are sweet in taste. I only like sour bitter, and salty food.
@yorsal (36)
• China
25 Nov 07
Actually, different persons have different skins and different allergies. For me, I cannot eat sea food such as fish,crab and so on now. But when I was a kid, my skin is very good,I can eat everything. Maybe it depends on your stage of ages. My docotor told me my skin allergy is due to the youth period, after that, it will disappear soon. So dont worry about it. Good luck for your skin.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
26 Nov 07
it is not just your skin that is afected its your blood and your insides as well but it showes on the skin
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
24 Nov 07
I have alot of allergies,but have only one none one so far to food/drinks and its Hershey Chocolate milk syrup.I made a glass one time and felt a lump in my throat,my skin on my face started to itch,flushed and pimples.I went to the hospital and yep,a small allergy to chocolate syrup,even chocolate milk,haha.I do not eat chocolate either,thats a good thing i think.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
wow thats a hard one. I wish my husband has that he eats about 2kg chocolate a week. I am not a big fan of it but I do eat 1 chocolate a week (250gr)
@statickery560 (275)
• Philippines
24 Nov 07
I have allergies too, on sea foods. But my problems is Iam fond of eating sea foods. That's why i suffer so much because they keep on coming back. I don't know why i just keep on eating sea foods. The more i taste it, the more i crave for more. Oh what shall ido, too?
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
is it just some thing or general fish, oysters, shrimp. I know someone who can eat fish so that all he eats. Oh and a lady that works with my husband loves it so much but it is alergic (and I mean a full blown alergy where she swels up) she gets the injection (she is a nurse) and eats it and then she gives her self a shot. I dont recomend that. But she only does it 2-3 times a year.