Do you sing while bathing?

@monty24 (154)
November 23, 2007 8:49am CST
I am not a very good singer but i used to sing while I have my bath.Do you all do so?
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7 responses
• Australia
17 Dec 07
I do! i love singing! I sing in the bath, I sing in the shower, I sing in the toilet and I sing in the car! Just can't get enough!
@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
14 Dec 07
Unfortunately for my flat mates, I do. I think that we sing under the shower because the shower is so loud so it just makes us produce even louder sounds and we think no one can hear us.
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• Malaysia
23 Nov 07
Yeah me too... as long as we happy, we can sing our favourite song. Who gonna sue you if you're singing in your bath. It is our rights. Unless your song is deeply ugly then people will shouts at you... lol...
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@2babita (1072)
• India
25 Nov 07
Well,it depends on my mood.When I am happy I sing and ofcourse when I don't have any work and when I am free from all tension then I do.I think everything depends on mood.
• India
30 Nov 07
Even i prefer singing while am bathing,it makes by bath complete.
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@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
12 Dec 07
Basically I love to sing. I used to sing a lot when I was in my own country. Including in front of small audiences, but now did not do it again. And of course I like to sing while I 'm taking a bath. It is just fun to do that.
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@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
23 Nov 07
I'm not very good at singing too, but I love to sing in the bath as well since it's one of the places where I can just sing my heart out and just enjoy myself. I normally don't sing too loud because I don't want my housemates to think that the house belongs to myself
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