Pet Peeve...Pajamas in Public
By wrdsofwisdm
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
United States
November 23, 2007 10:58am CST
Here in the states I have noticed a trend that began a few years ago involving a fashion trend amoung teens and 20 somethings...Pajamas in public.
They look like they just rolled out of bed, put on some shoes and walked out the door. I have even seen them go to public school this way. A comb has not even touched their hair. Did they even bother to brush their teeth?
I'm not saying that they have to look like fashion models before they walk out the door...but how lazy is that? I have a friend that had an argument with her daughter because she wanted to wear pajamas to school because it was what the other girls were wearing.
Have you seen this trend where you live? What impression do you get when you see it?
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16 responses
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I have never seen the kids wear pajamas to school except on pajama day but I do see teenages and adults wearing their pajamas to the grocery store all the time. I think it looks really tacky like you were to lazy to get dressed.
I don't mind when someone is sick and wear their pajamas to the doctors office but not to the store! Most of those pajamas you can see right stratight threw and you know they are pajamas. I am glad I am not ht eonly one who disagress with wearing pj's in public.
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@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I know. I'd rather see them with sweat pants on that pajamas. This is not how people should present themselves. What a terrible first impression.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
28 Nov 07
And what about their shoes! I mean, you have those that spend a HUGE amount for the popular sneaker at the time, and the kids grow out of them quickly. And you have the kids that were their slippers or some other junky, sloppy, falling off the foot, shoe - but here's mom picking them up in an obviously expensive shoe. Or sandles. I hate most sandles. But kids wear teh and they flop all around and there's no support to the foot. My DIL has worn sandales and flip flop (my day they were called zorries!) all her 26 years. Her feet are now so wide now, that she has trouble finding shoes that are wide enough for her foot! Of course she complains that theyjust dont' make wide widths and if they do she can't afford them, and that is probably true (well she could afford a pair or two but she'd rather spend the money on other things - like nails, hair doos and such) but the point, is, the REASON her feet are so wide is because they had no formation to them - they just spread out. Through in she is on the rather heavy side and that weight is hard on feet too....
Moral of the story: these's kids are going to have feet problems in their later years because mom was lazy in making sure they were taken care of in early years while growing.
@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
24 Nov 07
When I was in college everyone did it. I guess they were asserting their independence of not just their parents but the rules of high school. It was kind of fun to be able to wear whatever I wanted to school after wearing a uniform for 12 years.
I still roll out of bed, throw on some shoes, put on deodorant and brush my hair and then go. But you would never notice since I sleep in sweat pants and t-shirts not pajama bottoms.
All the schools around here have uniforms, too, so I have never seen it in kids younger then college, except for the day they had pajama day at school and it was so cute to see all the pajama bottoms (they had to wear their gym shirts with them).
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@loralee (542)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I have seen it. I have sometimes taken my dog out for a walk late at night in a pair of jammie pants. I have a favorite pair I bought at walgreens a few years back. They have a tiny plaid pattern and are very worn in. Strangely enough I have gotten many compliments on them from young passers by. I don't really know what to make of it. Is it a better look than the trendy baggy prisonware so often seen?
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Oh I don't think that is bad though. It's late and you are walking your dog. I have to wear my sweat pants to bed so I can roll out early to walk my puppy. There's no time to get ready, so I get up, through on a hat and coat and run her outside quickly.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 Nov 07
To me it's right up there with the ones who have their pants hanging below their I want to see that. I think it's sad that some don't respect themselves enough to get dress before coming out. I have some of those pants and just wear them for leisure around the house....they are comfortable. I sometimes think we were better when there was a dress code in school. It was called....building charater while respecting your best side! It taught self respect.
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I know, I just don't get it. Maybe if they didn't stay up so late on their cell phones, internet, or on their cell phones..they'd get up on time to get properly dressed.
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Oops, I said cell phones twice, I meant to add video games.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
28 Nov 07
I'm for a dress code. NOt particularily uniforms, but something. Kids these days just look so trashy. I pick up my GD at elememtary school and am amazed every day at what I see come running out of the gate. I have to get there early to get a parking spot so I also look at the moms waiting - then their kid comes out and I see why the kid is dress so sloppy and trashy...look who dressed them! They should require something about shoes - like only sneakers or show that covers the foot - they have these kids doing PE and playing on the playground in these sloppy. flippy, no support, open toed, nothing shoes and wonder why the kids complain thier feet hurt!
@crazyredhead (954)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Okay, so I'm 17 and although I don't do it often I do sometimes wear pajama pants to school and out in public. The thing is, they are not usually what I wear to bed and I take care of myself every morning just the way I would had I been wearing jeans or any other pair of pants. I don't see what is wrong with wearing what is comfortable and I think it's better than the short skirts or the nasty things that some teenage girls wear these days. Why shouldn't you be comfortable if you have to be stuck in a building for that long of a period of time supposedly learning? (I say supposedly because for half of my day at school I am either in a study hall or a class that does nothing.) When I see one of the girls that normally dresses in short shorts or a short skirt and low cut shirts bearing themselves to the world wearing pajama pants and a nice comfy hoodie, I see them in a better light. They look comfortable and like they are actually at the school to learn, not to attract guys. That is just my opinion. I hope nobody feels so horridly as most of you do if you ever come across me in my comfy pants.
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I agree that scant'ly dressed leaves a very bad impression. I've just noticed in the past 2 years that more and more teen girls are going to stores, restaurants, etc. in their wrinkled pajamas with their hair all messed up and sleep in their eyes. I hope they don't go to job interviews like that. You still do your morning routine and make a choice of what you will wear for the day...not what I am referring to. I'm talking about rolling out of bed and out the door with morning breath, bed head, and pillow lines, lol
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
I hate this as well. I do see it somethimes and many times its past 12 so there is no excuse for that. Last time it was a lady of about 50 doing her weekly shoping at 7pm dressed in pj's with ugh boots on and a jacket man I just wanted to say somthing to her.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Nov 07
My kids and I wear pj bottoms out all the time...Mind you we do make sure our hair is combed, teeth are brushed and faces washed etc but ya I've gone out in my pj pants and a sweater..Why not, its comfortable and as long as I look presentable then thats all that matters IMO....Same goes for my long as they dont look like riff raff then comforts the way to go...
@illumina_foxz (125)
• Thailand
24 Nov 07
pajamas in public? I think it goes along with the trend of messy hair style.
@AmbiePam (96662)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Oh my word. Several years ago I lived by this dollar store. And every day I'd see women go in there wearing their pajamas. Sure, some were moms who had children with them, but some were not. And even worse, a lot had a pick stuck in the back of their hair. What is that?
@Forofficeorhomeuse (50)
• United States
9 Dec 07
My impression when I see it, have a little respect for yourself. Especially in public. I can understand an being rushed to a hospital in the middle of the night, or having to walk a dog to do its business late night...but please....not for shopping in the mall. Are we that lazy, or are they designer pajamas everyone should know you are wearing? Have a little respect if not for yourself, for others around you.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
23 Nov 07
I Love it! Great Idea! PJs are so trendy! Baby dolls are my fave. Would they cover enough to be legal? Maybe Babydolls with Jeans. Lowcut Jeans! I was seduced by a woman in Pj's. Best day of my life even if she was twice my age! Imagine rolling out of bed, slipping into your crocs and sliding thru the door into a waiting school bus. What a picture that Frames! Ooh My!
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I see people wearing pajamas out all the time sometimes with slippers too. Though I wouldn't personally wear my pajamas shopping, I really don't care what other people are wearing. I choose my own clothes and they can choose theirs.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Trust me... you DO NOT want to get me started on how people dress these days! I can't not fathom why people dress so trashy and dumpy as they do and I know they can afford to do better - see that cart full of expensive stuff they are buying? If you look you can find reasonable fashion at reasonable prices. I do it all the time. But fashion these days is so drudgy, slopy and anything goes. I have seen women in slippers in stores, me in flip flops with socks, women in tops that literally you wonder how they dont' "fall out" in some places and why they make themselves look so trashy and sloppy. I am not one that thinks you have to spend alot of money and look like a million bucks all the time, but I do believe in dressing at least conservatively so as to cover parts of one's body that shouldn't be showing. I am not one for the weight thing nad if you are over weight you should dress frumpy, but I just dont' see the reason to wear a blouse that lets the roll of fat at one's waist show for all to see! I pick up my GD at school and just look at the mothers that are waiting for their kids and they look so trashy and sloppy and flat out disgusting - and here come their kids not looking much better and then they go get into their full size Hummer or BMW or other expensive car. Know where their money is going! Doesn't make much sense to dress so trashy and then get into an expensive car! Even the teachers look like they just dressed from the bottom of the rag bag. I'd a gotten fired if I showed up to work dressed like that! But they all have a cell phone in their ear to!
Throw in that celebrities are looking equally as trashy but spending more money to do it, doesn't help much either. I went looking for blouses/tops this last week at 3 different stores. Walked out with nothing al 3 times. I wanted to scream! Don't they make blouses with sleeves,a shoulder seam and something covering your "upper" chest area anymore?
Low cut, tight fitting, shear fabric, next to nothing tops - good grief! Okay, off my soap box!
@Dorizzle (27)
24 Nov 07
I have a few friends who only wear pajama pants all day. I do admit it looks weird, is it any different then wearing sweat pants? I'm always wearing those type of pants yet no one thinks its strange considering these pants are for recreational activities (gym, exercise, movement involving activities, etc.).
You could complain about any kind of trend since most share a similar theme to this (grunge look (teared up clothes, no washing, isn't this "embarrassing?))
@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I have noticed this ever since I was an undergrad in the lates 90s. I did it some myself when I would have an 8 a.m. class when I was 19. I would not do it now though. It mainly happened because I was running late at that age. It did not happen often, but on occasion it did.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I say pajamas should only be worn to sleep and for staying in the house but not for walking out in public. I say pajamas make a person look like they are lazy.