The Early Birds Get the Best Sales.....?????
By BayleighGray
@BayleighGray (4334)
United States
November 23, 2007 12:20pm CST
Ok, maybe I dont know about the retail nitty gritty, but why is it that all Black Friday sales have time stamps on them? I mean whats the big deal of time? If its a sale, then its a sale. Usually they run a week or so, and then they end. I understand you cant have a sale go on for ever!
I just heard a commercial on TV that was saying 5am to 8am, 50% off, 9am to noon, 40% off and so on throughout the day until closing. Ok so people dont work on Black Friday? Maybe they cant get to the store at a specific time, does that mean they arent worthy of 50% off something cos they work?
Does anyone know the reason behind this Black Friday rule? Or have you heard of this type of sale on anything other day other than Black Friday? Not too mention all the caos it causes, and turns people into viscous vultures. Its a nightmare to shop on Black Friday. Its not fun!! Wheres the Holiday spirit in all this madness?
Bay Lay Gray xx
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11 responses
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I have NEVER gone shopping today, and never will. I don't like to shop anyways, so doing it under these conditions would drive me to drink (more). It does not look like fun to me and I don't understand why the stores have to goad people into acting like idiots for "Holiday" deals. Argh!!!
Actually, I do believe this is the first year I didn't work on the day after Thanskgiving. Normally, I like to work this day because it's nice and quiet at work and I can get a lot done. I did take today off though - I need a 4-day weekend!!!
Oh, and yes, the stores around here do have these same "staggered" sales all year long. JC Pennys is great at having a "door-buster" sale every couple months. the people that shop before noon get the sales prices and after noon it all goes back to normal. I've gotten some great deals with that before. Usually all the stores in the mall will do something that same day so if you're diligent you can make out pretty good.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I dont care for shopping either Dawn. I mean its not like its a pleasure trip, its mostly for household items and things like that. Now I love clothes shopping! hehe Or for shoes and stuff like that.
Im pretty thankful our family members are in other states or cities and we dont gather to exchange gifts and stuff. It makes it a lot easier on us and our bank account. My dad sends me money and so does my sis, and I try and send her some money to spend. I think we all just need to keep our money and spend it on ourselves. lol
Bay xx
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Oh, I don't even like clothes shopping - that's why most of my stuff is about 10 years old!! I don't care for crowds at all.
We're all fairly close, but we stopped the presents stuff years ago. We all know we don't have tons of money to buy stupid stuff, but if we do see something that would be "perfect" we'll get it. Everyone realizes that and we don't get upset with each other when we don't get something and someone else does. Now, my husband still wants to buy for all his nephews (5 of them) but he has no clue what to get. So that's always a pain. I try to find something early enough to buy it online though! Or we get gift cards...
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Well even though Im not really into fashion, I still like to go and buy clothes. I need help though, its a disaster when I do it on my own! And if my shopping buddy cant come with me, Im calling her and asking her for her advice! lol
Yeah hubby has 2 nephews that he likes to send money home too. Thank goodness its only 2 of them! hehe My oldest sister has 2 kids but they are grown and we dont really keep in touch. Sort of dysfunctional!
Bay xx
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Very good dsicussion let me tell you at first.At first i want to answer for the last question, where is the spirit...Nowhere. I don't think there is such a thing for all those stores. All what they think about is business and how to sell the most and got your money.I have just experienced this black friday shopping first year and didn't see the sale you was writing about with %, but there were some hot stuff on sale like a plasma tvs and if you come late, there would be none of them. Also my man tell me how it really works, how people are rude to each other and just for the thing they don't care if they will hurt you or stole something from your cart, just to have it. What a crazy thing.

@laurika (4532)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Yeah I went with my mother inlaw, but we went like at 10 o 'clock, when all those deals was away. tell you truth how everyone talk about it, i thouhg I would really spend like low amount and buy all the presents. But the other thing happend to me , I spend money and come home and wonder, where all that went? :( I was buying the clohtes the most and prices was the same like when I was shopping 2 month ago. So where was that good deal? Did I miss it? LOL
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
26 Nov 07
LOL Hi Laurika,
So you experienced Black Friday eh? lol They will do anything to get what they want and stealing from your cart is nothing to those shoppers. lol Oh Im so glad I didnt go!!
Ive seen so many posts where people had such bad experiences. Waiting in line for hours and not getting what they came for because people got tickets that were first in line. Thats not fair, I think if you get in the store and get the item then its yours.
Did you find any deals that you were looking for? What did you buy?
Bay xx

@wickedstepma (940)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Wow, reading this, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only female who hates to shop!
If I have to go, I like to run in, get what I need, and get out ASAP! But this year I did go to one store at five am, and I promise it will NEVER happen again! The item I wanted had been sold out two hours before the store opened, with those tickets they handed out. But we got to stand out in the cold and snow before we got to find this out. Not a pleasant morning. My husband was actually growling by the time we left. I told him if one more person ran over my toes or into me, I'd end up doing more than growl, I'd be biting!lol. Not really, just felt like it tho! Not a fun time, to say the least, and to leave with nothing to show for it was just the icing on the cake. I really didn't think it would really be that and learn, I guess!
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Hi Wicketstepma,
LOL Your story was quite funny, Im sorry! Im really sorry that you didnt get what you went for. So that brings another point up then, why only carry so many of something they know will be in demand?? This sale crap at 5am is even more rediculous now. Well maybe next year that will really turn people off, going and not being able to get what they came for. Too early for shopping anyway! lol
Bay xx
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
The reason that is happening (50% 5-8, 40% 9-12 and so on) is because they are trying to get people to come at different times than after they had a good sleep and a clean up and decide to go at 12-1 when most people go shoping in such days. This way if 50% of the people that go later decide to go early that means that they wont have that big of a growd later on.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
24 Nov 07
well that is the whole point to get as many people up there when there wont usually be a lot of people to even out the numbers. Most people will hve the day off and go out and this is for most people not for everyone if they tried to do it for everyone than they will never make it.
Just think of it this way. if it was 50% all day chances are that there will be a huge rush when it opens than slowes down than a huge rusha again till closing time. This way they say wake up early come and save 50% (so we dont pay our stuff for nothing) spend your money and go before the usual crowd gets here.
I dont aprove of that but I see the point lucky in Australia we dont have that when they have that 50%,40% and so on. We do have a huge specials few times a year and shoping centers do this 2 hour sale every so often when you can get great deals.
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Hi Violeta,
I guess your right there. I just dont see why they cant have one sale all day for everyone. Not everyone has the day off, and so its not really fare for those that do to only get the most off an item. They should do another day where its later in the day that you get the most off. lol That way everyone gets a fair shake at it. :)
Bay xx
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@Ophelia (88)
• United States
25 Nov 07
You know, even if I have off work on Black Friday, I won't go out. I try to just stay in my house the entire day lol. I live just outside the city so it gets REAL busy around here. And yes, what IS the deal with people getting so mean? Where IS that holiday spirit? GEEEZZZ!!!
And I certainly do NOT want to get up or stay up till 4am to go stand in line for HOURS until the stores open to buy something half-off. I'll pay the extra for the convenience. lol.
I think the term Black Friday come from meaning that the stores are in the "black" in their company bank accounts. Meaning in the profit.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Hi Ophelia,
Thats exactly what black friday means, I heard that yesterday. LOL Thank you!
I know it really takes away from the true meaning of Christmas, which really went out the door many many years ago anyway, but still. I guess all of us have some hope for its return one day.
I would pay extra for convience as well. It would be worth it to me!
Bay xx
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Well my friend it comes down to the buck! Which I cant stand. There really is no holiday spirit when people go out and act like vultures. Ive never gone shopping on black friday. No its not fun. I know the people would get on my nerves too bad. Im fine staying at home!
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I know Terry, it just really takes the fun out of giving and shopping for people. I really dont have anyone to buy for, we are broke anyway! lol And most of our families are in other states or cities and we wont be gathering to swap gifts or anything. Without kids, Christmas is basically another day to us.
Bay xx
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
23 Nov 07
I think a lot of stores only have limited amounts of things and if you are crazy enough to get out of bed to go shopping, you'll get the discount and the item for that price. The stores hate it, but yet they do it every year because they know that people will be crazy enough to go shopping and buy the stuff because it is so cheap. It's a big profit time for the store, so the earlier you get out, the better the deal you'll get on some of the most expensive items.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Key word there is "crazy"! LOL I was snoozin' in my nice warm bed at 4am when the stores in my town were full of people waiting for the sales. If I had kids, then I guess I would be more apt to try and get things like that, but I dont so why bother? Im not buying too many gifts this year.
Bay xx
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Nov 07
We have also these timed sales in Winnipeg, Canada and the reason is that they have to get rid of old stock. So what it means that if you are selling toys and they are last years's, it is best to get rid of them early and even with fifty percent off, the store still makes a profit. Now there are also introductory sales and there might not be that many of a product, so the store sells, lets say, LCD High Definition TVs for $1000 when they are really $1500. Now the store is counting on you not getting up at midnight, and the only ones who will be there are those who really want the product. Because if getting a high def Tv even for $1000 does not matter, you will wait until maybe six am and get something you really want.
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@crazy_ol_lady (1014)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Hi Bayleigh, I'm with you!! What is the big deal about these short timed sales? The only thing that I can think of is that the stores must have limited supplies of stuff that they put on sale. The earlier that you get there, the bigger the savings? Well, I would prefer to stay home in my nice casy bed than to be out there in the madness. I just don't see the sense in it all.
People can be just vicious, rude and brutal, if they want something. If you happen to be between them and their target, look out. No telling what will happen.
To me that is not the Christmas spirit. What ever happened to just going out shopping when you feel like it? Personally I prefer a more relaxed atmosphere to shop in. I do not care to be out in big crowds. The bigger the crowd, the faster I get out of there.
Happy posting..
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
23 Nov 07
Hi Crazy,
I dont really get into the spirit of christman much anyway. I mean yea its a season for giving, but when your broke, what are you going to give gift wise? Plus we dont have kids, so there really is no need to buy a bunch of stuff and our family lives in other states or cities so its not like we gather together and swap gifts. Im thankful for that almost! hehe I really hate to deal with the holidays and just doing my shopping for the house. Its utter maddness that I can do without!
Bay xx
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I guess cause like dramatic price cuts, i am not sure.. i have never been to "black friday" but i did go into walmart yesterday evening..and my daughters clothes WINTER CLOTHES AT THAT....all 2.00 a peice~ I was soooooo upset because i had no money right for now on.. never on this"black friday" will i go to a store again! i know if i dont have money ill be or if i do i wont by the time i leave the store!.lol
i agreee with you.. there is no holiday spirit in ramming people with your cart and stealing stuff out of their story's ive herd) not me i
id send the
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Yeah Yeah Wifey, you know you waited til someones back was turned and grabbed stuff from their carts!! Shame on you! hehe
It really does take the spirit out of it. I mean its early, its cold, and people are cranky! Who the hell is in a good mood at 4am on a morning with 29 degree weather? LOL
I hate Wal-Mart on any day really. I walk out of there with one bag and have spent $40 to $50. And thats just stuff I NEED not want! lol
Bay xx
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