What will it take for you to beleive in God ?
By thepiddler
@thepiddler (133)
United States
11 responses
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
24 Nov 07
its hard because i just dont take to the idea of blind faith. what would it take for me to fully believe in god?? easy, him showing up in front of me and saying "look its me! im real!" then i wouldnt have a problem believing at all lol!
im sure im gonna catch some flack for saying that, but thats what it would take.
also...what "facts" are you saying must "conclude that there is a god"?
some examples, that are FACT and not HERESAY would be very helpful.
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@shahmeerx (368)
• Pakistan
24 Nov 07
ahan,did you check that ur parents were really your parents by a test by the doctors report? of not then why challenge Allah's existence
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
25 Nov 07
actually yes, a number of years ago, due to medical reasons lol!
i havent "challenged" anything, i just dont believe. and no matter what quote from whatever book you choose to believe in, i still wont believe, cause mankind wrote that book and has been re-writing it by bits and pieces ever since.
like i said above..i will believe when he appears in front of me and says "TAA DAA!"
@thepiddler (133)
• United States
25 Nov 07
You know Cinder on that day He finnally does say "taa daa", it will be to late to do anything. Their are no second chance when you find yourself at the judgement seat of God.
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@shahmeerx (368)
• Pakistan
24 Nov 07
There absolutely is God ,there must be a conclusion to everything that has happend and is happening.It can be explained by a very good example of a chicken and an egg,did the chicken come first or did the egg.The answer is chicken,but where did it come from ,Allah sent it.
Allah's existence can be seekd anywhere.In surah anam verse 75-79.Prophet Ibrahim seeked Allah by logics ,he supposed the moon as God but the sun came and took its place in the same way the sun and stars also dissapeared.If Allahs the creator of the universe ,how can he vanish then Prophet Ibrahim came to knew and found out logically that Allah is every where watching every thing.Even if there are gods the universal controller of them is still Allah

@shahmeerx (368)
• Pakistan
26 Nov 07
well i am a proud muslim ,Not a terrorist i can clearify that ,look if your religious rights are unprotected you must rebel,this has been done for centuries and we are being call terrorist so before my faith i want to clearify that i am not a terrorist,
secondly and most importantly every person beleives in Allah or God but the one who gets the most reward is the one who applies that faith.Islam is not a religion of faith but practicing.The true practice of islam is the helping of needy and the acheivement of a positive social status ,if you are good socially ,ethically and u beleive in God and practice the 5 pillars You can go to heaven so why miss the chance?
@thepiddler (133)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Do you mind telling me what faith you fall under, and what you believe it takes to get into heaven.
@thepiddler (133)
• United States
28 Nov 07
From your post I figure you to be a Muslim. I know very litte aobut the faith would you mind if I ask you a few questions. I would like to know your view on who Jesus was.
My intention is not to bash or put your faith down. I simply want to understand your beliefs because now a day all people see is the extreme side of your faith nothing is said about the true teachings that you hold on to.
Kinda like how the people of the mideast see the United States as a Christian nation but not know about what teachings the true Chistian hold on to.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
25 Nov 07
I have never seen any "facts" that conc;ude that there is a god. I've seen blind faith in a book written by men and I've seen people who don't understand basic science and think that thir misunderstandsings mean there is some guy in the sky, a guy who always just happens to be the one they want him to be. But facts? Nope, haven't seen any.

@lillake (1630)
• United States
28 Nov 07
Piddler, you're still talking blind faith.
How do you know, for a fact, 100% that they were inspired by God. You don't. You're just taking it on faith that what they wrote was true. There is no proof, outside the bible itself, that what they wrote was true.
Secondly, most of the bible was written or heavily edited years later. It's not that hard to change a book to reflect what happened after it has already happened,or in some cases to claim something did happen with out any other proof.
Accepting the bible at it's word is blind faith, not proof.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
29 Nov 07
2 majoy flaws there piddler.
1) Many parts of the bible were written years after the time priods written about. Why would they write that h said something that didn't come true when it makes them look better to write that what h said did come true. Unless you were there when he actually talked about these dreams there is no proof that he actually had them, or that they were what the bible claims.
2) Most of the bible has been edited and re-edited over the course of history. Parts were changed, left out, moved around. Without reading the originaly writings you have no prrof that what you are reading today is what the bible really said to begin with.
Sorry, still not seeing any "facts".

@surverymom (471)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I believe in God. I do not believe everything that the bible says, but I do believe in right and wrong.
@thepiddler (133)
• United States
24 Nov 07
How can you know who God is and what it takes to get to heaven if you dont believe in His word?
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
28 Nov 07
Seeing is believing...
When he shows himself... I will believe.
Right now I keep an open mind about it... as I cannot prove anything one way or another.
The problem is that there are no facts.
Don't waste your time by starting to quote the bible.
It was written by men... not by God.
My logic tells me that if there was a God... he would not have let us made a mess of his planet. Nor would he had let us kill each other.
If God is waiting for us to change our ways and do the right thing... he is going to be waiting a very long time. We are going towards extinction... and if that happen... it will prove once and for all that God does not care about us.
@jazzygunz (177)
• United States
1 Dec 07
You cant see air but it doesnt mean it is not thier .You cant hear certain wvelengths of light but it doent mean it doent exsist. God is thier and he is reay to accept you no matter who you are and what you have done in the past. He loves you even if you dont beilive in him or love him. God loves us. We are on this beautifaul earth because of him.
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
25 Nov 07
If there is no God why any should think of His existence. I do not think it is not our madness that we thought about God.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
26 Nov 07
If he grants my wishes. If he can't or won't break the laws of physics then if porygon2 evolves into porygon3 and porygon3 knows conversion3 and has Trace as one of its abilities and if god shows himself to me without killing me or making me suffer and does things that are impossible.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Nov 07
Hi thepiddler, I feel certain that life did not begin with this body, nor will it end with this body. We are all eternal beings on a journey, and I think it is difficult to say more. My feelings are that those who have passed on are still near us, but I cannot prove it. The Bible and other scriptures are good in so far as they make us better friends, better neighbours, a more understanding and peaceful people. It would make sense that there is a force, a power behind it all. Blessings.
@kplcofak (44)
• United States
12 Dec 07
I think it is hard for people to believe because of the bias media of our day. People are so deceived that they actually would rather listen to lies. It is in our nature to be ashamed of what we have become. The media has played down our corruption and exalted our selfishness. It makes me sad to think that pride has become so glamorized, and that we, as a culture, have embraced the sin that we know is killing us. At our core we know that we belong to HIM. But, our shame and fear have kept us from acknowledging it. People deny HIM because it is easier than facing HIM, So they think. If they would listen, they would know that turning to HIM would release them from their shame and guilt. Good for you Piddler for raising the banner and calling us to arms. Bravo for the post.
In Christ