Do you ever skip breakfast AND lunch?

Moody Man... - Why? Perhaps he's been skipping his meals again?
United Kingdom
November 24, 2007 2:52pm CST
I do...but I try and make up for it in the evening by eating heartily! I keep going all day by for example I had two tomatoes, some spoonfuls of peanup butter and loads and loads of tea and coffee. Bad I know...but food makes me so sleepy!!! How about you? Do you ever do this?
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10 responses
24 Nov 07
I used to be anorexic / bulimic, so I went for days at a time without eating anything, or, at the most, a piece of dry toast etc, so now I try to eat every meal, every day. Not eating, or skipping meals is really bad for your metabolism, amongst other things, so I always make a conscience effort to eat SOMETHING, even if it's just a quick packet of oreos as I walk out the door.
• United Kingdom
25 Nov 07
I think you're right to do that.
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• United States
25 Nov 07
I am so glad you are eating.Take care.
24 Nov 07
Yep, many times i skip both. Unfortunately this tends to make me eat loads at night and snack too. I really need to get out of the habit of eating before bed too as i don't think that it's very good for the old metabolic rate etc.. MMMmmmm toasties before bed!!!!
• United Kingdom
25 Nov 07
Yes, it's nice going to bed full isn't it...
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• United States
25 Nov 07
Suggestion. Try to eat about 2 hours before bed. It may help.
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
25 Nov 07
There are some days when I do just snack from thing to thing. It does not really sound like what you did was all that bad. I would do something like a piece of pie first, then soe chocolate. A cinnamon roll, all followed up or accompanied by coffee. I guess we have that in common. I think it keeps your body on its toes to have a day that is skimpy, it makes you fine tune your metabolism.
• United Kingdom
25 Nov 07
For me, it keeps my energy levels at a premium. Large meals make me sluggish. I hate being without energy.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
25 Nov 07
I need to have a day or two like that. Healthy snacks, like eggs and cheese and fruit. Just keep fueled light, but constant.
• United Kingdom
27 Nov 07
Fruit is excellent,because it doesn't fill you up or make you feel sluggish. Nuts too.
• United States
25 Nov 07
I never eat breakfast.And on work days, I don't eat lunch either. I have one big meal around 6pm and I snack later in the evening. On non work days, I will have what you could call a lunch around 1pm and I will have dinner around 7pm.
• United Kingdom
25 Nov 07
That is remarkably like me. Food slows me down and makes me sleepy; so very often I'll not eat til early evening. Then I'll snack later. I make up the meals, but I leave a vast "fasting" gap in the day; not always, but often. I drink alot of tea or coffee to keep going; but I'll also nibble...fruit especially.
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• United Kingdom
27 Nov 07
You are right not to drink caffeine drinks. They are not good for the nervous system. They are efficient appetite suppressants; but desperately bad for you in large quantities. I am very naughty to drink so much coffee/tea, but they keep me going when I'm hungry.
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• United States
25 Nov 07
I don't like tea and I never tried coffee, my system can't take too much caffeine so I don't drink anything between meals but it works for me. I guess whatever works.
• United States
29 Nov 07
Yes I eat breakfast and lunch. But I eat them at the same time and it's not usually until 3 or 4PM when I do. Then I snack at night. Today I had a coffee when I got up. Then I walked the dog and did some other stuff and had a cup of tea. Then I had cherry pie for breakfast at about 4PM. Then I had more pie a little later. Oh yeah, I had a glass of OJ too somewhere in there. It's so fun to be a grownup because I LOVE doing whatever I want whenever I want to do it!
• United Kingdom
30 Nov 07
It seems though that you do skip brekkie and lunch, I mean, at their conventional times, and fast until evening. I do this too, because eating during the day weighs me down. I feel full of energy just buzzing away on tea and coffee and fruit! Usually, I mean...sometimes I feel burned out no matter what I do! Then the energy returns...
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• United States
29 Nov 07
Oops! I just noticed that you said "Do you ever skip breakfast and lunch?" And I answered "Yes, I eat breakfast and lunch". Oh well... just wanted you to know that I know.
• United States
30 Nov 07
I agree wholeheartedly and 100%! I don't know what people are talking about when they say you have to eat to keep up your energy... it has the complete opposite effect on me. If I take just a few bites of something I'm fine, but it's difficult for me to take just a few bites. I like to do juice fasts too, then I buzz around for a week or more. Of course I don't get to drink coffee and tea, except herbal tea, which I am not a big fan of. I try not to smoke also when I fast, but I haven't yet succeeded in that!
• India
24 Nov 07
yeah, i do skip either breakfast or lunch coz each time i have to walk a km distance to canteen if i have to take breakfast or lunch.
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• United Kingdom
25 Nov 07
I'm sorry to hear that...
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@kcbomba (616)
• United States
27 Nov 07
we skip meals sometimes,all of us - either intentionall y or unintentionally too, every other day . l tell you. ln your case,you didn't really skip as you actually ate something , except that what you could define as a meal differs . some people could take just those little things you took and they're already ok for the meal .
• United Kingdom
7 Dec 07
That's a good point. Thank you
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
10 Jan 08
I often forget to eat when I am doing something interesting on my computer, but since it is good for our health to keep the sugar levels in balance, not too low and not too high, I try to eat food with low glycemic index, slow carbs, protein or nuts and some fruits and vegetables. I have also found another gnld product that is made to keep people alert all day, GR2, and it is so easy to mix it to a milk drink or mix in yogurt. Keeps the sugar levels just right and does not make you tired. If you take one of these for breakfast and one for lunch and have some healthy snacks between, you will feel much more alert all day. Then you can eat a normal healthy meal in the evening and maybe some tea in the afternoon, as many do in the UK..!:) Low blood sugar can cause tireness and depression so it is good to keep it on a good level.
• United States
24 Dec 07
I try to eat 3 meals a day. Breakfast is usually a bowl of whole grain cereal or toast. I snack on fruit or a high protein snack before lunch. Lunch is usually soup or a sandwich. Dinner is my most balanced meal. If I skip a meal I find myself to tire very easily. With my job I have to keep the furnace going in order to function. Fueling it keeps me going.
• United Kingdom
28 Dec 07
If you have to keep your wits about you, of course breakfast is indispensable. Sometimes I will grab a tiny bowl of muesli or something. But in general I hate eating alot during the day.
6 Dec 07
hey! Carl. yes, i skip my breakfast in common as i wake up late every morning.but sometimes if i get up early,i will have it with pleasure. yes, i mean i like the feeling of having breakfast,which bring me a nice mood at the beginning of a addithion ,it's good for health. regarding lunch,i basicly have it regularly. by the way,Carl, don't eat too much in the evening,which not only cannot make up the loss for having no breakfast and lunch,but also affect your health in a negative way. please remember this tip. best with to you !
• United Kingdom
6 Dec 07
Thanks for the tip. I must admit I didn't know that eating in the evening can't make up for skipping breakfast and lunch. Maybe I'll give my system a break for a while and start eating b'fast again. Thanks again!
7 Dec 07
you are very welcome,Carl. i hope that you can become more healthy. take care!