
@xenybb (168)
November 25, 2007 2:28am CST
Trust is the basic foundation for everything your relationship will fall apart with jealousy. Every individual i suppose to have jealousy in their character. We could not deny the fact that we get jealous to people who are somewhat close to our special someone. Especially if your in the 1st level of the realationship. I could say that based on my experience i could sense on myself that I easily get jealous and think of negative things towards my special someone thinking that they have a special realaitonship which I know that will cause every relationship to break. i bealive that woman do have something that is called "instinct" but too much of if cause a fall-out of love.:( how about u do you trust your special someone?
1 response
@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
25 Nov 07
Trust should always be present in a relationhsip. It is built through time. Well, I don't go through any relationship when I think I can't trust such person. I really trust my partner now. We have been together for more or less 6 years already.