Why is it that the woman sacrifices more than the man in a relationship?
By tazpromote
@tazpromote (965)
United States
November 25, 2007 11:50am CST
In lots of cases, it seems that the woman in a relationship tends to have to make more comprimises and sacrifices for things to work than the man does. I'm not saying that men don't do the same, but it just seems to be more common for the woman to let things go for her man than the man would do for his woman.
Does anyone feel the same way, and if you know why that tends to be the case, please share your thoughts with me.
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16 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
25 Nov 07
I think this happens in all of nature and humans are no different. Even when women believe themselves to be equal to men I feel that is not and never will be the case. The male of every species is the 'head' of the team and that is surely the reason. Nothing we can do about it except we can remember that 'behind every great man is a woman'.
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
25 Nov 07
I don't totally agree with you on the equality thing, but you have your opinion and I have mine, so we will leave it at that. Smile!! Even though the man is considered the "head" of the so called team/family, if you will, the woman is the one that holds that team/family together. I guess we all have to remember also that if it weren't for a woman, a man could not be born.
Thanks for your response.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
25 Nov 07
You misread my reply. I TOTALLY agree. Look at my last line - they, the men, will always be the head but we, the women, will always be the ones that will let them be just that! They get the credit for everything but we know why but because of the laws of nature men are men and women are women and because it is just that, a law of nature,it can never be the other way round.
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@tazpromote (965)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Oh ok, my apologies. You are so right. This is a man's world, but without us, they would be nothing!! Smile!!
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
25 Nov 07
Well, that's certainly not the case with me right now. I'm the one making all the sacrifices. No compromises from her.
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Really? Is she spoiled? Just wondering.
Thanks for the response.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
2 Dec 07
My husband and I have been married 29 years this month. I have felt like that many times in the past but as we get older, I dont think that way anymore. I think we both take and give about the same. He has gotten more romantic in the last 10 years.
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
2 Dec 07
God bless you and your husband because you guys have something that is worth working on. Sometimes I think it just takes time for the man to realize what he has and what he could potentially lose before he comes to his senses and begins to share in the sacrifices of the relationship.
Thanks a lot V!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Nov 07
We do have equal rights. I think that for whatever reason some women allow themselves to fall into the role you describe. Im not sure why that is. Maybe insecurity....maybe they think that the more they do the more they will be appreciated and somehow it will pay off. I am very independent and I love doing things for my guy but if I felt for one minute that he was taking advantage of me or taking me for granted, I would lose my pleasure in doing things for him. We do alot for each other out of just caring and love. It works both ways for us. He is as quick to cater to me as I am to him. We have a deep mutual respect for each other. If there is an imbalance in a relationship then it becomes a control issue. The person who allows herself to be controlled is equally at fault as the person who feels the need to control. If a woman finds herself sacrificing more in the relationship and tolerating it...well she does have choices. Who really can be blamed?
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
29 Nov 07
You are soo right. I just wonder why women let themselves be used and abused (for lack of a better phrase) in order to make her man happy? If she's not happy with herself, how can a relationship ever truly work? This issue bothers me, but I see it happening everyday. I just want to go up and "knock" some sense into some of the women I see. I wasn't raised to submit to my man. I can hold my own and take care of myself. If my man can't understand or accept that, then I don't need to be with him.
I feel for lots of the women that don't see this as a problem. We have to stand up for ourselves these days or we will continue to get walked over for the rest of our lives.
I really appreciate your comment. Be sure to stay in touch!
Thanks a lot Sid!
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Now D, why would you say that? You already know that the woman is in control of the remote....my goodness!! lol
Thanks for the laugh sweetie!!
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
25 Nov 07
In most cases, I agree women sacrifice more than men. I guess this is because many men tend to take their partners for granted. Girls are usually more faithful than men (my opinion) and many guys take for granted that their girls will be there for them no matter what. Some guys only treat their girlfriends well during the initial stage of the relationship. After a while, they get tired of being nice and start showing their true nature.
Men also tend to put more priority on their career. Whereas some women do not mind sacrificing their career for the men. You hardly see a man sacrificing his career for a girl. It's good for a man to be career-minded but I feel that he should put more focus on his partner and family too. He should not just leave everything else to the girl to handle.
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@tazpromote (965)
• United States
25 Nov 07
This is so true. I don't understand why I man can't be honest with himself from the beginning of a relationship as well as being honest with his partner. I mean, if you are not going to act the same way all the time, then why start out doing it in the beginning? That just makes no sense to me, but I guess it's because I am a woman and it's hard to understand a man unless he understands himself.
Thanks for responding.
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@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
26 Nov 07
Men also sacrifice... one thing about men they dont really show their weaknesses or they are in pain.. they are hiding from a shell but once you open that shell men are also suffering inside you know..
And when it comes to relationships sake men do care we are just blind sometimes..not to see what they can potentially do to us.. we must give them a chance to show their sacrifice too wait and see... and if he is not then why take a relationship longer
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
2 Dec 07
I know that some men sacrifice for the sake of a relationship or for the sake of his happiness, but my goodness. Why is it like pulling teeth to get a man to do the things that women do without a thought? They have to realize that we all have feelings and no one wants to feel like less of a person in any situation.
Thanks for your response.
@edigital (2709)
• United States
26 Nov 07
You have bring a nice important topics here which is happen everyone'life. Woman (Eve) created by God from the a bone of Man (Adam)with a view to love man (Adam) and to give birth of child (new human)in the world and woman is like a land where crop grow. For which God gave more love, passion, tolerance and motherhood affection than to a man. God said woman crerated as a depended to a man with some less facilities than man. God also ordered man to love woman as they serve them and bring child for them and safeguard man's property when he is out of home, etc. many task woman has to performance. Due to thus many reasons woman sacrifice more in a relationship or in a family.
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
2 Dec 07
This is true too Edigital, but why do we have to take a back seat to the man? God did not say that we had to be looked down upon and things like that. Society has just taken this thing and run with it.
I appreciate your response! Happy posting!!
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
26 Nov 07
One of the main reason for this is woman’s economic and social dependence on man. Worldwide, many women are not earning enough to feed themselves so they look for husbands to take care of them. societal pressure plays a big part too, and even today there are many nations where unmarried girls above a certain age are talked about in a negative way.
A woman’s physical weakness, when compared to a man’s, is another reason for this. Very few women would find it safe to walk about anywhere and everywhere at all times of the day and night. Even if nothing were to happen, the risk is always there.
Another reason is the patriarchal stereotype prevalent in many societies of the world even today. Women are looked down solely as the caretaker of the family while men are the bread-earners. So a woman without a family or who has been divorced, is usually looked down upon. Also, women in many societies have nowhere to go back to, if they are kicked out by their husbands. This is specially true in conservative Asia.
So women tend to compromise, to adjust, to tolerate, to show that their family is their pride, their haven…no matter if they are abused everyday within the confines of that family.
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
2 Dec 07
This is true and I appreciate your answer. I just have trouble with the concept of a relationship not being 50/50. I guess I'm just head strong and am willing to make my own money and take care of my own whereas other women in the same situation choose not to do so.
@murali_passion1989 (356)
• India
26 Nov 07
what is woman to sacrifices? why is it always a woman has to sacrifice a lot more than a man? often all the sacrifices that we make are left unnoticed. It's like we are suppose or expected to do those things without even complaining.. it's funny how the world evolves around women. but we are always are the one at the losing end. we have to ensure that everything goes tip-top and smoothly. but when there are glitches, we are to be blamed.. are we supposed to slave ourselves just to get the attention that we desire? why can't men put themselves in our shoes? we grew up to look prim, pretty and proper, best of all to serve! Ha ha once married, expectations! expectations! you are being pulled at every corner of your life to make everyone happy it so typical in every society..
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
2 Dec 07
True...I think it's time that we take a look at things and decide that we're not going to take it anymore!! Even in a marriage there should be comprimises and even sacrifices, but shoot, I don't think we as women should be the ones to do all the sacrificing and compromising by NO means!! Society has to get it together!! Smile!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Some women still feel that they have to make more compromises to make the relationship work.If I do this, he will love me.Most likely the man may sacrifice some things but not others.The perception is that the woman wants the relationship more than the man. But i don't think that is so.Now there are many women who will sacrifice only a little and there are men who are willing to compromise a lot for the relationship.It takes two to make it work and Both need to have a give and take. If there is only one of them trying to make it work, it will fail.
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
29 Nov 07
So true!! We as women need to think about ourselves sometimes even if it doesn't seem like the right thing to do because 9 times out of 10, a man will think of himself before all others. I guess it's just in the way that we are raised or something.
Thanks a lot for your response.
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@paradise12 (938)
• India
26 Nov 07
I think this has been happening since ages and i think it would the same..Women is always has to compromise reluctingly..And though people say that men and women are equal they are not,somewhere it is not true..
The person who compromises i feel they have lot of patience and they are loyal so same with the case women..They give the chance to rectify mistakes of men..
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
2 Dec 07
They say that we are equal and we are not...you are right. It should not be that way though. Why do women always have to cover for or create a picture for the things that men have done. It's just not right.
Thank you for responding.
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
2 Dec 07
My mom did (and still does) the same things for her husband and it drives me nuts. How can she teach me to stand on my own two feet and she won't do the same thing for herself? It's ridiculous!
Thanks for your response,
@mcvelasco (80)
• Philippines
26 Nov 07
Yes it seems to be like that, because a woman is more emotional and showy than a man. A man keeps their feelings and hiding their sacrifices, thats why woman feels that way. There are a few man who really shows their emotional and what they really feel. A man and a woman is a different human being that's why in a relationship it is not fair to compare them, when it comes to the relationship.
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Just curious, why do you say it's not fair to compare the man and woman in a relationship? Isn't a relationship supposed to be 50/50?
Thanks for your response.
@rjhund (12)
26 Nov 07
woman are more emotional than man. A woman always think about the relation that are not easily to forgot. unlike man, few days it will forgot especially he get a new ones.
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
2 Dec 07
So true. I don't understand why some men are like this, but I guess it's just the way they are made.
Thanks for your response.
@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
25 Nov 07
I believe this also and I think that it is because we women are more sensitive than men and tend to know that someone else needs something more than we do. I know that I sacrifice a lot for my husband but he doesn't do it for me nearly as much as I wish he did. My mom does the same for my dad but he hardly ever does it for her. It seems that most men, not all, are rather selfish and most women are more self less. We feel more and therefore want to give more. :)
@tazpromote (965)
• United States
25 Nov 07
That's the word I was looking for...selflessness. I guess it's just bred in us as women a little more than into the men. I know that some men sacrifice as well, but it's the women that tend to be more selfless in all of it.