what will you do when a dirty person comes and sits beside you?

@cuterose (1698)
November 26, 2007 1:35pm CST
a real stinking person with all his clothes dirty comes and sits beside you when you are travelling in a bus or train or when you are sitting in a park. will you allow him to sit near you? or will you scold him not to sit beside you or will you walk out off that place??
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10 responses
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
26 Nov 07
I would proberly walk away from him and try to find somewhere else to sit. I don't want to be rude but at the same time I don't like smelling someone who is unclean either. I can understand just getting off of work and being unclean but at the same time there is a way to get a little clean before being around others.
@cuterose (1698)
• India
27 Nov 07
hmmm thats an agreeable point. nice post buddy. thanks for postin :) rated plus
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
27 Nov 07
Thank you friend I am glad you liked my answer.
• Singapore
27 Nov 07
Unless it is too inconvenient or impossible, I will usually move away. But I will NOT move away immediately. I will instead wait a decent amount of time and move away quietly withOUT looking at him and making him feel embarrassed. Courtesy is all about not making people feel uncomfortable so I don't want to give him or others the impression that I am moving away because of him (despite that being the real reason).
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@cuterose (1698)
• India
28 Nov 07
very well said buddy!! thats very kind of you. its the thing i did when it happened to me. you definitely owe a best response and a plus! :)
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
26 Nov 07
I guess I would move to another place or seat. Not many people travel dirty but then there is always a chance of this happening. I don't think I would say anything because I wouldn't know what predicament they were in. I would just look for another place and move there, if possible.
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@cuterose (1698)
• India
27 Nov 07
ok good. agreeable. but what if that person is a neighbour of u and was trying to make a conversation with u??? then what'l u do?? thanks for postin rated plus :)
@subathra (3519)
• India
27 Nov 07
I cant tolerate stinky smell and hence i will defintely move from that place..Its quite difficult to tolerate this and sit embrassingly beside such kind of people..i commute by bus and this kind of incident happen rarely...even if i dont get a seat i never mind to stand and travel rather to tolerate sitting with stinky and dirty looking people.
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@micah44 (108)
• Philippines
27 Nov 07
I will embrace the dirty person,you know why?unknowingly that maybe an angel sent by God to test us if we will treat people like that...we might be mistaken! thanks!
@cuterose (1698)
• India
27 Nov 07
hey thats an unique answer! your way of thinking is very different and your post shows that you are very much devoted to God! nice post buddy. i hope God gives you all success, good things and happiness to u. :) thanks for postin. rated plus
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
26 Nov 07
I would move. Why would I have to sit next to them and suffer when I can move and be away from the smell. I don't want to sit and smell them. Just like if a smoker sat next to me and started smoking. It affects my health so why do I have to be subjected to it? I wouldn't say anything to them but just get up and walk away.
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@cuterose (1698)
• India
27 Nov 07
hmmm u'r right buddy. agreeable. thanks for the post. rated plus
@subathra (3519)
• India
27 Nov 07
oops i forgot to answer one of your question..i will not scold them because i dont have right to scold nor ask them to sit somewhere else..but only thing i can do is walk off from that place..
• India
27 Nov 07
i will just walk away frm that place
@dude09 (93)
• Malaysia
28 Nov 07
Walk away... but not too obvious that I hurt his feeling.
@piatos03 (393)
• Philippines
11 Jan 08
Me and my friends usually see those near our school. We get so creeped out sometimes that we just tend to stay away from them. Whenever they come within a hundred feet or so from us, we'd vacate the area immediately. We have nothing against them, it's just that you never know what they're up to or what's going on in their head. I mean, what sane person wouldn't take a shower? We even have this one guy we see almost everyday. He'd always be carrying this rock with him. Throwing it up and down. He's really dirty and looks like he hasn't taken a shower...ever. Ugh.
@cuterose (1698)
• India
15 Jan 08
hmmm being a schook kid you must be scared about these guys. never mind. thanks for your post buddy :)