Types of Animation
By sandipsikdar
@sandipsikdar (75)
November 27, 2007 1:24am CST
Real-Time Animation:Systems have ability to replay individual frames at required over al frame rate to be viewed as animation.
Sprite Aniamtion:Srrite are individual scree objects.Most authoring programs work with sprite animation,controls sprites,renders to the screen in real-time.One wouldanimate a woman waving by cutting her arm out of her image making the arm a separate sprite and animating that
Rendered Animation(Frame Animation): Essentially motion graphics,previously been created in an animation program and saved as a liked series of finished images.Images may be sequentially numbered named files (QTorAVI movie)
3d Animation:3Dspace drawing difficult to represent manually and virtually impossible to draw thousands of them.In a 3-D environment computer dose what is impossible manually.Creation of an element of 3D in animation of complex objects using programing adds more realism;but calls for more processing power in the computer and more skill from the author.To produce professional results,there are at least three different disciplines to master-Modeling,Animation and Rendering.
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