No-spanking Law
By worldwise1
@worldwise1 (14885)
United States
November 28, 2007 6:24pm CST
I think the very idea of trying to get a law passed that would prohibit parents from spanking their children is ridiculous! It is not the job of the government to regulate our thoughts and beliefs. Next they will be cataloging each and every person into individual slots. As long as parents are not abusive to their children there is nothing wrong with a spanking when it is called for. I know many of you will disagree with me, but I have seen the issue from both sides. Children are being perceived more and more as little adults, and there is nothing right about that. They are encouraged to be disobedient to their parents and I think this contributes to the escalating violent crime rate among teens. Most parents have enough common sense to mete out punishment in the proper manner. It is only a small percentage who give corporal punishment a bad name.
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36 responses
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I totally agree with what you are saying. I was spanked and BEATEN as a child and there is DEFINITELY a difference! I've spanked my children on occassion when they have done something REALLY bad and it doesn't seem to have a negative effect on them, heck I survived. They still spank in the schools here. I think that if more parents raised their children like they did 20, 30, 40 years ago, this world would be a LOT better off. Kids have NO respect these days! Good Topic!
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
We are definitely on the same page, Stephanie. Sometimes kids DO need to be spanked!
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
Yes all they have to do is look at the crime rate among kids and teenagers. I was made aware of this new way to raise children. No spanking, freedom of choice no matter what, freedom of expression in every area personal and in learning skills. When I decided to become a preschool teacher it was reinforced that this free way of thinkng was the best way to go. When I would have my chance to speak my opinions I would speak about how off balance the raising of children is becoming and that families would pay a price for this and not just families but society. My example of this were the few children I knew that was raised with this type of upbringing. The children ranged only 2 1/2 to 5 and oh ya I knew a 8 year old very well. All of these kids were not only wild and out of control in so many ways especially when something was not going there way; like when their mother's friend would dare say no to something the child wanted while at her house; all the children had a level of angar and even rage in them. I am not sure where all of these kids are today as I have moved away but the ones I know about were very abusive to their mothers in paticular and showed no respect for the fathers. I know at least one was a bully in school. I also no the older boy was a vaulgar young man that I would never wish anyone's daughter to date. I have not seen him for a few years now and I can only hope he has turned into a real man. Working in Childcare I could say more and tell you stories that to me are proof in the pudding that parents need to discipline their children. Grant doesn't always have to be a spanking and most definitely not a beating but they do need discipline. The problem is people don't really think of what discipline actually is. Discipline is to disciple which means to teach! Sometimes to teach hard lessons in life there as to be consequences and sometimes the only answer for a child is the spanking so the message is loud and clear that what they did is severely wrong! I was spanked as a child. I was also beaten as a child. I knew the difference even then. I never grew up woounded by those spankings only the beatings. Example.. I was divorced and one night my 9 year old daughter said to me when she came home from a visit with her dad. Mommy why doesn't daddy love me enough to discipline me! Her father had tapped his new son on the bottom for touching ornaments that he repeatedly was told not to touch. I learn't alot that night and I also witnessed this truth throughout the years. Children desire to be taught. They dont' want to get away with being out of control. They want to know they are loved!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
2 Dec 07
You said it all very well, coffee. I submit that those who think kids don't need the occasional swat have never been around average kids.
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I took my share of spankings, let me tell ya and I am a better person for it. There is a vast difference between beating a child and spanking them for inappropriate behavior. There is no way there show be a law against spanking. Perhaps if a few more parents disciplined or spanked their children, I wouldn't cringe every time I see a child in a movie theater, airplane or restaurant. People just let their kids run amok making them an unpleasant experience for everyone else. Now a few people still know how to discipline children, but not many and I think that is a bit of the problem with America, we are now raising generations that are used to getting everything they want and used to doing whatever they please.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Well said, Aurone! The behavior of many children today shows a pitiful lack of discipline on the part of the parents. All kids got spankings when I was growing up and I only ever heard of one or two cases of outright abuse.
@sojournseeker (1244)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I see you clearly despise being told how to raise your chidren and what to spare or what to give etc etc and I generally disagree with the intervention by government in most everything we do; however, when parents abuse the rights to discipline and cross over the line into aggressive violent hostile actions not just a spanking, the law wants to step in.
It is because of those few that have little regard for the minor they are raising, that many parents approach discipline more cautiously.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I think that any conscientious parent would "despise" being told how to raise their children, sojourn. By the time one is ready to become a parent they should know how to deal with the rearing of kids. Otherwise, why not just hand them all over to the government at birth?
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I think the government needs to spend more time and money trying to give help and get to the root cause of abusive parents. Making a law to prohibit spanking all together is taking away a parents rights to discipline as they please. Most of the parents I know that use spanking as a form of discipline use it in a reasonable manner and only in extreme circumstances. For example if their child throws a fit and breaks away from the parent in a busy parking lot. For those times when I child disobeys thier parents and puts their life in danger I can see using spanking as discipline. What right does the government have to take away our rights as parents?
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
The government should not be in the business of raising children, cynddvs. That is not what they were hired to do. I agree that their time would be better spent finding out why some parents are abusive.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I agree with you. It is ok for a parent to spank a child when he/she is bad but as a last resort and if the parent is not abusing their kid. If that law is passed and goes into effect it will be harder for parents to discipline their child.I wonder if the people who has the power to make the bill into law are parents. Every parent should know that sometimes spanking might get the child to come to his/her senses.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Well, spiderlizard, unfortunately there are some folks who think that any form of corporal punishment is abuse, but I think they could be persuaded to change their minds if they had to spend some quality time with a few kids I have known.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
29 Nov 07
the law isn't needed. today's parents are afraid to spank their children because the kids today would call child services.And since foe some spanking is the only way they know how to discipline a child, they don't do anything.If it became law, how would they catch these spankers? Will all parents be required to have monitors in their homes?
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
You are right, sarah, parents are afraid to discipline their wayward children anymore. I guarantee that law would be just another "nuisance" law if passed.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Yeah, my kids used to say that, I handed them the phone! Told them go ahead and call, then they will take you away and no telling where you will live! At least my kids never destroyed anyone else's property, stole, or got into any serious trouble as teenagers. And I agree with you, how are they going to catch everyone that spanks their child, they can't even investigate, and bring charges in a reasonable amount of time to offenders of serious child abuse. And how far are we willing to let this go, the government can't even take care of their own politicians that break laws.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
2 Dec 07
I think it will be interesting indeed to see them try and sneak this one through, winky.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Nov 07
You're so right worldwise. As long as a parent isn't overly abusive, parents should be allowed to discipline their children including giving an old-fashioned spanking..I can't begin to tell you want I see kids get away with especially when I'm out in stores...The parents ignore them and the kid doesn't get punished, which I think sends a signal to the kid that their behavior is exceptable
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
As a single mom raising 4 kids myself, pyewacket, I would have been overrun had I not spanked them when they needed it. They laugh about the spankings they got now, and admit they needed them.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
29 Nov 07
Surprise, surprise, since 1970 I believe we have had this law in Sweden. So I guess other countries are following this example. However, I am sorry to say that I agree with you. Many children though are getting badly hurt by adults I guess they need to have a voice. But I do agree with you that some intent the did forget is that children need to learn right from wrong and when their voice getting louder than the
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
2 Dec 07
No offense, anetteh, but Sweden has long been considered a permissive society, and I don't knock anything if it works for the people in that place. I see this rebelliousness and disrespect among children all over the world though.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
Well, I do agree with you, I do not like this law either, My son have the disorder of ADHD and those children sometimes are considered just having bad behavior because of lack of parenting. So those children are the most to be spanked by there parents, however, this is what I think we do need the law, because these children are not bad behavior of bad parenting, it is a disorder, and they need help and support. I believe many children with this disorder are suffering from parenting not knowing how to parent them with this disorder, or do not accept the fact they have a disorder and need help and support not spanking. I have seen children getting hurt just because of this.
However, we also have to consider what is abuse from parents and what is spanking in order to teach about right and wrong. I also got spanked when I was a kid, I have not suffered from it to badly, however, I never forget it.
It´s interesting topic, thank you for responding and have great first advent.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
29 Nov 07
You got it, worldwise. Spanking as long as it is productive, doesn't hurt, but it makes the child know there are limits and they can't go past those limits without consequences. Like you said, if they don't learn that as a child, they will continue to push as teens and that is where they get into trouble with the law.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I couldn't agree with you more, carmelanirel. Just because you have to occasionally spank your child does not mean that you love them any less. It does set limits.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
Hi Worldwise, I have never seen the necessity to spank a child. I was never spanked myself, nor were any of my 8 siblings, and my parents had no big problems. My wife and I raised three boys and never needed to spank either of them, We just used common sense. They are all grown now with families of their own. I agree that more and more children are being disobedient to their parents, and it is becoming a big problem, but I honestly don't think that spanking is the answer, in fact it might be just the opposite. Blessings.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Unfortunately, Pose, your family must be the exception to the rule. Children are by nature contrary and hard-headed, and they will find so many ways to try a parent's patience. In all of my years of being on this earth I have never seen a model child who always behaved perfectly.
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@Sheribabe (445)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Crap like this is the reason kids are the way they are today. You are right, most parents do have enough sense to know how to discipline their children enough not to take it too far. The government needs to stay out of it. All of this with 'these people' have gone too far. They just need to stay out of it and let people handle their own business. When and if it becomes abuse, the proper people do need to step in but until then... butt out!
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@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
29 Nov 07
The government has no right to tell me or anyone else how to raise children. Every parent has the right to raise and discipline their kids how they want. If they want to just let the kid do whatever, fine.
But those parents are the ones that need to be monitored from the government. Not the parents who actually teach the little brats how to behave in public.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
2 Dec 07
The government would indeed be overstepping their bounds, Unselfish, were they to enact a law prohibiting parents from spanking their brats.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Nov 07
You've got to be kidding me! Whatever happened to parents raising their own kids? Now the government has to butt in and tell us how discipline our kids? What about the kids that are unruly? Shouldn't they be disciplined by their parents?
Of course, this doesn't really come as a surprise as I've heard of something like this before (sorry I don't remember where).
My own kids certainly aren't perfect little angels and if someone from the government told me they were going to take my kids away from me because I disciplined them (a swat on the butt), they better be prepared to take care of BOTH my kids themselves (and not to some foster home). And as my oldest is autistic he needs to be watched like a hawk, especially when he and his brother are together in the same room. Oh, and I'd love to be a fly in this person's home as I just know they wouldn't last a week with my kids without wanting to discipline them. Oh who am I kidding, these people probably would last a day! LMAO!!!
Okay, so my kids aren't always bad, but they do make me want to ring their necks sometimes (even though I don't). :P The government needs to help the parents by letting us parent as we see fit. And as far as the parents that actually beat their kids, those are the ones that need their kids rescued and saved!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Everything you say is so true, sacmom. As I said in a previous comment, nobody's kids are perfect little angels. They wouldn't be kids if they were. The government is really barking up the wrong tree here.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I agree totally with you. This is just getting to the point of being stupid. I have seen more than a few children that needed a good spanking, no I didn't say a beating, and I never believed in using a belt or any other object, but a good swat to the rearend with a hand......And what will be next, I won't be able to swat my dog's behind?!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
It is getting more ridiculous with each new proposed law, palonghorn. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevail in this situation.
@suzieb (188)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Very, very true! There is a difference. I have 2 kids and they're not perfect, but they are good kids.
Every now and then I give them a swat on the backside with an open hand, I never use a fist or a belt. Like when they're acting up in the store or they're fooling around and don't listen. Now is this child abbuse? I don't think so.
This is not going scar them for life, It just gets their attention.
I've learned that time out and taking away video games doesn't always work.
Children don't always know how to act properly, they're kids, and when they start running around and don't listen, sometimes they need a little reminder of how to act.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
2 Dec 07
I think that most people would agree with you, suzieb. Responsible parents act according to whatever is necessary in each instance.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I'm not a huge fan of spanking however, I do think that a parent should have that option available to them if needed as a form of disipline to their children. I think these officials who are trying to ban everything and take away even more rights from parents should have to spend a few months with some of these rotten kids out there that need this the most. Let them raise them using their approved methods and see how well it works for them. Half these damn people don't even have kids yet they feel the need to try and tell me how to raise my own. Frankly its really starting to p!ss me off.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I agree, devilsangel. They should walk a day in the shoes of most parents, then they would see what they're up against. More to the point, though, is that the government should just butt out.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
2 Dec 07
That's very true, sid, and any mature person will have no trouble knowing the difference.
@fortunebee (509)
• Philippines
29 Nov 07
I definitely agree that the government has no right to regulate a law that can stop parents from thinking of their children's benefit. It is a matter of the right control that the parents know how to discipline and make the children become respectful to their elders. I can say that having experienced some spanking helped me become the person I am. I didn't like it but of course, I deserved it because my parents only did it when I wasn't behaving properly and they were right! I am thankful for what my parents did for me. They did it in a moderate manner that they made me understand why. If the government wants to butt in, they should come up with a program that will help the youth become productive and also enthusiastic in sports and in the form of arts which they can gain confidence and discipline that can be a life long reward to them. The children will become better individuals!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Nov 07
That was very well-spoken, fortunebee. The government should have more pressing matters to concern themselves with than how people discipline their children. If a law is broken, then the justice system should step in.