Can't think of anything I want for christmas - am I demented?
By coffeebreak
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
November 28, 2007 9:20pm CST
My daughter is asking me for my christmas list and i can't give her more than just a few little things - "that's just enough to barely fill a stocking, mom!" is what she told me. But I dont' need anything, as we just moved from a 4 bedroom house to a 2 bedroom apt and realized that I had more than I even needed much less could even use so I gave so much away. I am amazed at how much I had, and never used it. I am amazed at how much I had that I didnt'need, didn't use and even didn't even want. (yes i am a pack rat to a point) Oh, i'd like a laptop and a portable DVD player -those are cute! but the TV is right here, and so is my PC so why?
So, do you have a long or short list?
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10 responses
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
29 Nov 07
No way, as I don't have anything on my list either. If I want something I buy it and have no intention of waiting around for Christmas. I don't understand the whole formal gift exchange thing. People could give you a little hand drawn book of coupons good for chores you might like done for you stretched out over a year, like if she has good handwriting, she could pre-address all the envelopes for next year's Christmas cards (by a set date of course) or weed your garden or something that doesn't cost anything, or a coupon could say call me when your car needs a wash.
Well, if you are demented, we both are. Nobody wants to be demented alone. It is more fun to be demented in a group.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Nov 07
That I am SO willing to do! We used to do a handmade gift exchange. Everyone got mad about that as they couldn't fit it in wit their lives. Then a home baked gift exchange (my personal favorite as I am a great baker, but no one els is! Iloved giving, but what i got was store bought from the bakery). The it was an "edible" gift - anything, everything, but it had to be edible. Those things took off like a lead balloon! I used to do the coupon thing with my kids for their dad and grand parents. No one ever "redeemed" a coupon to them so they lost interest. But nice to have a friend to be demented with!!!! Merry Christmas to you!
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I have told my children that I have everything I need. All I want is to have my children come together at Christmas and enjoy being a family.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I asked for "Spend the Night at Nannys house" Nights with my 2 grand daughters!
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
29 Nov 07
I think you're just overwhelmed by the feeling of it, as of now. Don't worry, you'll get to think of it as the season draws nearer!;)
As for me, I don't make any lists. I try to think of it depending on how much I can afford to give, if I can then I would but if not then sorry or better luck next time. I just hope that people would understand that, since there's still other time to think of things without expecting too much from it..
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@enigmatic7 (132)
• Saudi Arabia
29 Nov 07
Hi ya Im still young and Im working so I alwyas have alist of thing s Id like..ususaly stuff whihcis expensive nad i ahve to save up for hehe...but I ahte giving people a list of any thing expensive to get me friends wont! ;-p..and I dont want my family to spendthat much on me usually!..but just so your daudgter has the satisfaction of making you happy come up with something you may need..or like soem of your firends suggested 'ín kind'gifts, like once a week it will be mommy and daughter nite ,if you guys dont get to spend much time togehter or, if you need help around the house, you can ask her for I need help card-no questions asked...(the help can be decided later on!) or maybe you can ask her to get something for you that both of you would like to share ..i sometimes get my mom jewelery she likes and i like ..and im always borrowing it!..just remember it is a joy for her to give a gift to someone who gave her soo much love and literally the gift of let her have that joy
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I fyou are young, it is easier to buy foryou - there are so many things you dont' have, want or could use. You'll find in time, that you dont' need, want or can use most of what you have! Funny as that sounds, it is true. Throw in the fact that if you can't afford lots of things, you finally learn to live iwth it and work around it. But at least you know the important part - give some joy! We moms always love that! Merry Christmas to yoU!
@dianne17k (587)
• Philippines
29 Nov 07
I too can't think of anything I want for Christmas. i'm contented with all the things I have right now and so there's almost nothing to wish for. A car would be nice but then again, the gas prices continue to rise and the traffic these days are getting worse so I'd rather use public transportation to work. I'd wish for a new cellphone since I lost mine just a couple of weeks ago but I'm alright with using my old cellphone. My phone's clearly not trendy enough but it does fulfill the functions of all other cellphones out there and so I remain contented with the things I do have.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Nov 07
SOunds like me. Yes I have things I could "update" but why? What I have works fine for me! I have a cell phone only cause my daughter put me on her family plan. She upgraded her phone last year and then gave me her old phone to use insteadof mine and it was one of those flat screen, well, not that, just a new upscale one with .okay, can't explain it, point is, I like using my "oldie" better than having to learn how to use the buttons in the opposite direction and all. I am not trendy either, I guess. If it works, why replace it?!
@husi_007 (304)
• India
29 Nov 07
Christmas is a very important day in your life and there is no wrong in giving away presents.
But I think you have to strike a balance between showing your love for somebody and overdoing it.I think most people dont usually give the recipients the gifts they want,it is the choice of the giver that is given importance..
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Christmas is about family and God to us. We like giving the gifts to each other cause they are usually things we need and havent gotten our selves and we like helping each other out like that. Most everything we give is practical and usable and needed.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
29 Nov 07
That happened to me in the past but you could just ask for money or ask your daughter to make you something.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Neither one of my parents could tell me or my siblings anything they needed or wanted either. We have had to come up with ideas on our own.
I have had a hard time thinking of things myself. My husband seems to have a bunch of ideas on what to get me though. He says he listens and pays attention to what I say I want all year long.
I could come up with a really long list, but the whole thing would be books.
My kids and husband are TOO easy to buy for though! They want everything!!
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
No your not demented. I can't think of anything either. My kids keep asking me what I want, and they think I'm kidding when I say nothing. There just is nothing I need. So I finally told them to just buy me some perfume, just to get them off my back about I really don't need any perfume, either, but it won't get wasted.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I did tell my daughter moreo f the make up she bought me for Mother's day - Bare essentials. It is really nice so I told her a set of that. I'd even ask for a gift card to a place like starbucks, but i can't drink coffe nad even tho it is not my money I'd still cringe and just knowing I asked her to pay $4.00 for a cup of coffee! I do that for her and she loves it! $50 for Starbucks and she is squealling like a new born piggie! She jumped up and down last year like a little kid (she's 29) and that is so much pleasure to me just to see her so happy! Wish I could be that happy!
@kksimone (67)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Your daughter sounds a bit like my mom--every year she talks about how she's cutting back for Christmas, and then I give her a list with only a few things and she says, "Is this it?! Isn't there anything else you want?"
I don't know how old your daughter is, but it's hard for me to come up with a list just because, now that I've got a job and a debit card, I can buy myself things I want pretty much all year round. And some of the stuff I'd really like is difficult for a non-internet savvy but well meaning mother to find.
Maybe tell her that having a daughter who wants to give you so many nice things is present enough? (And do I need to get my mom something else now? ;] )
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Nov 07
She don't have alot of money - we limit our gift amount to $100 each. At 50, you just tend to have what you need and no want what you could have - to a point!!! I'd love a laptop and a mini dvd player but don't need them. DOn't really have a use for either, buthtey are cute and neat and I'd like to have one. But can't think of anything else she could afford. New furniture is the only other thing I want, need a little but can deal with what i have!