Abuse leads to another abuse
By APasserBy
@LittleMel (8742)
November 29, 2007 12:40am CST
I watched a TV show it was about an old man who abused his children and he said he was abused by his parents too when he was a child. Do you think this is possible? I mean abusers today were abused by their parents and so the pattern continues. They might have grown older now, but they still don't think abuse is wrong, because their parents did it to them. What do you think? I wonder now if animal abusers today have been given bad examples by their parents too.
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14 responses
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
They say, whoever they are, that it is a continuing thing in families. I don't believe this because I was abused when I was a child. My father was a very mean drunk and would beat up on us when his life was miserable. In turn I learned to never abuse my children. I did the opposite and sometimes didn't discapline them enough. But they are now grown and are very well adjusted adults. They are very close to me and call me often. I know they love me.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
chrislotz I'm so sorry to hear that. thank you so much for sharing it. I have no doubt your children love you, this is what you teach them when they were young.
my parents are very disciplined and traditional people. If we were bad, they might slap us in the face or make us do the house chores. my teachers on the other hand hit me more than my parents. too bad I promised my parents to behave in school, I would've done something back to them otherwise.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
well those were back then I was in my homeland. we never heard of the word abuse there at the time. as I grew older things change. people started to report teachers that are hitting students, then I found out that in other schools, the teachers hit their fingers with wood as punishment. So my case wasn't that bad
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
In my country if the teacher ever layed a hand on a pupil they would not only be fired but they would be charged with assault and maybe go to jail. It is totally against the law here for a teacher or a principal to spank or hit a child. And I think this is the right thing to do. If the child gets out of hand it is the parents job to discipline them, not the school.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I think that we copy our parents thinking that whatever they did was right regardless of what really happen.
I know that many people can repeat whole pattern in subconscious way.
They do what they remember from their own childhood.

@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
this man from the show is an old man. I would think he knew better what is wrong and what is right

@Stiletto (4579)
29 Nov 07
I think unfortunately it is often the case that the abused becomes the abuser. However it's not inevitable that this will happen, many who were abused during childhood do not grow up to be abusive adults. I acknowledge that childhood events can hugely affect our adult lives but I do also think that there is an onus of responsibility on the individual to break that cycle of abuse, whether that is by getting treatment/counselling or whatever.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
It is up to the individual, to make the right choice. I mean my parents never went further than slaps in the face and arms or made us do house chores if they were angry, but still they made other mistakes and I wouldn't do these if I had my own child, because if I did then I would wrong my child the way my parents wronged me.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I know they say this to be true..but it doesnt have to be..these are statistics..I know people who have been abused and would never raise their hand to hurt a child. I think putting people into a category like that is wrong.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
true. some people just say anything to justify their own doing.
@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
30 Nov 07
I dimiss the notion that the abuser is one because they were abused when they were kids. It's all crap. We should not accept such scapegoats. It's a terrible precedence for us to accept such an excuse.
An abuser is an abuser, whether they were abused when they were kids should not even be tolerated in their mitigation. Period.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
I am wondering if they can't break the cycle or they don't want to. to me this old man sounds like he doesn't want to.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
If you were abused, it does lead to you being an abuser, so what should happen is for the children of the abused to see another way of living and that not everyone tortures their own children. I do not think that this is set in stone, that if you were abused, that you will do it. All he has to do is to find out how other parents treat their kids, and follow their example or make down a list of how he felt when he was beaten up and what damage was done to him. If he got taken to the hospital and missed the school prom or someplace special, then it ruined his life.
I suppose the same would apply to animal abusers, but what is more serious throwing a kitten into a pond or shaking a baby when she cries?
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
they are both serious, suspenseful. because they are both living beings. could you love your children and yet injure their pets? what would your children think?
Maybe animals can stay in the wild and survive, but this doesn't mean people can abuse them. maybe some animals are meant to be eaten, but they are killed before being slaughtered or skinned. Abusers do this when the animals are alive :( and watch as they scream. Could you agree that your children do this? because if they can abuse animals that can't fight back, then they can abuse humans that can't fight back, like babies and seniors.
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
29 Nov 07
please do not take this the wrong way,I do not believe in abuse,but the question I have is,what is abuse and who sets the limits on it?
every year now,there are people that think what was done years ago,such as spanking is abuse,done properly,this is a great teacher,but exccessive hitting,hitting anywhere but the backside I find abusive.
any kind of physical hitting causing bruising or broken bones as abuse and should be prosicuted,but spanking should not,if you don't believe in spanking,fine,but do not condem those that do so to teach children right from wrong.
there are far to many children and adults today,that should have had a tanning,then we would have far less crime than we do.
I do know,many do not see it my way,and that is fine,to each their own.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
I would go with the law definition, in regards to the limit. you are right many years ago this limit we have today might not be there. I'm not condemning anybody. I got spanked and slapped in school and yes I got bruises too twice. those didn't change me at all though, I'm still a rebel at school :)
by the way I didn't make it clear in my discussion. the man on the show was sexually abusing his children around 9 or 10 yo if I remember correctly.
@miltonyoung (29)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Yeah, people definitely follow patterns that culture gives them. The abused are likley to abused, therefore the threat of pain is not always the answer.
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I think it is absolutely possible! Breaking the cycle of abuse is so difficult. What we are taught as children becomes part of who we are, as our brains grow and develope what we learn becomes ingrained into us. How we were treated is often a mirror of how we treat others.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
this reminds me. my parents love small pets. we have many in the house, birds, cats and bunnies and this is why I love small pets until now. if only I had a lot of money I would've had my own animal shelter
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
29 Nov 07
that is how it usually happens I think
so, what we have to try to do is to break the cycle, like if Pinky is mean to me cuz she can't help it, to try to help her and NOT be mean to all women after that, por ejemplo
so if your mama beat you , get therapy and don't pass that along
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
I don't get therapy at all. my parents only slapped me or make me do house chores as punishment. teachers hit me more, but see I don't need therapy or anything. I just don't want to be like them and so I don't become like them.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Unfortunately I've often heard that this is the case where if children are being abused by their parents, it was because the parent(s) were abused themselves. I guess it's a hard emotional pattern to break, although not all parents that were abused as children become abusers themselves, mainly due to the fact that they remember what it was like to be abused so promise themselves not to become like that and repeat history
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@MisterPlus (1915)
• Philippines
29 Nov 07
I believe that the abused become abusers. But I firmly believe that this can be stopped by proper guidance of the abused.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
this is very sad. I would think he is an old man he knew better, I mean having lived so many years. but he might do it when he was younger and just came on TV show recently
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
29 Nov 07
All I know is that some abusees become abusers because their parents abused them while other abusees don't become abusers because their parents abuse them.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
you are right. we have a choice, we just don't make the right one sometimes.
@wrongway (277)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I am sure you have heard the saying "children learn what they see" and it doesn't matter if it is good or bad. A child raised in a home where the husband treats the woman with not respect teaches the child it is okay to disrespect women. A child raised in a home full of swearing learns it is okay to swear and does not learn the difference between the good words and the bad words. I believe that abuse of any kind robs the abused of their self-esteem, fills them with a feeling of powerlessness and many times fear. When the abused grows up the only way for him/her to feel powerfull is to take control and become the abuser (the powerful one)thus continuing the cycle. Intervention and therapy can many times help, however many times it is often not discovered about the abuse until a tragidy occurs. This is just my opinion of course but if you think about it we all tend to conform to our environment....loving or abusive.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
I never heard this saying but it does make sense.
A lot of things I see how my parents do around the house, I tend to think they are right. Then I started going to school and somehow became a rebel, maybe knowledge shows me that not all things they said and did were true.