Why is it that every time you ask a Christian question it becomes a debate
By pastorkayte
@pastorkayte (2255)
United States
November 29, 2007 9:50pm CST
Today I started a discussion asking Christians if they did their Christian duty and told another about the Good News of Jesus Christ, and all of a sudden I am stupid and a brown noser to my religious beliefs by people telling me that they dont want someone passing judgement on them.
Somewhere in that sentence I found a hypocrit lerking in the mist. Why say you dont want someone passing judgement on you when quite clearly if someone does not agree with you, you will pass judgement on them.
Faith is a wonderful thing and God told me I would be persecuted for my beliefs and that is fine, I just want to know why people who dont want to be judged think its okay to judge everyone else.
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12 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
30 Nov 07
After reading your discussion and the responses to it, I honestly don't think those people were trying to fight with you.
There's a very simple truth at work here: people are tired of being told the "Good News". Almost every non-Christian I know (myself included) has spent their entire lives having Christianity shoved down their throat. I'm not saying you can't share your beliefs, or that it's wrong to do so. However, the type of sharing most Christians do isn't an equal discussion about their beliefs and the other person's... it's merely an attempt to change the other person's beliefs.
So, yes, people do get touchy about it. I'm sorry that you're upset. I'm sorry that you feel discriminated against. I really doubt that was the intention of the posters. It seemed to me that the intention was to point out to you that other people have already made up their minds about their beliefs (or lack thereof) and therefore you "spreading the good word" isn't going to make any difference to them.
I don't want to be judged. I don't want to judge anyone. I want a free and equal exchange of information about religion and beliefs. Once in a while I get that. However, more often I get people trying to force their beliefs on me while ridiculing my own... and so I too sometimes get touchy. I try my best not to, though. :)
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@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
30 Nov 07
A lot of times I understand your feelings except you have to first know that this is our right as it is yours to say you are not interested in it. Before finding God I did not want people to tell me either, but now I see why they do. Though I tell someone everyday the Good News, I do not "force it down their throats" The point I was making was asking Christians did they spread the good news should not have become a debate with non Christians because in my discussion I asked Christians if they spread the good news.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
30 Nov 07
*nods* That's why I checked out your other discussion before replying to this one, because I wanted to make sure I had all the facts and saw what was said before I made a response. Misunderstandings are no fun.
I'm quite aware that it's your right to talk about your religion just as it's our right to say we aren't interested. If you can tell someone politely without belittling their own beliefs, more power to you. :)
You're right that your other discussion shouldn't have become an argument with non-Christians, but frankly that's what happens on forums like this. For an example, I'll mention my discussion on Pagan music. I started a discussion asking for recommendations for artists and sources for pagan music. One of the responses I got was: "why look for pagan if you have a good christian music"
Now, this is entirely inappropriate. I was specifically asking for pagan music, and someone had to come in and basically say that I didn't need music about/from my own religion, but rather music from theirs. Me being me, I made a polite response that I wasn't interesting in Christian music because I wasn't Christian, and after that a polite conversation about Christian music by other users started up. That was fine with me, and I even participated with the little experience I had on the topic. However, it was ultimately off topic.
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Look at this! Two of my favorite people beginning to like and appreciate each other! YEAH!!!!!! ~Donna
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
30 Nov 07
As a Christian, I feel that sometimes the problem is that there are a lot of people out there who have been hurt by different religions out there to where they do not want to hear about God and how good he is, and how being saved can really help them in their life.
I know for me, it took building that personal relationship with Jesus and learning to trust him over the world without others trying to tell me I was doing wrong. A lot of times what it is, is not that they don't want to hear it, they could be scared of change, or never shown a loving God who is there to help them, so they mock and ridicule us not realizing that they are the ones missing out.
Personally, I feel everyone is allowed to their personal feelings, and not everyone is going to agree with you. I feel all we can do for those who might ridicule us and call us Crazy, is Pray for them, and hope someday their eyes can be opened to what is really out there for them.
@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
30 Nov 07
In prayer sister, I believe that those who have a hard time with Christ are upset for nothing, as a unbeliever in my other life before Christ, I didnt want to hear the word, I didnt take it out on those who did. I didnt want to be preached to, so having been a non believer I have learned to spread the word anyway but I also learned that craming it into an unreceptive person cause them to work farther away. However if a person is willing to hear me, I am willing to tell them the Good News. Even those of no faith should be able to understand that.
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@paul8675 (750)
• Australia
4 Dec 07
Let's get things into perspective.
The answer is found to a large degree in Mark chapter 16.
Mk 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
Mk 16:16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
1) Christians are commanded by Jesus in the great commission to preach. There is no suggestion whatsoever of political correctness or tolerance.
2) If only non-Christians would realise that they are being preached to because Christians believe verse 16 and care about the welfare of souls headed towards an eternity in hell, they would not be critical of them.
In the light of these two verses I quoted, how can non-believers ask Christians to view all worldviews equally. The fact is that they are not, and I for one care deeply about the destiny of the souls I come into contact with on a daily basis.
As for the reaction of non-Christians, this is understandable. The non-believer prefers to live in darkness and every time they hear the gospel preached, they are reminded of their sin. They know the gospel is true but they prefer to bury this knowledge because they feel that their self-centred lifestyle will be mucked up.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Hi pastorkayte,
Unfortunately, the unbelievers will bash the Christians. It happens almost all the time.
Just keep your faith in the Lord! Remember how they treated Jesus. He was hated and is still hated by many even though His love for us is immeasurable.
We are to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever and whenever we can. God never promised us that all will come to believe, but some will. Even if you just bring one person to Christ, it is so very worth it! You don't know how many people you are inspiring and encouraging. Not all will respond.
God will bless you whenever you obey Him. I love this saying by Dr Charles Stanley: Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him. That is life at it's best!
God bless you! :)
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
30 Nov 07
Thanks. ;)
I wasn't trying to bash either, just make the point that people on all sides do it. It's not a matter of religion as much as a matter of personality I think. There are some people within every group that are generally positive influences, and others who are generally negative influences. I've even met people within my own religion who drive me crazy with their pushiness, and our Gods don't even ask us to convert people, so it's just completely stupid on their part.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
30 Nov 07
You know I don't agree with your beliefs, lecanis, but I think you are a nice person.
We shouldn't "bash", but be kind in the way we express our feelings about anything.
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@catskisses (434)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I do not know who said this to you and I regret that you were treated so. However, allow me to tell you of a different reality. I am not Chrisitan, yet I have been judged and condemned by so many claiming to follow the Christ that I find mysef rather defensive around Christians who claim to be 'spreading' the word. I have been persecuted by so-called Christians who seem to think that I cannot be of another path unless somehow I have never heard of the Christ or his teachngs. I do live in America, I have television, radio, churches around me. I own several copies of the Holy Bibe in several transations and have studied theology for many years. Yet I am pursued by these 'witnesses of the faith'. Perhaps if a Christian were to simply ask me if I have heard of the words of the
Christ and then accept the fact that I have and leave me in peace, I would not feel so. I do not say that this is the type of person you are, but the vast majority of the time these people proceed to judge me and try to force me to convert to their beief system. I have had my faith ridicued by hypoChristians who present themselves as asking in order to understaand my views. I have been accused of worshipping your Satan, who has no infuence in my life whatsoever. If you want to see judgemental, look at how Christians treat anyone who is not of their faith. The Christian Bible tells its believers not to judge others, there are many faiths which do not tell their followers this. My own faith requires that I judge others in the way that they judge me, but if you will use the term hypocrisy, you must look at those who caim not to judge but do. We of other faiths have been judged by Chriistians for so ong that we know that nine times out of ten when a Christian asks, "have you heard..." it is the beginning of a persecution of us and an attempt to drag us to their faith whether we wiish it or not, we are sensitive to it through long exposure. I hesitate to respond to Christian questions because of this, but once again, I am doing so and risking the judgemental response I actually expect. May your god bless and keep you and give you peace.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
30 Nov 07
Yup, that's pretty much my situation. I've spent my whole life being judged and condemned by Christians. In fact, in my case, I was actively physically harmed because of my refusal to convert when I was a child as well as constantly discriminated against. As an adult of course I know such acts are illegal, but as a child living in a largely Christian community, I didn't know there was anything I could do. So of course I get scared when someone approaches me in a proselytizing manner! However, I love to talk to my Christian friends and loved ones about their faith when I get to talk about mine as well with them. :)
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@catskisses (434)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Dear Kayte,
It is truly refreshing to meet a Christian who has read and heard the words of Matthew you quoted. I sometimes wonder if my copy of the Bible is one of the few in existence which contains that passage. You are the kind of Christian with whom I enjoy discussion. The kind who can actually help me to understand your faith better, and imho, the kind who practices the gentle teaching model of the Christ. I am glad to have met you here. I am certain you may well bring many to your faith.
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@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Thank you for that post, understandably I get it however I am saying that I dont want to debate, so I am clearly not forcing my religion on anyone and in the post I asked Christians if they spread the Gospel. If someone tells me they are not interested I move on because I want to teach those who are interested and get them on the right road, however I am not judgemental because that is a job for (you guessed it) God. On judgement day all those who do not believe will be judged, so that means it is not my job to judge. No where in the bible does it say Kayte go out and judge the sins of others, in fact it say clearly not to in Matthew 7:1 Do not judge, or you will be judged.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I wish I knew the answer.I have found that problem among so many Christians that I don't even care to belong to church settings. I think it makes the whole faith look bad and definitely takes away from what the faith is supposed to be about. But then again that could be seen as me judging them so I guess it doesn't matter.
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
21 Feb 10
I could of started this discussion many times in the past couple of weeks. I have given this topic much thought as I have found myself in this frustration position many times through the years and a few times lately. It seems to me that it is perfectly except able for a non believer to have a different opinion but as soon as I do then I am judgmental. All of a sudden the non believer in the conversation is irate and excusing me of judging and I am left baffled. There have been many times I have thought over the conversation evaluating myself and in the past I have to admit that to my surprise I can see where the other person could think I was being judgmental. Certainly I wasn't intending to judge not at all. I have had to grow in my knowledge of Jesus Christ and to learn much about my myself in relationship with God and his desire for everyone in this world. So know I don't believe I have been judging at all. I actually don't even start the conversation. I wait until the other person ask me question and go from there. I carefully choose my words to make sure I do not come off judgmental to the other person and it seems impossible. It seem s to me the so called open mindedness of the unsaved person is not as open minded as they claim to be. I think they speak with a forked talked. They say one thing but mean another. I just love to talk with people about the bible but it sure stirs up their emotions they get so emotional. Maybe they should think about why they get so upset.
@goinliveinfive (561)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I think a more pressing question, at least for me, is why you can't work out your own salvation with fear and trembling without scrutinizing or even casually inquiring about how anyone else is going about interpreting their role in the Great Commission? What business is it of yours if people are going out and evangelizing? That's between them and the savior they profess to love enough to keep His commands.
If you don't want your questions to incite debate, come up with some less inciteful questions. If you insist on asking questions that make you seem as though you're judging or critiquing people on the basis of how you would do things, expect them to become defensive and argumentative. It's a simple equation.
@markmiyashiro (213)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Sometimes it is individuals actions become a witnessing tool, a story from my friend Richard: Richard was arrested for a misdemeaner, and was given community service, he was sent to do manual labor with the city workers, along sides him was this old black man, Richard was digging ditches, then he notice the supervisior walked away, Richard thought to himselve no one is looking so I will cruise till the boss comes back, meanwhile the old black man continue to dig, so Richard asked the old man, why are busting you butt, no one sees what you are doing? The man answered but He, pointing to God knows, I need to do my measure of service. God is watching my actions, to see if I put in an honest work day for pay. So Richard bewildered continue to dig again, but he thought is there a God who watches what I do? And does he keep track of my deeds good or bad? The following weekend, Richard learned that the church was feeding the community, seeing an opportunity to get a free meal, Richard attends serve, in the front of the church is that old man, he stood up and gave a testimony how good God was to him, Richard had a change in heart, he wanted to know this God that the old man talked about, he became a beliver and Richard is now a Pastor.
@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
19 Feb 10
The point of sharing my story or speaking out to ask others their goals is to find like minded people who are doing what I do, not however to tell other people what they should be doing or to pass judgement of others. While it may be none of my business, for some. If you come to the social sites, wouldnt it be more beneficial to talk to and get to know people you share a common interest with. Therefore my questions are just that, a way to meet others who share my interest which happens to be talking to others about the Word of God.
@blanc_look707 (32)
• Philippines
6 Dec 07
well, same experience with you..people act that way sometimes..
@msmiata60 (14)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Yes, one of the touchiest subjects! I am a chirstian but I don't shove it down anyones throat. I go about it differently. You see God around you everywhere and in every situation...if your yees are open. I point that out to to people when I see these instances. Gives them a different view. They begin to see. Works great!
I also think that this judging process is a practice and you will go thru it over and over untill you yourself get it right. Aren't we supposed to be judged in the end?
I have noticee that if I keep judging people than I get judged over and over. I will eventually get it right. My practice to do. Just like patience.
I still have work to do.
People will judge you over everything. That's ok. I love you anyway cause I know this is your practice.
You eventually will get it right. Just as I will.
I love the non believers. They will eventually do it over and over untill they also ge it right. No reason to judge them. No reason to judge me. We all get what we need to get in the end.
I am sorry you are offended by comments. Here's your practice or you wouldn't have been drawn to post about it!
@smwilliams (647)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I find this a very hard topic to discuss anywhere at anytime. There is always someone who is going to be uncomfortable with any religious topic. And really I have discovered a lot of religious people are the biggest hypocrits...they will talk about love and forgivness, but be the first to point fingers. It a win lose situation. I try to keep the religious discussions for church or religious based websites where people wont be offended. If you ask that on a website like this that is diverse then you are opting for people to get upset. Even asking people if they are doing their christian duty is pushing the line in my opinion.
@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
19 Feb 10
That is fine, but the purpose of the discussion is to find like minded individuals who share a common interest, my common interest as shown in the Bible is to spread the Word of God therefore, asking if others are doing this is asking if there are others who share my common interest, which incidently is the purpose of this kind of board.