Do you like your collage?

@Csicke (25)
November 30, 2007 3:24am CST
How do you think about your school? Every school is so different.I'd like our school. Today we watched a melodrama named "cats".
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10 responses
@ammann (15)
• China
2 Dec 07
hi i am a chinese and i am a student too. but i can speak a little english.but but i am eager to learn english well and until now i havent found a goog way to study it.fortunately ,a days ago i suddenly saw this website and found you as you mind i am one of your friends? but now its a pity that i am not sure if you can understand what i said, because my english is badly.i hope you can help to study english. thank you.
@Csicke (25)
• China
2 Dec 07
I am sure I could understand what you said. Use a old Chinese sentence" we are ban jin ba liang"My English is poor too.We can help each other.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
30 Nov 07
I do not think any one would hate his school. I love my school. The great thing is when the bell rings, I can hear in my house. It is just 500 metres from my home. I love my school, because my teachers were good. My friends were good. I used to play hockey, I joined National Cadet Corps run by Indian Army. I had wonderful library facility. You know the fees, 50 cents for entire year. Unbelievable!! The school is run by government. I used to take part in all cultural activity of the school.
• China
30 Nov 07
I like my school.I have been here for five years,and i like it.The city where my university in is beautiful.We have many places to play in. Our teachers are good to us,I have so many firends.
@goodsign (2287)
• Malaysia
7 Dec 07
Hi & Hello, Yes Csicke, of course I like my previous school and always reminisce about it when every time I look at my kid's school on sending them to school. School life is very interesting as we only in one motive, an academic learning. I like melodrama because it plays interspersed with songs and orchestral music and a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events; language, behavior, or events resembling such drama. Happy Postings and Earnings, HAPPY DAPPY.
@prxch_18 (143)
• India
3 Dec 07
i do like my i am not in my school but still those memories are fresh in my mind....friends, canteens, teachers, movies, everything, i really miss everything....... i think everyone has to move one with there life....i did there is no way i can turn back but still memories will always remian with me.......
• Romania
1 Dec 07
I love my school. It`s my first year in university and everything is so new and interesting. The teachers are really good and they explain all very well. I really like it! :)
9 Dec 07
i love my school and should i not?
• Pakistan
30 Nov 07
the college life is good and i like my college because it gives a new door to opportunities and we !!!!! as we meet new and new people it becomes easier to understand life?
• China
30 Nov 07
I really like my school,It keep so much memory in my life.If have free time,I always back to travel it and talk about something with my friends.
@lyfhot61 (55)
• China
30 Nov 07
I love my school very much.Not only because of it's beautiful senery,but also because of it's history and culture.The atmosphere in the school is very well,all students under the teachers' help are studying hard.Everyone in the school love it.
@sky1985 (50)
• China
30 Nov 07
yes .I like my school.