How do you feel.....

@anetteh (3590)
November 30, 2007 5:59am CST
when you have read a book and that book become a movie, and some contents from the book not ac our in the movie?. I for one have double feelings about that. For example, I read Hannibal and then saw the movie. I waited to see things from the book in the movie but it never happen. I was really disappointed after seeing the film. However, I also read the book of Annie Rice about a vampires history, and saw that movie also and did not get disappointed even if some content from the book did not happen. It is a saying that you should not read the book before you have seen the movie or you will be disappointed. Do you think that is right?. Well I think some times and some times not.
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12 responses
• United States
30 Nov 07
i agree. sometimes that's the case and sometimes it isn't. and sometimes when the movie is changed up it isn't a bad thing. sometimes it can be different from the book but still be enjoyable. but, there are definitely books that have been made into movies that shouldn't of been. things being changed too much just doesn't work. the whole premises of making a movie out of a book is that you're making a movie out of a book. the movie should go along with the book!
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
I agree with you. However sometimes the book´s content are to aggressive to show in a movie, I think a vampires Story with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise was that kind of a movie. I actually thought the movie was great and the book to. The story in the movie was change a bit, but it was not important for the story, and the end of the movie was also change, but I do not wanted have to see in the movie when they eaten a child, it would have been to horrible. However, Those actors made the movie god as god as the book. I felt from the movie what I felt from the book. So as you say, some movies are following a book as it should, but mostly they do not. Thank you for responding, and have great ADVENT SUNDAY.
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• United States
30 Nov 07
I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes even I get dissapointed when the character in my mind looked totally different than the character picked for the movie.
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
Yes, reading a book are giving you a feeling, a Kind of mind movie for your self. If than the movie done do not tend to be as you wanted or supposed to be you do get disappointed. That´s why I now these days do not read a book and than go to see the movie. Only if I hear that movie are great. But not other wise. Than you for responding and have a great ADVENT SUNDAY
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
I"m not sure. I don't see it exactly the same way you do. I agree that often the book and the movie have little in common other than the name and the main idea. But I tend to view then as separate things so those discrepancies do not disappoint me. I know that sometimes it is complicated to follow the book exactly as it was written when that book is made into a movie. And now that I think about it, I don't think I expect it either. Some surprises are interesting:) I like to read books that were turned into movies, or watch movies that are based on books. I usually make up my mind which one I enjoyed the most. But I don't usually get disappointed if the movie missed or added things from/to the book.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
2 Dec 07
I know what you mean. When I read a book I guess I read it as a movie in my head too. The only difference is that it is my movie, so I don't expect it to be the same when someone else turns it into a real movie, hence no disappointment LOL Wish you a wonderful sunday too :)
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
I do not know about You, however, when I do read a book, I read it as a movie for my self. I put up a actor in my mind. I put up the feelings, I feel when reading it. When the movie come out I have some expectations of that movie, and if they do not appear, I do get disappointed. But then, if all of us who read books and have our own movie, there would be a lot of movies from the same book...*smile*. Thank you for responding and have a great ADVENT SUNDAY.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I get irritated when a great book is poorly done in a movie version. I loved the book Timeline, the movie was horrible. They changed so much about the book. I still enjoy the Harry Potter movies after reading the books though. I think they leave out quite a bit, but they are so long that there is no way to include everything. We would be watching a 6 hour movie. Another movie that followed the book well was Stephen King's, The Green Mile. I was impressed with how well the movie went along with the book. I am not usually much of a Stephen King fan either. Eragon was a really good book. I have tried to watch that movie 3 times and can't get into it. I would rather read the book before seeing a movie, even if it means disappointment later. I like reading and using my imagination much better than watching movies anyway.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
Yes, I do agree with you. We make movies of our self reading a book. And some books do have do be cut down, because of the length in the book. But changing actors, and events make the movie somethings els from the book. You have your own movie it the head after reading a book and when the movie do not follow that I always get frustrated and disappointed. Because you do wait for it to happen and if it don´t you´ve lost the rest of the movie....but in the end, there would be a lot of movies from the same book if we all readers make that movies..... thank you for responding, and have a great ADVENT SUNDAY
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@suyuan (34)
• China
1 Dec 07
I have the same feeling ,too ,the moive is not exactly the book say
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
No, it is not, and no more movies after reading a book. thank you for responding and have a great ADVENT SUNDAY.
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@ramoore (72)
• United States
30 Nov 07
i dont like it when they leave things out of the movie because you read the book and you would like to see the things you read come to life and imagne how stuff looks, only for it to STILL be left to your imagintion. that sucks
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
Me either, I wish if they can not follow a book, they should not make the movie in the first place. There are so many people reading the same books and have their own imagination of the content and handling of actors that many tend to be disappointed. I for one, since I was so disappointed of the movie after reading the book of HANNIBAL, o do no longer see the movies, I rather keep my imagination to my self. Thank you for responding and have a great ADVENT SUNDAY
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
30 Nov 07
I remember key bits in the story that I have read which I have enjoyed above all so when I come to watch them at the movies I deliberately look out for them and if the movie doesn't show the piece of the book I enjoyed then I do get disappointed and slightly robbed. The book goes right into the different characters too which the film cannot always show, so for me I much rather read the book and let my imagination do the work rather letting other people control what I see.
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
Reading a book is almost like make a movie of your own. To bad we can not make those movies out to the world. That would make a lot of movies...right. *smile*. Than´s for responding, Have a great ADVENT SYNDAY
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• Saudi Arabia
1 Dec 07
If you're talking about amusement and pleasure only, yes, reading the book may and i say may kill and ruin the movie but the problem is bigger when you talk about history book for instance, if you watched the Da Vince Code or even read Dan Brown's book, there's something else. Dan Brown's is a fiction book, but the problem his base is a real book. The whole thing was taken from a study or a research by a group of people, they made a documetary for the BBC and they wrote a controversial book named (Holy Blood Holy Grail)and honestly after you read the real thing, you would not wanna read Dan Brown's. To answer u: If you're watching something which is history-related but just for the fun of it it is recommended that you read the original book, it doesn't matter before or after. But at least to correct your information about that particular subject.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
Ok, I saw that movie before reading the book. I have not read the book yet. I have not came to it yet. So I did not have any expectations of the movie there. However, I did read HANNIBAL and then saw the movie, and got a lot of disappointment. This because of the changing of characters, actors, and changing´s and events left out which I believed was important for the story. I felt the movie was boring to see because of that. If, and I mean If some events, characters or actors are important fro the story to be showed right they should not change those things. When it comes to Da Vince Code, I think there was a lot said about it. I liked the movie, but did not thought so much about it, for me it was just another movie, with somebody's story wanted to be told. It was to much said about it that should not have to be said. Thank you for responding, and have a great ADVENT SUNDAY
@aaidjs (1149)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
30 Nov 07
Hello Dear,I i know the book very-well and I if I like some book I will never go to see the movie!As young girl I went to see movie upon book of Emily Dickinson Sisters Bronte and I was so disappointing!!After that I never do it!!See you and Regards Silvana
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING AND HAVE A GREAT ADVENT SUNDAY. YES, since a read the book of Hannibal and then god so disappointed from the movie, I never do it again.
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
30 Nov 07
It is frustrating when parts of the book are not in the movie. It drives me crazy because I spend the whole movie saying, "When is ____ going to happen?" then I miss half the movie because I am so focused on the difference between it and the book. I don't agree with the statement about not reading the book first, though. I have found that I have to read the book before seeing the movie, or the movie ruins the book for me. When I'm reading the book I can only picture the movie instead of my own thoughts.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
Yes, You are right. I did that exacted with Hannibal. I read the book. Than watching the movie, I had a high expectations of the movie since the first was a god one. how ever, not only changes from the book, but also changes actors in the movie I must say was a bad decision to make I got very frustrated, and of course I did felt the movie was really boring. When reading a book you make a movie in your head of your own, what if all those movies came out in the air....many movies, right.... thank you for responding, and have a great ADVENT SYNDAY
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@yanxchick (250)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Unfortunately, movies are so short, you can't incorporate everything from a book to a movie. If they movies might be five hours long. I remember the first time this happened was with Jurassic Park. I was so disappointed about it. However, everyone once in a while something comes along that they do a great job with. A prime example of that is The Lord of the Rings. There were things missing from the book. There things the director took liberties with, but at no time was I ever mad or disappointed with the portrayal. I think books are better anyway because the movie in my head is never as good as on-screen.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
Yep, I agree with you. It´s better to keep your imagination and be happy with that. Lord of the Rings, was a god and great to see...and to have all the content from the books, would probably make you bored. Some things was boring from the book to read. Harry Potter´s movie was also great without being disappointed, however no way they could make all in the movie from the book. But after reading HANNIBAL, I did have some expectations from actors, things was changed a lot...that did not make the book right. I was really bored seeing the movie, but happy reading the book. Thank you for responding and have a great ADVENT SUNDAY
• United States
30 Nov 07
Im a firm believer in books first. I love reading because there is always so many more details and actions that you dont see in the movies. And yes most of the time Im very disappointed by the movies if I read the book first, but I was just as disappointed when I saw the movie first and then read the book because no matter what the book is always better. For me at leat it is. Its good that people who dont have the attention spans to read can watch the movie and still get the gist, but they are missing out by not reading the literature. I would love it if just once they would follow a book word for I would sit through an 8 hour movie if that would happen just once.
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
2 Dec 07
Yes, you are right. I also would like to see a book totally change into a movie who actually followed the book. But I guess in the end, it is hard to do. And I guess we could be disappointed anyways, because we have all our expectations and are own movie in the head about the book, and if all those movies would be shown it would appear a lot of movies from the same book...that would be a lot of movies....right. I rather read a book and than skip the movie I do not like being cheated on....from all the details and actors who are needed to make the book fair. thank you for responding, and have great ADVENT SUNDAY
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