Happy Holidays... Offensive? or not?
By raychill
@raychill (6525)
United States
November 30, 2007 12:40pm CST
Now I'm not one to get into arguments on opinions or personal beliefs or anything and I don't intend on this being one, at least I hope it doesn't become one.
I'm just curious though because my co-worker just started arguing this and I searched and don't actually see any discussions on mylot about this.
So... when the Holidays roll around (November/December month holidays) do you get offended when someone wishes you the generic "Happy Holiday" Greeting?
All I'm gonna say is that to me, it's like saying "Good Afternoon" or "Have a good weekend".
I also think it's better than saying nothing at all.
What about you?
Do you not care whether someone says Happy Holidays?
or are you offended that they didn't specifically wish you a happy rubberband in the pocket day? or whatever holiday it happens to be around.
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22 responses
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Hi Ray!
I don't really mind it at all! I mean, I'm not one to get into the holiday spirit but if someone says it to me I just say it in return just as cheerful as I can. LOL
I sort of see it like you do, no more than saying hello, good morning or what have you. Many people will use it in place of hello. Perhaps this is what people are arguing, why say something else than just saying plain old hello or good morning and so on. I cant really understand why anyone would get offended, maybe not like it, but to be offended? Hmmm. Not sure.
Bay Lay Gray xx
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Ha ha.
Well I told someone else that she's in her 70's or so and so she's kind of one of those old people set in their ways. You know. It's pretty sad that it has to be that way, but I actually work with a lot of old people, people who retired and came back part time or just volunteer... we have people from ages 14 - 80 something working at my job. So I've come to realize the older ones are difficult and I just think it's sad cause I think they miss out on a lot by being that way.
I should say it to her everyday. Maybe I will :p
oh and it's couldn't. ha ha.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Hey Bay! I love that we rhyme!
That's true, it can seem to take place of something else, but at the same time, so would Merry Christmas or whatever. I mean, it's not like you'd say "Hello Merry Christmas" if you didn't say it before you said Happy Holidays. I just think Happy Holidays sounds so nice and honestly less cliche too. Glad you're not one offended either, I just really can't understand and my co-worker did not make any sense when she was trying to argue why it's offensive. but it may just be because I don't understand it.
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@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Oh Gosh! I didn't really notice til you said something! We do rhyme!! I like that too! :)
Maybe she is just scrooge and felt like a b!tch session. Tha might have just set her off and that's why you could'nt understand her. (Is that where the apostraphe should go in could not? LOL) Anyway, say it too her every morning when you see her, then be like Oops I forgot, you're offended. LOL It's just silly really to get that upset over "Happy Holidays". LOL
Bay xx
@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I agree with you. Happy Holidays is not offensive and is certainly better than nothing.
There are many religious celebrations at this time of year, so why assume any particular one is meaningful to the person you're addressing?
Not that I'd be offended by Happay Kwaanza, Happy Hannukah, Happy Diwali, Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Christmas or whatever. It's the sentiment behind the greeting that counts, and if someone wants to wish me a happy anything, I'll appreciate it.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Yeah. That's what I think. You can't just Look at someone and know they celebrate said holiday. While I wouldn't be offended if someone said "Happy Hannukah" to me, I don't celebrate Hannukah so why should one wish me a happy one?
What's funny is the person who was arguing the offensiveness of Happy Holidays, said "even if they wish my happy hannukah and I don't celebrate it, who cares! it's the thought that counts".... that's what Happy Holidays is! a thought!
@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Yes, I can understand why someone might be upset if it were assumed he/she were of a particular religion. It must bug a few Jewish people to be greeted with Merry Christmas every year, as though everyone were Christians. Same for any religion. Any such assumption could be a bit aggravating, though not necessarily offensive, unless the person saying it was being purposely disrespectful of you and your religion.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Definitely. In some ways I think that Merry Christmas is more offensive simply beccause it's said because it's the majority rules quality. But I mean, just be a sport and take whatever they say to you...
Gah. I'm really glad to know there are a decent amount of people who think it's fine. I just can't comprehend that offense.
@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
30 Nov 07
If they do, they do if they don't, they don't.
That's my outlook on it LOL.
I don't get offended either way.
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Oh yeah!! That's what I meant LOL. I want to be greeted - it just doesn't have to be Happy Holidays. Sorry LOL.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Ha ha. Good call.
That's actually how I feel too.
I mean, like I think it's nice if you're in a store and the cashier says "happy holidays". or "have a good evening" or whatever polite greeting you can give. It's polite, you know. I think it's rude to not give a greeting at all.
but yeah, I mean whatever it is that they say... I don't get offended by, so long as they say something.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I don't think it's offensive. I mean, especially now, everyone does not prescribe to one religion. So, not everyone celebrates Christmas. I find it offensive when I'm told Merry Christmas. Simply because this person is assuming I'm Christain, when I really prescibe to other belief systems. Just because I participate in Christmas does not mean I'm Christain and that does not mean I want to be all cheery about it. Happy Holidays is good enough for me and I try to stick to that ideal whenever I talk to others. If I know they're christain, fine, but if I have no idea, it's Happy Holidays. Less offensive and makes people feel better that you're considering other belief systems.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Yeah. That's an interesting way to look at it. I mean, I just never thought that it would be offensive to be told Merry Christmas when you celebrate Christmas... But I can see how you would say that.
I definitely agree. Happy Holidays is just a greeting. It's like Aloha. Means hello, means goodbye. It's a generic greeting that could mean either. Same goes for Happy Holidays. could mean whatever you want it to me, it's just a nice thought.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I don't really get offended but it just seems like a watered down greeting to me. I do love Christams...both sides of it...so I LIKE to say and hear Merry Christmas. And I like to say Merry Christmas because that's the only holiday I celebrate.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Actually the comparison with the weekrnd thing does make sense and I hadn't thought of it that way. My s/o works on weekends so sometimes "Have a good Weekend" is totally meaningless to him.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Well I can sort of see how you say it's watered down... but I don't know, I celebrate Christmas and I love Christmas but for as long as I can remember I always say Happy Holidays. Like I said to someone else, on Saturday people usually say "have a good weekend" rather than "Have a good saturday and Sunday" maybe it isn't a weekend to someone. Maybe they work Tuesday - Saturday. so Sunday and Monday is their weekend. Why does saturday and sunday get the generic weekend treatment over a daily treatment.
Okay that's not the best example, first thing I could think of. Ha ha.
But, yeah I mean I can see how you'd say it's watered down but isn't it better than nothing at all?
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I don't find it offensive at all. It is simply a way to put wishes for all the holidays into one simple greeting. Some families celebrate several holidays this time of year, so saying happy holidays is a way to wish greetings for all of them without listing each one. Especially for people you don't know well enough to know which holidays they celebrate, it is an appropriate holiday greeting. In my opinion it's better than failing to recognize that someone celebrates chanukkah or kwanzza as well as christmas. That is what would offend me.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
That's what I think too. It's like... on Saturday people don't say "have a good saturday!" they say "have a good weekend!" it's the same thing, just not specific.
I wouldn't really get offended if someone said "Happy Hannukah" even though I don't celebrate it, because it's a thoughtful sentiment... but it could be misconstrued as people not realizing that you don't celebrate that holiday. So I see how that could be more offensive than happy holidays for sure.
@Stiletto (4579)
30 Nov 07
Well no-one ever wishes me Happy Holidays because I'm in the UK and we don't say that here. Of course it wouldn't offend me if they did. I've never understood why people get uptight about that sort of thing. I have muslim friends and I wish them a Merry Christmas - heck I send them a Christmas card every year lol! They don't care, at face value it's a meaningless thing for them but it's the spirit the greeting is given in that counts. It's the same when people say God Bless to me or tell me they will pray for me. I'm an atheist but I look on it as being the same as me saying I will keep someone in my thoughts or whatever. There again some people just look for any opportunity to be offended I think.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
The spirit of the greeting is a nice way to put it.
Someone else mentioned the religious thing and I said that I actually do get a little weirded by that, but that's a whole other story.
But yeah, I think it's just a nice thing to do and I think people are definitely just dumb!
My co-worker who was saying she was offended by that stuff is old and most old people are really set in their ways (she's like in her 70's)
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Dec 07
Here Down Under, we don't celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving so they don't apply. But Christmas is a different thing. It's Christmas! I think people who say "Happy Holidays" are copping out. What...is it all of a sudden politically incorrect to celebrate Christmas? Will someone be offended because we celebrate these seasons? As far as I'm concerned they can crawl into a hole for the season. If you don't believe or participate, don't try and spoil things for those of us that do. Get over yourselves. I've seen a few "Happy Holidays" greetings in my email already, even from Aussies and our local bush Newsletter had it too. I was a tad peed off but mostly disappointed. Let's stick to the spirit of Christmas and celebrate in joy and love for each other. Leave things be.
May all my friends have a very Merry Christmas.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
7 Dec 07
Well Holidays usually refer to Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice etc etc. So Halloween and Thanksgiving don't apply either.
Here's the way I look at it. On Friday you say "Have a good weekend" right? Well, why not "have a good Saturday and Sunday"? Hrm? On a tuesday night when you part ways with someone you say "Have a good Night". Why don't you specify "Have a good Tuesday night?"
To me, Happy Holidays is saying "have a good night" rather than "Have a good Tuesday". It's not a cop out. It's just a polite greeting. I don't get it personally why it's offensive.
The thing is, people are saying Happy Holidays because they're offended by the fact that people Celebrate Christmas or whatever it is. They say happy holidays because you don't KNOW what they celebrate. Why say Have a merry christmas when they aren't going to have one?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
30 Nov 07
I love Happy Holidays. It works for me because I don't always know what holidays the person I am speaking to celebrates. Usually they aren't the same holidays I celebrate, since I'm a religious minority, so I find Happy Holidays a nice way to tell them I care and hope they have a good time, whatever they're celebrating.
I've had people get offended because I said "Happy Holidays" to them, and I usually ignore then, unless I'm at work. If I'm at work, I usually just say "I really do hope you have happy holidays, whichever ones you celebrate" and if they continue to argue, call over my manager.
If people give me a specific holiday greeting, I say it back to them no matter what it is. They're pointing out what holiday they celebrate, and in that case it doesn't hurt me any to say I hope they have a good one. However, if I'm giving the greeting first, it's almost always Happy Holidays.
With my friends, if I know what holiday they celebrate, I'll usually say "Happy Solstice" or "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Hannukah" or "Merry Yule" or "Happy Kwanzaa" or whatever else I'm missing here.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Yes, because you celebrate Winter Solstice! I remember!
I actually say Happy Holidays to everyone, because I think it sounds nice. ha ha. I mean, disregarding the whole actual holiday aspect, I think it just sounds like it's a nice greeting. So it's just usually what comes out. I work for the public library so we're not allowed to have denominational things in it. We can't say Thanksgiving, we can't say Christmas, we can't say Hannukah, we can't have anything Jesus or God or Buddha or anything. The co-worker who brought up being offended by the "happy holidays" then went on about that. Who cares whether we have a non-denominational workplace. We celebrate them between our co-workers and the libraries have programs that revolve around the unmentioned holiday so it's not like it's ignored.
I really don't understand people who argue with the Happy Holidays. It's like arguing with someone who said "have a good evening!"
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I think it's a polite, religious-freedom concious way to greet someone. I use it along with merry christmas, happy yuletide system, have a lovely winter solstice, and so on, lol.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Dec 07
season* not system, lol.
Sorry. I got computers and electronics on the brain at the moment...so the word snuck in there lol
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Some people just like an excuse to fuss at others, really.
That's what I think anyways, heh.
I just shake my head at them and move on if they start getting all red in the face and raising their voice about it.
I mean, what's it to them? I'll just let 'em stew in their own juices.
Maybe it'll make them think on it a lil more logically. I can hope, right? ^_^
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I'm not offended by this at all. If someone wishes me a Merry Christmas or other Christmas/holiday greeting, I will say it back to them. And if they don't say it first, I will! :) I have yet to meet anyone who finds this offensive, though I know there are people from a certain religion that don't celebrate holidays and such. Maybe these are the people that get offended when one greets them with a holiday greeting?
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Same here, yeah. Glad to hear so many mylotters aren't offended by it. It makes me crazy that certain people do get offended, How can you be offended by a nice gesture really?
My co-worker who was offended by it apparently things that by saying Happy Holidays we are Ignoring the holidays. Which... doesn't make a darn bit of sense to me.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
4 Dec 07
no i don't get offended but i do wish them a happy holiday though and when they say it to me i will reply back to them happy holidays.i prefer it that way sometimes because gosh with all the darn holidays that other people celebrate i wouldn't want to say something to them if it was the wrong holiday or something.so happy holidays is just easier and safer.pattie happy holidays!
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
who cares if someone says happy holidays! Its a greeting. I mean if someone said May Jesus bless you I might feel uncomfortable. There are so many holidays around this time though:
-festival of dewali (lights)
-New years eve
-ukrainian chrismas
Plus alot of people get time off work regardless of their creed at this time of year
@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Oh that's how I feel too.
In one of my old retail jobs we had a church group who came in and had meetings there. which was wrong in the first place but we were never allowed to kick them out. Anyway, they'd always say stuff to me about Jesus this and God that and I was like wtf...don't judge me...I always get a little offended by peoples religious comments, and a lot of people do that on mylot, but that's a whole other story.
But yeah, totally agree.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
4 Dec 07
I think it really all depends on the intent on the end. If a random stranger says jesus bless you... I may just reply have a nice day. If the person meant it in a postive light. If it were someone who knew I was wiccan, on the other hand, then I would find it highly offensive.
@xleslieanne (692)
• United States
30 Nov 07
rubberband in the pocket day? hahaha. well, i think that being wished a happy holidays by store employees or whoever else you come across is nice. it is pretty generic and it's pretty much a guarantee that they're supposed to say it as part of their job in the holiday season, but it's still nice. especially when you can tell in someones voice that they mean it and aren't just saying it so their manager doesn't over hear them skip out on the greeting.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
30 Nov 07
You're the first one to comment on that!
I was simply trying to think of some ridiculous holiday that could be any old day of the year.
Like December 4th! National Rubberband in the Pocket Day! The day one should always carry a Rubberband in the Pocket! ha ha.
I think it's a very common phrase to hear in retail for sure. I actually work for the public library so we're also very non denominational, probably more so because we're a public facility.
Funny thing was we got a card from one of the library branches (as they do every year, send out cards) and as I handed it to my office manager I said, without thinking, Happy Holidays! I say it all the time. For me it's actually weirder to say Merry Christmas (which I celebrate) then it is to say Happy Holidays. Maybe it's from working in retail, I dunno.
But it's nice to see someone noticed my holiday! Rubberband in Pocket day!
@xleslieanne (692)
• United States
1 Dec 07
hahaha. yes, i definitely noticed it. i know that supposedly everyday is some sort of holiday, but most of them are so bizarre. haha. like that one.
&yeah, it's most likely from working in retail and having to say it to the customers so often.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Who cares; It is just a greeting, Not offensive. I don't celebrate Christmas or Chanakah or Kwanza or anything. But I am not upset if someone says Happy Holidays or Seasons greetings. Big deal. I don't say it back I just say Thank you have a nice day.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Well personally I think it's rude not to say it back or at least reply with "you too" rather than a selfish "thanks" which says nothing about them except that you appreciate their care for you but you don't care for them.
But yes, it is a who cares sort to me too.
@gloria777 (1674)
• India
11 Dec 07
I don't think it as offensive. Ofcourse holidays should be happy. That's why the term came into existence.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I think its nice when people say happy holidays or have a nice day. The world is filled with way too much hate. We all need to say nice things to each other. But we all know thats not going to happen.LOL So happy holidays to you!
@raychill (6525)
• United States
1 Dec 07
You're right. The world is filled with a lot of hate. But Happy holidays is just a nice polite thing. Same goes for Seasons Greetings or any other polite saying that someone might say.
Ha ha and Thanks.
Happy Holidays to you to as it is finally December!
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
1 Dec 07
I do not find it offensive either. For me, its just that they want to greet me in advance. When someone does... I just reply same to you.I am not really sensitive with the sort of greetings as long as the greetings is not foul. And it is better greeting me taht way than ignoring or snob me. I would find it more offensive.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Ha ha yeah thats what I said. Better to say "happy holidays" then "Go eff yourself" or something. you know. pLus it's true, it's not always christmas day or hanukah or solstice or whatever. so it's like "happy holidays" is just a greeting to acknowledge you and anything you may celebrate in the coming time.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Not really. If they do, great, if not, that's fine too. I've never been one to get all offended by that kind of stuff. I work with girls that are like that though. They are also realy into getting together for the holidays and they can't understand why my friend and I aren't as into as they are. I'm just not. I don't mesh with them enough to want to spend every flippin' holiday with them. So, no. I don't get offended. I will say it, but if someone doesn't say it to me, I don't get mad about it. I also agree that it is better than nothing. What is with people wanting everything to be all specific anymore?
@raychill (6525)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Yeah. I didn't figure you did. Really? The girls you work with get offended at the holiday thing? The girls you work with are lame anyway!!!
I don't understand why it has to be specific either. You say "Good Evening" not "Good Saturday!" you say "good afternoon" not "good tuesday afternoon!" so why does the holiday thing have to be specific?
I went to the bank today and the woman said "have a good holiday" and I laughed! and said "you too!" like derr. it's just a polite gesture. Get over it old lady!
@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
2 Dec 07
I don't see anything offensive about saying 'Happy Holidays', If the person who said it meant it well, then just say 'thank you'. And you're right, it's better than saying nothing at all. The person must just be being thoughtful, well, at least that person greeted you, better be greeted than not be greeted at all. Take care. *smile*
ciao! c",)