Instead of parrot fish or blood fish?

parrot fish - beautiful colored parrot fish
@hunandi (288)
United States
December 1, 2007 1:36pm CST
What are naturly beautiful colored fish . My kids want something pretty and colorful. We had tetra but they are very small so you need tons of them in a big tank don't get me wrong though I dont want some thing hugh either. I would like fresh water but salt water would be okay to Let me know any ideas thanks abunch
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5 responses
• United States
2 Dec 07
You might even want t get goldfish if you have a large enough tank t put them in. As was mentioned before is the cichlids such as angelfish, discus, oscars, firemouth cichlids and may other types of Central and South American cichlids as well as cichlids from Africa. Make sure to not put fish that are not compatible in the same tank of fish that need different types of water conditions together. Rift lake cichlids from Africa do better in hard alkaline water and South American cichlids usually do better in soft acidic water. It would be best for yo to look in books with pictures of fish and then let us know what kinds that you like so that we can guide you as to which will be compatible.
@hunandi (288)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Thank you as soon as I get chance I will do so . Im thankful for all the wonderful help
@Seraphine (385)
• Finland
1 Dec 07
What sized tank do you have? So we can give you some suggestions that will actually fit. I especially like angelfish and pearl gouramis. Then there's also the different types of rainbowfish that are often very colorful. If that's not colorful enough, then check out the Malawi cichlids. They have different water requirements (hard water, high pH) than most other freshwater species so you can't mix them with anything but other Malawi cichlids but they are very colorful.
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@hunandi (288)
• United States
2 Dec 07
I know it should be at least 55 gallons it nice sized its a large corner tank.
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I see many children every year in my fish store. They always go straight to the beautiful Guppy. The males like to show off and I sell more of them to children than any other fish. The parents try to encourage their children to select a different fish, but that isn't happening. I'm a parent and can understand why my daughter wanted Guppies when she was young. My suggestion take your children to the fish store and stand back just a little bit and let them look at all of the fish. Ask them which fish they like the best. We can all make suggestions, but if your children don't like the fish they will ignore the fish tank.
@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
2 Dec 07
Tropical guppies are beautiful so are siamese fighter fish as long as you only have one male in the tank. They fight otherwise whereas females fighters you can have as many of those in the one tank as you like. Zebra danios are nice too. But I guess it depends on how big your tank is and what size fish you want.
@Fungis (2)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Hi! Glad to see you are interested in fish. I just have a little advice. Don't try to mix cichlids and oscars. They are very aggressive fish most likely will eat all your other fish. For a larger tank such as yours you are going to want several layers of fish. Types that hang around up top on the bottom and in the middle. Some of the fish that you would want to look into are Angel- Fish usually get them in pairs they do much better Danios- usually a better school of fish so three or more. Discus- These guys a pretty cool little bit more expensive but cool Pairs Mollies- They are small but some in an assortment of colors great for starting a tank Sword Tails- These guys are cool breed pretty easy to they school Pictus cats- Just a cool swimming little guy sticks to swimming close to the ground. Red tail sharks- Just a general fish not really a shark but your kids will get a kick out of it. Bala sharks- awesome addition tend to get a little bit bigger. Be honest with you a salt water tank is fairly difficult to start and maintain. Takes at least 3 months from scratch for salt water I would recommend sticking with fresh. For your tank also make sure you a strong filter and a proper heater at least a 150watt heater. Don't be afraid to get some other food rather than just flake food. Try looking for like bloodworms those are an awesome treat for the fish. I prefer frozen ones but sometimes people want them dry.... Anyways check out your local pet shop not like pets mart but a more specialty none corporate store. They will generally be able to help you out a lot more. If you have any other questions just let me know
• United States
2 Dec 07
Oscars, angelfish and discus are types of cichlids. so are apistogrammas and Mikrogeophagus ramirezi or ram. Of course a lot of people when you mention cichlids that are referring to the rift lake cichlids from Africa. No matter what kind of fish that you get make sure that the tank is large enough for it/them to grow to maximum size without being stunted, that cute one inch Oscar can grow to be over 15 inches long and need much more than a 10, gallon tank.
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@hunandi (288)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Thanks after my hubbys done fixing are tank ( it had a leak from have way down the glass) I'm coming right back to this page I got so much great help
@hunandi (288)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Hmm i have a nice sized tank but 15 inches is biger then what i want thanks for the info