God and religion… It could have worked… Part one
By Aussies2007
@Aussies2007 (5336)
December 2, 2007 2:18am CST
If we had managed to put the fear of God in everyone… we could have actually succeeded in achieved “Paradise” as everyone would have done the right thing by obeying the words of God.
However… in reality… this is not possible. Man… like every other animal on earth… is a territorial beast in search of power and control over others.
Men consist of two distinct species… the sheep and the bull.
The sheep are the followers and form the largest majority of the population. The sheep follow the rules… don’t rock the boat… and accept life as it is. They feel that life is precious and thanks God everyday for being allowed to live on this lovely planet of ours. They are not always happy with what they see happening… but they accept it as part of life and make no effort to change things. They have a good whine about it and move on with their ordinary life. If the world consisted only of sheep… we would have achieved Paradise.
But it does not consist of only sheep. Because God failed to create religion… which was a monumental mistake on his part… Instead… God created the “Bull” by giving him the power to create religion and control the people. Make no mistake about it… God got it all wrong… and he has to take the blame for this.
The Bull is a free thinking individual who makes his own rules rather than following other people rules. Its life is governed by greed for money and power over the people. Those who succeed in achieving power control the people. Those who don’t succeed turn to crime for money. The Bull is the evil of this world.
Furthermore… the bull does not care about life… unless he can enjoy the life of his choosing. The bull will commit suicide rather than live the life of an ordinary sheep. For this reason… you cannot negotiate with the bull… by making freights on his life.
What happened was that the mind of the wise men who invented religion soon became corrupted at the realisation of how much power they had over the people. This power turned into greed for money and more power. That is when the wars and killings in the name of religion started.
What are your thoughts on this?
Do you agree?... Or disagree?
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3 responses
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
7 Dec 07
Your writing should be... If we had managed to curb power and control over others, we could have actually succeeded in achieved "Paradise" as everyone would have done the right thing by obeying the words of Jesus.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
9 Dec 07
I find your dissertation interesting. Within your customary style of resignation and cynicism about humanity comes through loud and clear and I accept that is how you see things. Do I agree? No...I do not see things the way you have presented them here. You know by now that my 'lens of life' is energy based and I view everything within that context. Consequently, I refuse to get into stereotypical labels that pigeon hole people in the way you describe in your framework.
In my views God/Goddess/Source/Ultimate/Universal Intelligence/Creator...whatever a person choses to name "It" is an energetic Source of which we all are a part of. When our energetic essence takes on a physical form we have the right of free will. This choice making ability is how we (as spiritual/energetic beings living in a physical form) learn that there are laws that we can work with or against.
As spiritual beings going through human experiences we are have many opportunities to create through choice-making ventures. Some use their choices to serve their own needs...others work in a more co-creative effort for the common good. In my view organized religions came about through a man-made desire for power, greed and control and it is not something that God failed to put in place. If there was a dictatorial form of religion instated by a Creator that everyone HAD TO adhere to it would contradict the great gift of choice.
Free thinkers are often the ones that bring about the greatest changes...so without them there would be no great thinkers to challenge things when they no longer work. Where on earth would we be without the forerunners in our world...the scientists, the philosophers, inventors, artists...all of those free thinking (Bulls) who had and continue to have the courage to challenge established norms and think out of the box. What kind of smart Creator would stifle them in order to have them bow down to a unified 'religion?' Sounds very contradictory to me and not serving the greater good and co-creative forces that make life so interesting and diverse.
Within my spiritual views the amount of order within our Universe and the natural world is where the real evidence of Source actually is. The natural world has order, harmony and balance. Humans often choose to operate outside of those energetic parameters...but we were given the right to do so...and many choose that until they have some 'awakenings.'
Within a pursuit of higher knowledge many find that our short span of time on this plane we have opportunities to explore ideas that lead to greater inner peace, purpose and empowerment. The 'Bull' was something man created by using the gift of free will to serve personal needs rather than to promote deeper spiritual understanding and that is still fine...because Source loved us enough to allow us to learn our experiences in whatever time it takes us to do so. In my view we do incarnate back because energy cannot be created or destroyed. If we don't get it the first time around...well there are many other lifetimes to come back in physical form and explore the cause, effect and consequence of choice on our path to more enlightened living. The polarity that is here allows us to have a contrast. Without sadness and loss how could we appreciate joy and connectedness. Without those who follow there would be need for ground breakers to forge new pathways. Contrasts are part of how we have something to choose either 'for or against.'
Within your stereotypical breakdown you have outlined polarity very well. However, within all goodness and light there are shadows...within all the shadows there is light. Whether we take this idea from science, religion or metaphysics things are never as black and white or right or wrong as they appear. Bulls can and do open their minds when the time is right and some mellow out. Sheep can and do find ways to move away from the ties that bind them and create new paradigms, inventions or the world would not keep progressing, advancing and evolving. Things are often judged as 'bad' initially but in retrospect there was a lot of good that comes from any life-altering event. Judgments about the outer appearance of things is often short-sighed and narrow minded because we see them through our filters of experience. When seen in the light of experiential life learning and opportunities to grow one's soul everything takes on a different hue.
In my many years in a non-cloistered life I have had countless opportunities to interact with people from all walks of life...from the very wealthy...to very poor, from highly educated to the illiterate...polar opposites on the outside...but with some basic human needs on the inside. Within all I have seen and participated in I know that when all the outer trappings are stripped away that some basic things are true of all people.
Regardless of our race, color, creed or gender we all bleed the same color. To a large degree (if people are willing to 'get real and get over them sleves') will admit that they seek, wish or hope for a feeling of being loved, accepted. Whether they fit into your 'Bull or Sheep' category more often than not people's drivers are fueled by those needs...they just project them differently in their outer persona.
I have seen confirmed atheists and agnostics become believers and some believers become agnostics because as energy based beings information and the way we process is always creating transformative changes in who we are, what we believe and how we live. That is what makes life grand...because we have the right to be who we are and I am grateful for that reality every day of my life. I love the process of releasing my old definers and opening my heart and mind to new realities that I had not considered before. In the work David and I do we see many others we are willing to do the same thing...and that is my perspective and experience on this interesting topic.
So Aussies...I love having respectful dialog with you whether we agree or not!
Look forward to your comment on my two comments here. Post topics I am interested in...and I will come!
So long for now,
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
9 Dec 07
That was very deep... and I have an headache now... laugh.
I will only answer this question...
"Where on earth would we be without the forerunners in our world...the scientists, the philosophers, inventors, artists...all of those free thinking (Bulls) who had and continue to have the courage to challenge established norms and think out of the box."
What's make you think that we needed to change in order to survive?
The animals did not change for the last 5000 years and still manage very well... except for the fact that man is killing them to steal their territory.
Everything that man has invented was to give man a better life from a materialistic point of view.
While at the same time... most of those inventions have contributed to the pollution and climate change that we are experiencing today.
All the discoveries in medecine to prolong life are the direct contributor to our population grow... which in turn requires the production of pollution to give all those people the lifestyle they expect.
So yes... now we need to change. We need to say goodbye to our lifestyle of excess and go back to a more subtle life if we are going to stop that pollution.
There are only two choices...
- Stop the pollution
- Or remove half of the population.
And as we will never do anything about the population... nature will do it for us through its climate change. There is only one God. His name is "Nature".
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
11 Dec 07
I would like to point out that... both in this discussion and the others... I am not concern about the planet. Nature takes care of the planet.
My concern is that nature will extinct humanity in order to take care of the planet.
Now don't get me wrong... I am not losing any sleep over it. I just find that people in denial regarding this issue... makes a good subject of conversation.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
15 Dec 07
Well whether you are doing it for head butting topics...or to jar people into facing something they are unwilling to look at you seem to enjoying doing what you do...so when something works I keep on doing it until it stops.
Within my spiritual beliefs my interest in teachings that have a more 'ancient echo' remind me that showing respect and understanding our interconnectedness to all things is an awareness that grows as we live and learn on this dimension. There I go...diving off the 'deep end' in our discussions! (laugh)
Anyhow...with that in mid I do what I can in the way I grow plants in my garden and relate to nature as many Aboriginal teachings did in the past. However, if nature decides to annihilate humanity to brings things back into balance...then it would fit with the 'what goes around comes around' philosophy I have and we won't be here to worry about it. So I all anyone can do it walk the good Red Road as the natives teach and allow the larger forces of Nature..(whether is is Mrs. or Mr. God..smile) to look after the rest of it...because IT will in the end.
So long for now my friend!