Thank You Everyone for the well wishes

Best Birthday Ever - I may be over the hill but I'm loved
December 2, 2007 11:49pm CST
This is how my Birthday went. I got up at about 6 AM and my husband turned the T.V. on before even dressing. He had his coffee and although he talked a little he left for work and never even said happy birthday. I had coffee and about 9 Am the phone rang. I answered Hello, and I hear this, "Hi Grandma Happy Birthday." that was my 6 year old grandson, soon after he tells me his sister wanted to talk and she also said Happy Birthday and told me she loved me. She's 4 years old. Then I talked to my daughter, and she informed me she was going to take me out for lunch. We live about 3/4 of an hour away, but she came and we all went for lunch. There was my little grandchildren with gift bags and they both gave me a gift. My daughter gave me a card that would bring tears to any moms eyes. She really is gifted when it comes to buying cards. My son in law had to work but I was so happy to hear his voice, he even phoned me from work to tell me he had every intention in joining the family for lunch but he was sorry he couldn't make it. I told him I totally understand and I knbow he is providing for his family. I was just so pleased to hear his voice and knowing he had thought about me. I had a very good day then tonight I checked myLot and you talk about an overwhelming feeling I got to see how many people wished me Happy Birthday. I am so very happy with all of you. Thank You!!!
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22 responses
@sherinek (3320)
• United States
3 Dec 07
Great birthday grandmaof2. You are a lucky mom. These are the things that we cannot buy and cannot give a value and cannot forget.
3 people like this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
I love these words and you are so so right!!! Thank You
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
3 Dec 07
mEN...mEN , that just like a man to forget or just ignore a birthday..Thats sounds like my husband so don't feel bad,there is a lot of them around haha...I know that it meant so much to you to have the grandkids call, and lunch was a super idea, it makes you feel special when the family thinks of you.I am so glad you had a good birthday...Well i know all of us here at Mylot wished you a happy birthday....My husband forgets birthdays, anniverseres,valentines day, and i never forget.I always want to pay him back by forgetting his to teach him a lesson but i always feel bad ,so i end up getting him a card and a gift..It really upsets me but i have to think about his day to day actions , and really he is pretty good to me anyway i am happy that you had a good day...Hope you have many more wonderful birthdays.
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Your comments really made my heart feel good!!! I guess I was pretty disappointed in my husband. I always remember his and given the fact that I take care of his brother and neither one had the time to say Happy Birthday did rattle my cage a fair bit. BUT it's all good thanks to my good daughter and her family.
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
3 Dec 07
well sory for late wish. wish you a warm happy birtday to you dear, its good now that we are the community of different side.well the cake is so nice that you have plced here and i sure this will be good in taste too. and that is great that you have share your birtday party story with us thank you very much for cosederings us as your family
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Thank You and yes you are all considered family here
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
3 Dec 07
Happy Birthday, Grandmaof2. You are so blessed to be remembered so dearly by your loved ones on your special day. I wish I have a day half as eventful as yours on my birthday, but mine's usually a relatively quiet affair. And you have lots of people here extending their wishes to you as well...that's the icing on the cake, if I can put it that way!! Live it up on your special day, grandma!
2 people like this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
It really was the icing on the cake so to speak Thank You
1 person likes this
• Philippines
3 Dec 07
Happy Birthday Grandmaof2!!! It is good to know that you enjoyed your special day with full of love from your most precious people from your heart! Cards and gifts are one special gifts to receive but the very thought that people especially your loved ones didn't forget about your birthday is rewarding and heartwarming! I know that your family would have been very pleased knowing that they were able to make your day special and make you happy! Good health and God bless your family always!
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• Canada
3 Dec 07
God bless you as well and Thank You for being here.
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@heecho25 (47)
• China
3 Dec 07
What a happy family, happy birthday! its really happy to hear so many wishes during birthday, i also want to hear it but because of busy working, my friends almost forgot my birthday, and hope my future husband and child will give me wishes ^^~~
2 people like this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Best wishes and Thank You for being here.
1 person likes this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Happy Birthday , I`m sorry your husband didn`t achknowledge it .... I`m glad the rest of your family did ...
• Canada
4 Dec 07
Yes me too and they did a fabulous job of it. (((HUGS)))
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
3 Dec 07
I am so glad that you had a nice day. Seeing the grandkids always can brighten up a day. As for your hubby, mine had forgotten my birthday too. I let him know about it too, its a guy thing. Take care. and your very Welcome.
1 person likes this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Yes I love my family dearly. I'm told it is a man thing but how rude. I could never be that way. His brother is just as bad and I cook and clean for both of them. They never forget their birthdays or supper time or where the clean laundry is kept. GRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrr lol
@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
3 Dec 07
Oh boy, it sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful birthday! You are very much loved, that's for sure, and your family showed it. It's the little things that mean so much, they can't be bought, they have to come from the heart. There sure was an out-pouring of love for you on your special day, and I'm so happy for you.
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Oh yes I truly did enjoy the day.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
3 Dec 07
It's great that you had a good birthday. I don't celebrate mine much anymore but my Mom still makes a fuss over me on it and that's really nice. Years ago, she forgot my birthday and when she remembered about 2 weeks later she rushed out and bought the first thing she came across...a watermelon. Now, every year I get a watermelon. It's a special thing between her and I and it's become a tradition. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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@tsgirl01 (900)
• United States
5 Dec 07
"Happy Belated Birthday to YOU Grandmaof2!" We wish you many, many more. I am happy to hear that you had such a wonderful day!
• Canada
5 Dec 07
I really did have a great day. Thank You for your comments and nice words. Looking to hear from you soon. (((HUGS)))
@raydene (9871)
• United States
3 Dec 07
Sweetie, You deserve every good wish you have been offered...Now I'd like to say Happy Holidays Doll...Have a good time.. Big Hugs Darlin xoxoxoxoxo
1 person likes this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Hugs coming your way also.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
3 Dec 07
Birthdays are not much of a guy-thing, at least not for some guys, but the rest of your family sure came through for you, including the sweet call from your son-in-law. I'm glad you had a great day, and was happy to see so many of our mutual myLot friends stopped by to comment on your birthday discussiion. You rock, Grandma!
2 people like this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Well heh Thank You so much.
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@Ann2407 (305)
• China
3 Dec 07
Happy birthday!grandmaof2
2 people like this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Thank You very much.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Dec 07
Grandma of2 I am so sorry that I have missed your Birthday I have been sick so I have not been on here So here is a belated Happy Birthday and a big Hug from me I am so sorry I missed it
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Dec 07
Awwwwwwww thank you Grandmaof2 and I am so glad that you had a great one Big Hugs
• Canada
7 Dec 07
What do you mean? You didn't miss it you're here and that's what counts in my world!!!Thank You so much.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
3 Dec 07
Hi my sweet friend. Im so glad you had a good birthday. You deserve it. Yesterday when I was at my aunts house during my laundry she had a cake for me a card. My birthday isnt till the 5th which is almost here.Did you have some cake?
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Thank goodness for auntie giving you a cake. Happy Birthday on the 5th!!! Actually I didn't have cake. I fight a serious weight issue but I was happy having a salad. I had my daughter and her kids and all my people here at myLot. There's nothing like Good People". Thank You for being there for me!!!
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
3 Dec 07
I'm glad you had a happy Birthday with your family. Daughters are great for making you feel good on your birthday. Your husband sounds just like mine, usually forgetting my birthday. He has no problem remembering his own.
1 person likes this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Yes hun daughters are the best!!! oh and how about this "Men" they never seem to forget its time to eat or where the closet is that has all his clean clothes in. Memory work well then!!! Am I bitter ha ha ha. Not on your life!!!hehehehe
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@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
3 Dec 07
wow you had a wonderful birthday hon,those things are priceless and the love can't be bought.very beautiful my dear.glad it turned out great and many more to pattie
1 person likes this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Thank You pattie. I hope i have more good birthdays too!!!
@alamode (3071)
• United States
3 Dec 07
You're welcome... that sounds like a really nice day, and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! I haven't been on mylot very long, but many of the people here are becoming real friends. Whatever is happening, good or bad, people here really care and will support you to the end. And we understand husbands... we get grandkids to balance that out!LOL!
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Yes you are so right. My daughter and her entire family is the thread that holds me together!!!
1 person likes this
• China
3 Dec 07
happy birthday,maybe it is too late. but I still want to say this. you have a wonderful life i think. your children all love you so much. best wishes
1 person likes this
• Canada
3 Dec 07
My children really do love me and I'd be lost without them. I only had one daughter, people used to tell me I was a good mom and why didn't I have more kids. I used to say, "Well when you do it right the first time there's no need to have to do it again." Well now years later like 35 years later I look at my daughter and I am so proud of her and she has given me two of the best grandchildren God has sent here.