A pet is NOT just for Christmas, please think carefully this festive season

December 3, 2007 9:56am CST
I know this is probably one of those subjects that has been done over and over again but this morning I heard something that made my blood boil. We have a large pet shop in our local high street and it is always busy. It is a great shop, run by wonderful people who care pasionately about animals. It's a shame some of the customers are not so caring however. While I was buying some cat treats for Moomin a family came into the shop, Mum, Dad and four kids. They went straight to the rear of the shop to look at some of the small pets there, mainly hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs etc., but the shop also had a couple of puppies. The kids were screaming and shouting about the pups, demanding the puppies for Christmas. I overheard the Mum saying that they would get the pups for the kids as they would make "cute presents" while one of the owners of the pet shop was doing his best to dissuade the family from buying the dogs. The Dad then joined in the conversation, quite beligerantly demanding the pups were sold to them immediately while the kids were screaming and shouting. I know the owners of the shop quite well and was chatting to the lady when she lowered her voice and said to me that she really didn't want to sell any animal to that family as they had no idea how to look after the kids never mind the animals and that she had had to refuse them before. Apparently they had had pets before and had them taken away by the animal welfare as they wouldn't care for their pets. I was horrified that this family, who obviously didnt care that much about the animals, were demanding that they take these puppies. Finally the family left after the owner and his wife stood their ground and refused to sell the dogs, but it made me so angry to think that people feel they can take on animals without any thought for their welfare after the novelty has worn off. Yet this happens every single year, and hundreds of unwanted pets are dumped in the New Year. So I am asking, my friends, do you think it's right to regard a pet as a present?
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11 responses
• Singapore
3 Dec 07
I don't think there is anything wrong treating pets as presents BUT. Yes, there is a BUT. Pets are not humans but they are living things as well. When you want to give someone a pet, you must first make sure that he has the time and energy and responsibility to look after it. You should always get the consent of the recipient before burdening him with a responsibility he may not be ready for. As for the case of those kids you met, it would be ok if the parents have drilled in them the responsibility entailed for the puppies they are getting. Taking care of a pet is certainly not easy. The children will become responsible young adults if they can take care of their pets well and shower them with love, care and concern.
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3 Dec 07
I am all in favour of responsible pet ownership, what upsets me the most is the way many animals are regarded purely as a *cute gift*. This particular family seemed to have no regard for the future welfare of the animals, merely gratifying the demands of their kids. When my son was little we had a hamster that was his responsibility and he learnt that pets need to be cared for. I just wish more people would be prepared to accept that responsibilty Wizard, there would be far fewer abandoned animals in the New Year.
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• Singapore
3 Dec 07
And that is why, though I love to get a dog or a lion, I didn't. Responsibility is a big thing and I wouldn't want to "ruin" the pet, so to speak.
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3 Dec 07
At least you are being a responsible and sensible person Wizard, :-)
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
3 Dec 07
If I were to go out and get myself a pet for a present, that'd be one thing. When someone thinks pets make cute gifts and get them without consulting the giftee that's another. In still a 3rd class are those people whom animals have already been take from. I know in England they can bar a person who has neglected a horse from ever owning another - they should have that for all animals.
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3 Dec 07
I wouldn't mind buying an animal as a gift so long as the person receiving that animal was prepared to love and care for the animal, it is a sad fact that so many animals are abandoned after the Christmas holidays though
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
3 Dec 07
Actually, Mooch, in Austin, several of the adoption groups have a "blacklist" of people they refuse to adopt to & they share that list. Now, this isn't ones our group just turns down because they don't meet our tough standards, but people that have adopted more than one animal and "things" happen to them.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
5 Dec 07
No it is not right and I have specified this also on Gissi's Christmas Web as I think it is awful that this happens every Year oh yes a Puppy and a Kitten is sweet but when they grow up People loose Interest and it is wrong Pets are for Life just like Children I mean when the Baby is not a Baby anymore you don't get rid do you? Well the same goes for Pets
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5 Dec 07
Thanks Gabs, I do get very angry when I see people like this buying animals as gifts, they are so thoughtless
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
3 Dec 07
I treat my 2 cats like are part of the family. And when I see people not caring about their pets it makes me so mad. I often think why did you get the pet in the first place? I cant stand people like that. I hope someday they will be treated the way they treated their pets. I think that would a good punishement for them. Some people are heartless and so very cold.
4 Dec 07
Karma I think would serve them right.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
8 Dec 07
This discussion is so true. January and Febuary is the months that the pounds and animal shelters are hit the hardest. Someone will purchase a pet and then decide that they are just too much work to care for and set them out or take them to the shelter. I could never do that. We get our animals fixed as soon as we can so there are no unwanted babies. We take good care of our pets. They are part of our family.
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17 Dec 07
I was so angry at these people, but also full of admiration for the pet store owners for refusing to sell.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
3 Dec 07
Thankfully, most every store has a Right to Refuse Service policy and I think it should be enforced with ppl like this. Congrats on the storeowner for standing up for those little pups...their better off at the store and a chance at a good home then in a bad home. I would never get a pet for a child, gift or not, if they weren't responsible enough to care for it. I think they are fine as a gift as long as the child is responsible enough. My Dad gave me a cat one year for Christmas and she was well loved and cared for. These ppl sound like they don't need any pets at all...in fact, I'm wondering if they need kids. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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4 Dec 07
The couple who own the pet shop are lovely people, they are involved in a lot of animal rescue too. I have to applaud them for their stand, and hope that those people won't be able to get any more animals from anyone else
@missybal (4490)
• United States
3 Dec 07
I think a pet is a wonderful gift any time of the year as the same as a child would be however like all great gifts they should only be given to people who will really appreciate them. I commend those store owners. Most of the time people who run those pet shops or are breaders will only care about making the money and will sell to anyone and let animal protection deal with the problems. It's rare that the people selling these living breathing things actually think of them as more than something that is to make money on. I know that is how it is around here. Most of those places cut corners to lower their expenses to make more money and never mind the health and wellbeing of the animal. That's why I got my dog at the humane society. People should remember that a pet isn't like any other toy under the tree that a child can play with on Christmas day and then toss away. It's a gift for a life to treasure and take care of. But most people don't realize the work involved and that is why animals are quickly discarded after the new year. Sad but true.
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@lols189 (4742)
9 Feb 08
its selfish the way people just dump the animals init! pets are for live not just for the christmas time and other special occassions. i am glad to hear the shop owner refused to sell them a puppy.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
8 Dec 07
If the child or family wants a pet but hesitates because of financial issue, I don't see why not. To give a pet as a present also brings joy to the recipient. However, personally I would not give a pet as a present. I would give a voucher instead as my choice might not be the same choice as my recipient.
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• China
4 Dec 07
I know you want me to say "no".Yes, I havenot brought up pets, but have seen someone regard a pet as present.In fact, i am not very hot hearted to pets and pets affires.So, even though I have seen that, I would not stop them.For me,if someone sends a pet to me as a present, i will not refuse.and i will look after her very carefully or send her to someone whop has the same thought and deed.
4 Dec 07
So even though you know that the animal involved will not be cared for properly you would still go ahead and hand over that animal. Sorry but I cannot understand why anyone would willingly put any animal into that situation
• United States
3 Dec 07
Now I believe if you are willing to take care of the pet if the person you are giving the pet will not it is ok, but if you want to hand it off to someone else that doesnt want to take care of it then no way.
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