Are you a ribbon person or a bow person, or do you just bag it?

@AmbiePam (96485)
United States
December 4, 2007 11:30am CST
In the past I have mostly put bows on the Christmas presents I wrapped for my friends and family. cute little ones and big ones. I was never any good with ribbons unless they were ones that you could just peel and stick on to the present. This year my budget was really low, so I found a different way to top my presents with something. I took the back off of a Christmas wreath earring I had, that I never knew where the match was. So when I took the back off, I just put some glue on the back of the earring, and put it on one of the small presents I had for my sister. It looks great and I'm so pleased I was able to do something like that for the rest of the presents I had for others. So what do you use? Ribbons (precut or your own?), bows, your own creations, or do you hate to wrap anyway and just put the present in a bag?
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39 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
4 Dec 07
For one, AmbiePam, I want to say, I like your picture..:) As for the gift wrapping, it depends on how much time and how creative I get. Your idea is very creative and one that I probably have done in the past. If I have very little time, then of course, I bag it. But if I have time, I do whatever hits me. Sometimes ribbon and bows or ribbon with dried flowers or some little trinket I find. Taking beads to make a wreath is another option. I love creating different looks for each package..:)
@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I bet when people get a gift from yout hey don't want to open it because it is so pretty! -Thanks for liking my new avatar!
2 people like this
• United States
6 Dec 07
ha,ha, that depends on the person, especially a child. I have learned to not spend too much time on a child's gift, all they want to do is rrrriipp, right into
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I like to wrap them and put on curly ribbon and bows. I wish I was more talented and could have them look like the stores do......I like pretty packages.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
4 Dec 07
So do I. But I really feel good about this year. No one would ever guess I'd used an earring (the little wreath)for my sister's present. And instead of ribbon, I had this Christmas necklace made of little lights. It broke, so I used it like I would have used ribbon.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Sounds very cute and creative!!!! Way to go!
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
4 Dec 07
Hi Pam this is a good discussion! I like to put lots of bows and ribbons on my gifts. Im not good at them either.LOL I wish I was good at doing my own bows. And believe me Ive tried several times.LOL Its not good then my nerves get up!LOL I also like to use bags and I will put a ribbon on the bag too. And of course pre-cut.Oh girl I really hate to wrap presents. I usually let my hubby do it. He does a great job too!
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I'm glad to hear there is a man out there who will actually wrap presents! : )
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@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
21 Dec 07
I love ribbons and bows on presents, but, with 6 kiddos running around sometimes the convenience of a bag is soooo nice!
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Lord have mercy, who could blame you for using bags!
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@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Hi AmbiePam:) I like your new Christmas avatar. I love to pick out cute Christmas paper and I usually have to stack the presents to bring them where I'm going so I figure if I put a bow or a ribbon on the present, it will just get smashed anyway and I like to look at the paper. The ones I keep at home, I put a bow on the ones on top only. For a birthday present I decorate a little more. You had some creative ideas.:)
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Thanks Ourdew. : ) I could get carried away on wrapping paper if I didn't watch myself. Just a couple years ago I got Christmas Scooby Doo wrapping paper specifically for my then 26 year old sister. She loved it! We had such a love for Scooby Doo. : )
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@bethyboo (399)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I love to wrap Christmas presents! I also love dressing the presents up as pretty as possible with ribbons. A few years ago I made a bunch of bows with ribbon and glued little bells on them. Each year I ask the family not to throw away the ribbons because I use them year after year. It saves me time and money each year!
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I would love to be able to put bows and ribbon on all the gifts but I haven't got to time and I don't want to spend even more money. So I either put it in a gift bag that I save every year so I don't have to buy more or I just wrap it with regular wrapping paper and just write with pen who the gift is for right on the wrapping paper. I use to do the fancy tags too but it was more work and more money and I have too many gifts to do.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
6 Dec 07
when we do buy presents for others, which is very rare because we rarely buy present for ourselves, we just wrapped them and get a small card attached on it. even for my gift shop, I just got pretty gift boxes and bags and tie a ribbon on top just so the lid doesn't slide open. I only sue ribbons and bows for decoration, not big but visible enough to see
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I just thought Canadians had a fancy use of the word 'sue.' : )
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
6 Dec 07
but what if the ribbons sue me back after I use them? messing with you :):)
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
6 Dec 07
I mean use, not sue
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
20 Dec 07
I only wrapped my gifts..but I really love to top them with ribbons..only if my budget allows me..I alwyas think of the money that I have to spend buying those ribbons..and I think as always..I end up just wrapping the gifts.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
4 Dec 07
I will be totally honest with you. I would much rather wrap the gift and fashion a nice bow around it. But, I am not good at doing either of those things. I can come up it good ideas. I have a very creative mind. But, when it comes to doing what I have thought of, someone else always does a better job than I do. I hate to admit it, but the bag works the best for me.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I usually put at least one bow on all of the presents just because it looks better underneath of the tree. Then when it comes to a special gift or one that just looks good, I will put 2 or 3 bows on it. I usually just get the bag of assorted bows on clearance sell after Christmas, so it isn't too expensive.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
4 Dec 07
Knowing me, I'd forget where I put the bows when Christmas rolled around again. : )
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• United States
6 Dec 07
What a great idea Ambie! You're quite the crafty one eh? hehe I'm not very creative, and I'm lucky if I put two colors together that match or something. I'm more of a bag person. I buy a cute little gift bag, some crepe paper and stuff it in there. lol When I was younger and would help my mom we had the sticky bows and ribbons. I'm not good with tying them either. My sister can do all that stuff. She's way more talented than I am. Bay Lay Gray xx
@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
6 Dec 07
Hey, some bags are as cool as the gifts!
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Dec 07
Yes they can be, I try to buy more than one color paper, or if I can find some with a design or like stripes or polka dots on it. Something cute.
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
4 Dec 07
I am not very good with ribbons at all I sometimes will put a bow on my packages but I usully just wrap them up in paper and put a name tag on them. I buy really cute Christmas paper like for my kids I got spongebob and my mom I got cardinals I try to match the paper to things they like.
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5 Dec 07
If I had to choose I'd say ribbon, because I like the old fashioned look; though much as I love receiving a wrapped prsent, it really bothers me when I think about all the rolls of wrapping paper and plastic bows that get bought every year at chrismas time, only to end up on a landfill site somewhere. It seems like a real waste. I'm really into recycling, and like to make my own wrap from materials that I have lying round the house - like your earring idea. In the past I've wrapped presents using magazine pages with eyecatching images on them; they can make for a very kitch, retro looking gift. I like to use rafia as a ribbon as its a natural material, though I've also been known to use those plastic ribbons handles you get on fruit punnets sometimes. I once used leftover scraps of wallpaper to wrap presents which was quite effective as it feels really thick and expensive. The way I see it,even even though the wrapping is still gonna end up in the bin, at least I'm using less of the world's resources. anyway, happy wrapping this xmas. I think you should post some images of your wrapped xmas gifts, would be great to see them. x
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
5 Dec 07
I'll tell you something I didn't include in my first post, kind of in fear someone would make fun of me, and I'm really trying my best. I don't have money for wrapping paper, so I thought, what could I use that I already have? So I'm using the recycled foil I already had in my kitchen (recycled was cheaper than regular, I wonder if people realize that). It looks so shimmery, and with the decorations, it looks killer. It doesn't even require tape. On one small present, I used candle wax from one of my candles to form red criss crosses, and then I got a sprig of green from outside to top it off. I'd like to show some pictures, but I don't have a digital camera. I used to use my parent's when I lived with them, but their's quit working. I love your ideas though. I think it makes presents extra special because it shows a person you thought about it.
@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I don't ever use much foil, so I had plenty left over. As for the candle wax, it wasn't hot at all, it had already dried. I took a knife and scraped some off the side (inside of the glass holding the candle). It came out kind of like pre made criss crosses, so it wasn't much work. I couldn't have planned for it to come out that good.
5 Dec 07
i like the candle wax idea though it sounds fiddly - am sure i'd burn myself. i never know what to do with candle "stubs" you get left over when the candle doesnt quite burn to the end. the foil's an interesting idea. i've been using it a lot for sandwiches lately, and hate throwing it away, so might give it a whirl. x
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@bam001 (940)
• United States
5 Dec 07
I always use bows...very basic bows. But I love ribbons. I wish I was more artistic and could make the ribbon look good! I wrap my presents. I tried the bag and tissue paper for all of my gifts one year and found that we didn't have as much fun!
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
5 Dec 07
It seems like for birthday and Christmas presents, everyone has way more fun unwrapping their presents instead of simply opening gift bags, even if there IS a mess afterwards. : )
• Canada
5 Dec 07
curly ribbon - a ribbon with a ton of curls!
I LOVE wrapping presents! I always wrap a gift, then put on the ribbon, curl it with the scissors, and then put a bow on. It all has to match just so as I'm picky that way lol. I put so much work into a present that's so nicely wrapped, looked at for a few minutes, and then torn into lol. Luv & Hugzz, PurpleTeddyBear.
@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
5 Dec 07
My mom and I both ooo and ahhh over each present that is wrapped. We kind of like to appreciate how pretty is it, but everyone else is like, just open it! lol
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• Canada
6 Dec 07
I like to ooh and aaahhh too and everyone bugs me about it! They keep saying just open it!
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
5 Dec 07
In the past I do make little cute ribbons to go along with the gift after I have wrapped it up. Now, I do not enjoy wrapping gifts because I find it too time consuming to wrap gifts. Perhaps I am just too particular as I do not want all gifts to be wrapped in the same way. Nowadays, I "outsourced" the gift wrapping to the little ones at home.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Good idea! : )
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
5 Dec 07
I use just ribbon, that I cut myself, on the packages that I wrap to ship to another state, that way I don't have to worry about bows getting smashed flat. I normally use ribbons wrapped around the gift and then tied in a big bow, that I do myself, I hate the peel and stick bows because for whatever reason they always seem to fall off lol. I rarely ever use gift bags unless it is an odd shaped gift that is hard to find a box for.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Despite such advanced technology in this world today, no one has ever been able to make something to keep those darn bows on the presents! Sticky or not, they always come off. : )
• United States
5 Dec 07
I don't have patience nor am I artistic so I prefer bags. My 12 year old daughter and husband though do not. They both will take hours doing gifts to perfection. They create and make thier own bows, ribbons and tother items on a gift. They take pride in their work.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
5 Dec 07
That's cool. I guess I never realized men did much wrapping, I thought they would pass it on for someone else to do. But from this discussion, I'd say I am wrong about that.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
6 Dec 07
well before my kids i use to love wrapping gifts all pretty and stuff with bows,flowers,candy canes, and one time i actually wrapped a friend of ours gifts in a smiley bandana and then used black shoe laces for the tie, and for the bow i used a black and yellow hair bow that matched the bandana very was so cool that no one wanted to ruin it.but now with my 3 babies i am lucky i can go to the bathroom let alone wrapped some gifts lol, so i just use the real pretty bags and do the best i can with them.hope all is well.pattie
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
6 Dec 07
That is REALLY interesting!