Do you think a stay at home wife and mom should have to do everything?
By TyNSethsMom
@TyNSethsMom (136)
United States
67 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Are you kidding! If you are home all day taking care of your children, you have the hardest job out there. I believe that if you area a stay at home mom, which I am also, you should make sure the house is cleaned/picked up by the time your husband comes home. I also think it is my responsibility to do laundry during the day and to make sure that dinner is ready. After dinner, it is the responsibility of the husband to help with the dishes and the kids.
My husband will either give my daughter a bath, or do the dishes. This way we are both getting things done that need to be done~ no one just sits around and doesn't help.
On weekends is when I do the major cleaning of my house. It is done tag team. He does some jobs and I do others.
@szechow_ong (149)
• Malaysia
9 May 08
OF COURSE NOT!! its been whole day's work for you, doing the household chores making meals and the kids.. your husband should help you out as well.. its a family thing, helping each other..
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
5 Dec 07
Look at it this way...he works (on average) a 40 hour week with breaks and lunch breaks everyday and in most jobs a guaranteed day or two off every week. A stay at home parent works 7 days a week, 16 hours a day or more, with no guarenteed breaks...unless the "working parent" pitches in. Obviously the "working parent" shouldn't have to do everything but there's no reason why you both can't put in an honest 8 hour day at your "jobs" and then split the rest equally. If he complains point out that if worked your mom hours outside of the home the bulk of the housework would be on him so he should be thankful you are home and only asking him to pitch in on a portion of the work. Both of you putting in a 12 hour work day (combining his job and him helping out at home) it would get the same amount of work done as you putting in a 16 hour day and leave you both with time to actually enjoy your family and each other.
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@TyNSethsMom (136)
• United States
5 Dec 07
I think that the thing that makes me really mad is that he doesnt even work a 40 hour week. He is in pest control and this is their slow season. He probably only works maybe 30 hours a week. and just he still cant help me when he gets home.
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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
5 Dec 07
I don't mind doing it all with my husband...he works 12-14 hour days and when he comes home man is he tired!!! I have to say though, he does help out even when I know he'd rather not...sometimes its as simple as taking the garbage out or he'll put the dishes in the sink or bring home pizza!
It's all about what you and your husband find that work for you. We established early on in our relationship about who would do what so we wouldn't be fighting about dumb stuff.
Ask your hubby for help - talk to him without getting mad - or maybe just get yourself a day away from everybody to recharge.
@yasmin02476 (292)
17 Mar 08
Not everything but it really depends as to how much you do and your partner does, both things a job and kids/cleaning are demanding and sometimes we can take for granted just how hard our partner works.....What i really mean is, is just arrogance or a pride thing that he does nothing?
@hammer55 (36)
• United States
6 Dec 07
plain and simple hes a jerk, hate to say that but arent they his kids also, then he should help bath and clean and cloth them so on that basis if he doesnt do any of those things hes a jerk.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
29 May 08
A stay at home mum works 18 hours a day, so no I don't think they should have to do everything. Doing the same thing every day would drive you insane and there's no excuse for a man to come home after work and do nothing. Stay at home mothers work the hardest of all and they deserve a little help whenever it's possible. I certainly wouldn't accept my husband coming home and plonking his butt down in front of the tv while i continued working well into the night.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
29 Dec 07
NO, I don't think that it would hurt your husband to help you. However, I do believe that if you are home all day then you should have the house picked up and dinner cooked when he comes home.
I work outside the home, home school our kids, and still do 85% of the housework. I know that my husband would help but I want to instill in my girls that the man provides for the family and that we should do the majority of the home. Our home is a reflection of us and I believe that women are better at the house work than men are.
I am a little old fashioned in my way of thinking and I know that but I just believe a woman's place is home with her children: however, most families can't afford to live on one income these days.
@cliffcliff (1350)
• United States
5 Jan 08
85 percent? how id you come up with that number? sounds suspicious...
@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
5 Dec 07
I believe that as stay-at-home moms we should do just about everything for the household and children. I know you can argue that he only works 40 hour weeks, and we work 7 days per week, but when we are honest with ourselves that is just not true. Come on, the actual time working is only a couple of hours per day when we break it down. The other time, while spent with the kids, can be time to do things that we want to do. If we really worked 24 hours per day 7 days per week we wouldn't have time for myLot, internet groups, and whatever else we choose to spend our time on. Time with the kids is a privledge, not a chore. Now the weekends are a whole different story, I think. But during the week when hubby gets home I do think that should be his time to recharge and get ready for the next day. We are really lucky to be home and not out in the workforce if we really look at how much time we spend working.
@lbinkley (1075)
• United States
5 Dec 07
You know, that is great and I respect your opinion, but like you said, time with kids is a privelage... SO, why can't husbands spend that time as well? I am all for cooking dinner or whatever, and I don't so much mind loading the dishwasher, but when it comes to clearing the table, he can bring his own dish to the sink. He can put his clothes in the laundry hamper. It won't kill him to even start a load of it if he notices the hamper is getting full. The ONLY thing I ask of my husband is that he picks up after himself, Takes the trash out (which the container is just outside our door, and only goes to the end of the driveway once a week), and at night when he is home he give me a little bit of time for me. Watch the kids while I enjoy a bath. Take them so I can go to the store kid free. Spend time with them so I can do homework (I am a full time student on top of SAHM) If I don't get a break sometimes so I can recharge too, that isn't healthy for me or my kids... so lucky as we may be to stay home and not in the workforce (which i would rather work it just isn't plausible right now)WE need time too.
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I agree with everything you have said. We do need time for ourselves to be healthy for us and for our children. Each situation is different. Knowing you are a student changes the picture drastically I think. You should definitely be getting more help in the home. Maybe I am just lucky that my husband doesn't do a lot with the house, but he spends time with the kids without me asking. In fact, he encourages me to get out and do my own thing for the reasons you stated. I am a much better mom when I get "me" time. I will be starting school next year when my youngest daughter starts Kindergarten. My hubby will either have to deal with less done in the home or pitch in more. That's what it really comes down to. Maybe your expectations on yourself are too high?
@snakequeen (1299)
• India
30 May 08
No! Not at all. This is not the way a stay at home wife and mom should be treated. Spouse is expected to share at least a small portion of her burdon, if not half.
@property (453)
• United States
3 May 08
I do. That said, every relationship is different. I am the first one up in the morning making coffee and breakfast for the family. I do every bit of the housework for my three children and my significant other. I wouldn't dream of asking for help. Two of my kids are in school... there job is to get straight A's, and they both do. My youngest isn't yet two years old. Her job is to be cute, and she is. My other half has gainful employment. His job is to supply the money that supports our household, and he does. We each have play a very important role...know our roles...and respect each other's roles. My spouce knows dinner will be ready and the house straightened before he walks through the door. He knows the kids will be done with any homework and studying before he walks through the door. He knows he will be greated with a SMILE and a BEVERAGE when he walks through the door. You know what? That makes HIM happy...which makes ME happy...Which makes the KIDS happy. So we have a happy HOME. I guess you could argue about who does the dishes...if that makes you happy... Personally I'd rather enjoy a happy household than have an arguement, but thats me.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
3 May 08
Ok, I get where you are coming from, but I think asking for help or asking him to give the kids a bath, wouldnt be imposing, they are his kids too and both deserve quality time. Unless you have one of those husbands who willingly spends time with his kids and you do not have to ask. But I do, I have to initiate and sometimes forcibly, his attention for the children.
@icecandies (154)
• Philippines
28 May 08
I am planning to be a stay at home mom and i know that's hard. You do almost everything inside the house. However, there are duties inside your house that your husband needs to attend to also. I don't fret much about household chores like cleaning, fixing food every meal time, attending to kids, and everything. Ofcourse i get tired, but I don't ask my husband to do the remaining ones for me because he always voluntarily do it when he sees I'm already tired. Plus I also consider he's tired at work so as much as I can when he gets home I want him to relax. I tend to do everything when I'm at home though it tires me too. But when it comes to (example) fixing the faucet and plumbing works or nailing the roof of course I don't do that and he doesn't let me do it either because he knows that's his job. We've got a lot of work at home and it should be a division of labor though us, wives, get the majority of them all. It depends to every individual. As for me I have a very loving and helpful husband.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
1 Jun 08
No because you as a stay at home mom work many hours a day and plus you're "on call" 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You do need help with things. I stay at home and my husband helps equally if not more than I do. After dinner he encourages me to go and do something away from the house so I can have a break.
@biggerb (2024)
• India
20 May 08
House work and looking after kids can be quite a job if you do not have a domestic help.In that case the husband too must help out.Nowadays most of the men do alot of work at home and have no hassles about it.The trend has changed for the better.
@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
10 May 08
No i do not think that stay at home mothers or farthers should do everything. I am a stay at home mum myself and i always end up doing everything. I cannot remember how many times i have asked my partner and my partners brother to rinse their dishes in the sink when they are finished eating or cups. But as i said i end up soing everything anyways and given up on asking for a little help. lol..
@daniellegldn (255)
• Australia
28 May 08
Well no I dont think you should have to do everything but on the other hand,I have 4 kids and when I had my 3rd child I stayed home for the first 7 months and then I started part time work 3 days a week and he came with me,I had to try and get everything done on tuesdays and thursdays my days off and was often up until late at night,I have since had my 4th child and still work part time taking both of them,(I work in an office and I do book keeping incase you were wondering).My partner gives me NO help and I resent him for it and it causes many arguements,but on the other hand I have tried to work my days around to be a little easier,I have found that mornings and nights are when I really need help,everything seems to happen at that time,so I organise the evening meals after lunch so they are pretty much ready to be cooked or prepare them and freeze them when I am working,I get everything ready the night before for the morning ahead,I work out exactly what I need to get done and how I am going to do it on my days off (normally cramming everything into nap time!!I try and make my life easier,I dont get any help and never will and while I think it is totally unacceptable I couldnt be bothered argueing when he wont change so therefore I just try and avoid me being rushed off my feet and try and make life a little more easier.Some men dont understand how hard it is being a mum!So I wish you all the best but NO you shouldnt have to do everything and you do deserve help but sometimes thats just not an option!!
@beccrook (13)
• United States
19 May 08
I have been a stay at home mom for about 4 yrs now and I get the same response. The only thing my husband does around the house is cut the grass. I do everything else. I don't feel it is right or fair either. I get the response from my husband (who works 45 to 60 hrs a week) that he works all day and I don't,he sits at a desk and works on computers all day,if I would go back to work full time he would help out more. You know what that line is a bunch of S***. I work all day taking caring for two children,laundry,vaccuming,cooking dinner every night, etc. So I would like a hand when he gets home, but I don't get it very often. I will say it has gotten better over the last year because we had a fight about it; They are his children too and I need a break sometimes.(Or I may go crazy)Hang in there. My advice to you is talk to your husband and ask him why he doesn't help out. See if you can come to some kind of compermise.
@ShadowBrook (71)
• United States
6 May 08
I, too, am a stay-at-home mom and have been for 3 1/2 years. My husband works a full-time job and when he arrives home, he won't do anything at all to help me except bathe our children. It is only just recently that I have trained him to pick up after himself. He comes from a family of all boys (except his mother,) and she did/does everything for them/him. VERY frequently he hears that I am not his mother and that he should pick up after himself especially since he won't help me with other things. I also remind him of how he can clock in and clock out when his hours are put in and I can't. Being a mom/housewife is 24/7 with no resting place it seems. Considering the alternative... if I were to go back to work, I am SURE he would be the same and not lift a hand to help me only then, I'd have an even busier schedule with trying to cram in a job during my already hectic life. So, as I can, I manage what I'm able to and let the rest go, it will still be there tomorrow.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
28 May 08
Well, my husband is gone for about 65 hours a week, which includes his 1 hour commute one way to and from work. He doesn't have a whole lot of time to relax and he also goes to school online, so I want him to concentrate on his schoolwork rather than worrying about doing things around the house. I take care of our son, cook, clean, do laundry, and everything else around the house. Every once in a while, I will ask him to take out the trash or help me with something and he will do it, but I rarely ask. He does mow the lawn sometimes, though. I think it is a matter of how much the husband works and how the wife feels about doing everything around the house, but to me this arrangement is not a big deal.