Have you ever given up on anything? Are you a quitter?

I give up! - give up
United States
December 6, 2007 8:06am CST
I'm not usually a guitter but this past year I've disappointed myself in a lot of ways. I've given up on finding the love of my life and having any kind of male/female relationship and now I think I'm going to give up on hoping that my family will change into the loving, nurturing family that it should be. Basically, I'm talking about my siblings because my kids and I are doing great but I give up on hoping my brother or sister will change. I guess it's true...you can't teach an old dog new tricks and their both old dogs...lol... What have you given up on...anything major? Do you tend to be a quitter or are you a fighter and will fight for something until you win?
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17 responses
@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I have given up on some things this year, but I don't consider myself a quitter. This year I tried to have a business of my own, as my husband and I own a different business together. My business only lasted 4 months, but I gave that up because we were losing money on it and my time was better used helping my husband. I have given up on trying to have my husband's family like me or even pretend they do, and I have given up on trying to like them. I am working very hard on giving up stress. These are all things that I have given up, but I see them all as positives. I do tend to fight for things for too long before giving up. I'm actually trying to change that.
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• United States
7 Dec 07
I've given up my ebay store for a few reasons which is on the same lines as you giving up your store. If it's not making money then it's not worth working at. I'm also working on the stress thing but that's a hard one!
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• United States
7 Dec 07
I think a lot of times we hold on to things for too long because we don't want to feel like a quitter. There are times, though, when giving up is the right thing to do. About 6 years ago I had a pretty successful time selling on Ebay myself. Then it started going downhill and I gave that up. It was great fun and good profit while it lasted, though.
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
6 Dec 07
I've given up on a few things, mostly because I realized I didn't really want them, I just had thought I did. I don't think I'm a quitter, it's just that there is only so much time in one's life, and you have to use it for things that you value.
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• United States
7 Dec 07
I've had that happen to me many times also. I started something only to find out it really wasn't what I wanted.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Dec 07
Well i'm not a quitter eather and i think i sometimes gave up on something but later picked it up again.I have that when i play the piano sometimes it just doesn't work and then half year later i just understand it.So i give up sometimes because i know at that moment i have learned enough and then later i pick it up till i've learned some more. If it's something which i really really want i won;t stop untill i've managed it.
• United States
7 Dec 07
I have come to believe that there are just some things that are just not meant to be. For you it could be the piano.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
6 Dec 07
Although I'm not usually a quitter, ctry, I do tend to sometimes put things on the back burner and come back to them later. I guess I have just the right amount of conceit to hate the feeling that I've been bested by anything, LOL. With the deaths of my oldest sister, followed by our mother over the past year, I had hoped that my other remaining sister and I could return to the kind of close relationship we once had. It has not happened, though, and it makes me sad. I don't know why people sometimes turn on you when it seems that they have so much more than you do, but it happens. I would say to you don't give up on the possibility of a great relationship in the future. I firmly believe that there is someone for everyone-you just have not crossed paths yet.
• United States
7 Dec 07
Yet again we have something in common...the sister relationship! I tried for years to have a relationship with mine and my whole family laughed at me knowing it wasn't going to work because of the type of person she is. I finally gave up after having her hurt me too many times.
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• United States
6 Dec 07
No, I never quit. My parents always said I was a complete failure when I was a child so, I would never want them to be right about it. My brother says "She could fall down in a pile of sh!t and still come up smelling like roses". I signed up here on MyLot to make money. Well, I haven't made even 5 bucks yet but, I'm not gonna quit. I have too many friends here now. See, friends are better than money so, again........roses.
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• United States
7 Dec 07
I think parents can be too hard on their kids but maybe they said that to you in hopes that you would work harder? As for making money on mylot you have to remember the more time you spend here the more money you make. It takes a lot of writing.
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• United States
6 Dec 07
I am a natural born quitter. I quit brownies, the fifth grade band, debate, forensics, you name it I quit. I even quit college! I am trying to change. I don't consider myself an old dog yet. So here I am day after day working toward making my dreams come true. However when you are quitting or giving up on someone else, that is more natural, after all no matter what you do, you can't change other people. Be happy with what you have. :-D
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• United States
7 Dec 07
lol....I don't think anyone is a "natural born quitter"...thanks for the laugh! Sometimes we have to give up on something if it's just not working out and is wasting time or money.
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• United States
9 Dec 07
First that old dog has to Want to learn that new trick. I have given up on things that for some reason it would never work.If that is being a quitter, then I am a quitter. But this "quitter" is happy and has less stress in my life.
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• United States
9 Dec 07
And when you quit looking for love, that is when it finds you so just be you and the right person may come along.
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@angela2006 (1845)
• China
6 Dec 07
I think maybe I have never given up anything,once I make up my mind to do something,of course it is achievable within my capacity.then I will do my best to accomplish it step by step.so do not give up,as long as you do it,then you will achieve your goal.believe me,believe myself.
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@Moliliuzu (140)
• China
7 Dec 07
i don't like to admit that i am a quitter but actually i am. i have no courage to confess love to the one i love, i can't fullfil the work i should do with determination and energy. absolutely i am a quitter.i hate to be such a person. i don't know how to change?how to persuade myself to insist ? it's really a tough problem that need determination and energy to solve it. cycle again!seems people who know the answer nerver need to know ,and the one who doesn't never know.lol good luck:)
@Estina54 (385)
• United States
7 Dec 07
I'm not a quitter. When I'm disappointed sometimes, and it is NOT in myself, I'm giving myself a break. I know I'm talking to the wrong person or I am in the wrong backround. I might be back again or move on.
@Low333333 (223)
• China
6 Dec 07
Maybe I'm young. so i never want to give up anything. i know i have time!it's enough for me to understand the world. I hope that you can get youself back soon. good luck......
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@lucy567 (43)
• China
7 Dec 07
Generlly speaking if I was in that case ,I certanly would try my best to get until get it.but the questions is what you will dealling with if for love normally i'll try brave enough to run after so i just could give you some advises if you love he/her if you think you two love each other just tell her/he it's a better ide for you two so if you feel you have right time just tell him/her so come on come on you will do it
• United States
7 Dec 07
I've given up on a lot of things, actually. The major one in these past few months would be my friendship with my former best male friend. I've realized by now that it is too late to salvage anything.
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@almajoes (53)
• United States
7 Dec 07
I try not to quit but sometimes in life that seems to be like the only option. I like to press through and when I get to the other side, I feel so complete and proud of myself.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Dec 07
I;ve given up on a friendship after apologising left right and center and have not gotten a positive response even though they said they have forgiven me. It was over something really silly and minute but still this person has or will not answer my callsr emails so I have given up. I have asked for forgiveness and apologised and that is all I can do. As far as I am concerned, she really wasn't a friend if she is acting like a child. LOL
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
6 Dec 07
Careerwise I don't totally quit. I may put one on hold when it's not working out, so I can try something else. But I'm willing to try the old one again at a later time. As for relationships I did quit on my ex-girlfriend. I did my best to reconcile with her but when I realized she had no more respect for me, that was the end of it. Goodbye.
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• United States
7 Dec 07
Ctry, I really know where you're coming from, having problems and trying to resolve them to no avail. I've given up many times, but somewhere, deep down inside, I know I'll keep on trying because it's what I really want. People in general are very hard to change, but the way I look at it, as long as I can sleep at night without regrets, and I did my best, that's all you really need. You mentioned "because my kids and I are doing great", that's a super positive statement and a very important one. I am a fighter but sometimes you just have to back down and let life take its course, sometimes there is reason for this and eventually you'll see it.....take care my friend, I understand.