God Hates F*gs? What?
By skinnychick
@skinnychick (6905)
United States
December 6, 2007 9:17pm CST
Ok so I'm watching TV and some show on cable actually did a documentary on The Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka Kansas- this supposedly Christian Baptist church is against homosexuality so they go and picket on the side of the road with big signs that say God hates F*gs! They preach hate in the name of god in heaven!
Christians like to stick up for Christians usually in my experience. I do not believe in a Christian god and here is yet another example why? God doesn't love you if your gay- I thought he loved everyone! This is the hypocrisy of Christianity that makes me run from it like the plague. While this is what I view as an extremist baptist sect- they believe that god loves everyone except gays... I thought most Christian faiths believed that god loved everyone..
I'm not gay but I have gay friends and though homosexuality doesn't interest me it doesn't bother me either. Love in any grand form is great to me! What people do is their business. But as Christians those who firmly believe in their god- do you agree with this sect? For non-god people, does this group solidfy your belief..
This isn't a belief in god issue- just an issue of using god to hate..
How do you feel?
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13 responses
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
7 Dec 07
This so-called "church" is really an occult. God hates no one. He loves all of us inspite of our sins. Yes, God hates sins, but He loves the sinner.
I've been on their site and instead of feeling God's presence there, I felt satan's. These people are using God for their hatred. They have no idea Who God really is. I pray for them...esp the children.
God is love. We are to love everyone with the love of Christ. This place does not teach this.
Our role model for being a Christian is Jesus Christ Himself.
God bless:)
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
7 Dec 07
It is a cult- 100%! I'm glad even though you are Christian you don't stick up for them..some would just for the fact that they are of "christian faith" if you can call it that.
Thanks for the comment!
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
7 Dec 07
No, they are not of the Christian faith. That is not what Christ taught. He taught us to love one another, even our enemies.
We are not to love what is wrong, but we still love other people as they are loved by Christ as well.
As I stated before, these people are just using God and that is a very dangerous thing to do!
God bless you and have a wonderful Friday!:)
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@rabi9634 (419)
• United States
8 Dec 07
If this is the one I'm thinking about, I'm pretty sure Michael Moore organized a bunch of gay dudes to go harass them at their anti-gay speeches and rallies, and the videos were on youtube. Absolutely freaking hilarious. Put those idiots in their place.
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@rabi9634 (419)
• United States
8 Dec 07
Name just came to me.. is that the Phelps family running it all? If not, the Phelps thing was what the videos were on. Definitely worth a watch if you wanna laugh at their ignorance, and laugh harder at other people making fun of them for their ignorance.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
8 Dec 07
Yes- it's the Phelps guy- Fred Phelps the idiot~! I will definitely go check that out- thanks! :)
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
12 Dec 07
Just because people say something about God, does not mean that it is true. God does not hate homosexuals. He hates the act itself. I have struggled with my sexuality all of my life and believe me when I tell you, he does not hate me.
God does not hate the sinner, he hates the sin. God loves me and has blessed me so much that sometimes I joke with my friends that I must be one of his favorites. Although, I know that is not true. I would suggest that you pick up the word of God and find out who he is for yourself.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Dec 07
It is true to these people- this IS their belief in their saviour! Hopefully you made the right choice in your sexuality and did it for happiness and fullfillment in life as opposed to what "god" thinks you should do. Believe it or not I have read the bible- cover to cover as we were made to do this in my family- I spent my life in Catholic school! My belief or lack thereof anymore is not due to ignorance. It's due to "god" forsaking me and hurting me in my young little girl eyes-that made my belief go down the tube! If he existed- this super power of love and was always supposed to be there for you when you called- he sure did a crappy job!
I do admit however that I'm still finding my way in faith- I like many different ones and have been researching them all- for me in my life as it's going- Buddhism is my first choice because the principles pertain to the way I would like to live my life but I'm not totally sure- I'm still trying to find myself that way!
I do know that any belief for me in a Christian way of life is not for me while it may be for others!
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
2 Jan 08
Oh no they did not just do that. I find this disgraceful as a christian. I'm not an overly religous person I believe god reveals himself to everyone in his own way like for example you can be a pagan and he shoes himself to you as the many gods. I feel that not any one religion is right that they all may be right. Ok enough of my blabbering on about religion and trust me that's about all you get from me. I for one find this personally appalling. I thought from religion that God was supposed to love and forgive everyone there sins, Am I suddenly wrong? When did love because a target of sin? When did god stop loving and forgiving those who think and love outside the box? Aren't we all the same in some way ? I just don't understand people and their ability to be so bigoted. I thought we were supposed to be tolerant of others. Didn't we start this nation to avoid persecution??? But it seems everytime we turn around someone somwhere is persecutting someone or the beliefs of someone or what not. I guess I'm tired of injustice if they sat down with the Homosexuals/gays without knowing the were gay and had a conversation that didn't touch the topic they would never know or have a problem with them. I think to make a judgement agianst someone becuase of who they love is wrong. How different are they truely from us. God states in the bible that he will be the judge come judgement day have these christians forgot that .. Have they forgot the teaching of love your neighbor as you love thyself. In my opinion they are using gods name in vain.. They are trying to fight their beliefs with the help of god.. But what they aren't realizing is they are going agianst the grain of his teaching. I feel bad that these people have started in a way a holy war agianst a group of people who don't deserve it and aren't any different than you or me except for what they are attracted to .. What gives anyone the right to judge them for it or to hate them for that ... ? Shouldn't a person be judge on his/her own merrits? Agian Skinnychick thank you for a most interesting topic of debate and have a nice and happy new years.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
3 Jan 08
my new years was awesome I sat safely in my home had a few drinks with friends and watch movies and just plain spent time with the people that i love and care about. That is what made it so special. How did your new years go!!
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
3 Jan 08
I went to Seattle which is why I was off of here for a couple of days- I used to live there so I visited a great friend and we went to a mostly male gay bar on the beach and the weather was nice- no rain. It was a blast and that was quite possibly the only bar in Seattle not charging a million dollars to get in. We walked back to her house and all was safe and sound. Thanks for asking!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
3 Jan 08
My thoughts exactly you said it perfectly hun. Glad to hear from an accepting Christian on this subject. These people are horrible and need to be stopped!
Thanks for your response and how your new year was great! :)

@dvschic (1795)
• United States
18 Dec 07
almost every religion is against homosexuality, its either taboo or prohibited.
you can't base an entire faith based on on segment of the radicals. there are all kinds of christians and you are doing the same as they are, judging them based on one segment, not the whole.
i'm an athiest, a militant one at that, but i think people can feel however they need to... whatever gets them through the day.
honestly, your post has a good intention but it gives thr wrong idea about non-god people, we dont hate christianity and shouldn't push our beliefs on anyone else, that would make us just as wrong as that which we disagree with.
@toni30 (42)
• United States
7 Dec 07
Trust me, god loves everyone. That church would be considered as Holy rollers and that is not good for them. Our God is a God of love but there have been rules put in place if we truly believe in him. As for me and my family we serve the Lord.If you are truly interested in how God feels about that topic and you feel like reading, go to his Holy letter(The Bible) and read Leviticus 18th chapter 22nd verse thru the 30th verse.
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@dickkell (403)
• United States
8 Dec 07
Holy rollers is a derogatory term applied to early Charismatic Christians in the 20th century. It is not an appropriate description of Westboro (who strongly resist the charimatic teachings), nor should it be applied to Charismatic or Pentecostal Christians because it is a degrading term.
"Holy rollers" refers to unusual manifestations of the Holy Ghost in people. It was a term used to mock them. Incidently (or not), there are now believers in EVERY major denomination who have experienced the manifestations and gifts of the Spirit. Please refrain from using this term agsinst a brother or sister again - you never know who you might be offending.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
18 Dec 07
I thought "God Hates F@gs" was just an anti smoking slogan. ;~D
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
12 Dec 07
Yeah it's so hypocritical. God loves every one. God loves f*gs and he also loves dyk*s and transvestites and drag queens too. You're very right when you say 'Love in any grand form is great to me!'
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Dec 07
:) Thanks I admire it especially when because of circumstance you really can't love the one you want openly...So open people in love no matter what their sexuality is something I admire and so desire!
Thanks for posting!
@dickkell (403)
• United States
8 Dec 07
Just to reiterate, Westboro Baptist is neither baptist nor Christian. The are endorsed (last time I checked) by no legitimate Christian organization and do not in any way reflect the beliefs of "Christians."
It bothers me that people are so ready to do away with God that they will allow these lunatic fringes become a reason for rejecting the mainline beliefs of a group. Islam suffers the same thing with Al Quida. Terrorists don't represent what Islam actually teaches for most of their adherents. Westboro doesn't teach what Christians teach.
Incidently, if you try to lump Wiccans together in the same way, you get all kinds of nasty responses saying that "black" witches aren't really Wiccan and no Wiccan has ever harmed anybody...why can't we have the same basic standard for all of us - the loonies aren't the majority, so don't judge the majority by the loons!

@dickkell (403)
• United States
9 Dec 07
If you approach the Bible with your own preconcieved notions, it's possible to readinto the text any message you want. This is true of all written works. I could take Mein Kampf, look at it out of context, and "prove" that Hitler was the greatest advocate of the Jews. Just because they say "Jesus" and "Amen" doesn't make them Christian. They use the Bible to fit their own political and social agenda, instead of allowing God's message to change them.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
8 Dec 07
Hmmm- their "church" is called The Westboro Bartist church and they have beliefs in the Christian bible and they just happen to preach hate in the name of Jesus Christ..If you look at my previous posts to responses- I don't judge the majority by these freaks- There are many reasons for my beliefs and the hypocrisy of this group just adds to my belief system.
I'm not Wiccan but according to some Wiccans- magic is magic- (Raven :)) some don't believe in black or white.
I also have Muslim friends and don't consider them terrorists..
I would say go check this sects website and then tell me they don't have Christian beliefs and read the same bible that most Christians do.
Thanks for the comment!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
9 Dec 07
Agree with you whole heartedly- what gets me is that they quote the scripture and if your not that smart you may fall for it- this is what makes them so vile! Yes, you can read into anything- which is a great point. But personally, I think I have said it before- the hypocrisy of them kills me!

@cyberopjames (483)
• United States
18 Dec 07
skinnychick I am so sorry that you found a "christian" site or group that teaches hate. My name is Reverend James and I am in Florida, USA and I am here to tell you that I have not found one place in the bible that states "God hates F*gs" nor have I ever found anything in the bible that states God hates anything. From my teachings, God is love and only love. I am a gay male and have been with Jay (my jewish lover) for over 8 years. It is like people fighting a war in the name of God. Hum, let me think, God never said go "go ye in to the world and kill each other in my name." I do not push my being gay on anyone. Just when I see things like this I have to speak out.
-Reverend James Florida, USA-
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Yep- completely agree- the shellfish thing- ugggg. I actually looked that up- my grandma doesn't eat shellfish and I never knew why- now I guess I know- :)
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Dec 07
Hi skinnychick, I have heard of this cult, and some of the terrible things that they do. It is no wonder that so many people want nothing to do with the Christian church. They spread hatred instead of love, and unfortunately they are not alone. There are many fundamentalist groups who do not welcome gays in their church. There is nothing wrong with being gay, they are among some of our finest citizens. There are some Christian churches who have accepted gays as equals, and I applaud them for it. Throughout history, the church has had the undesirable distinction, of opposing minority rights. Many churches still refuse to accept women as being equal to men. Having said that I still realize that most Christians of all faiths would oppose what the Westboro Baptist Church has done, and probably continue to do. Blessings.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
7 Dec 07
It makes me really happy to hear that most would oppose them and yeah it doesn't do much to help the plight of people trying to convert non believers as Christians- don't even get me started about the woman and man thing but even as a non god person- there is still alot of good to be said about traditional male-female roles and family values in general.. but that is another discussion. :)
Thanks for the comment
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@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
7 Dec 07
This is why I am not part of any organized religion. I hardly go around my fundy Christian family because I cannot stand all the God talk 24/7. It just isn't for me. I prefer to find my own spiritual (or lack of) path. They think they know the mind of God, which means they have their own version of God. That is idolatry right there.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
7 Dec 07
Well said and I feel the same about my family!
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@tiffiny (872)
• United States
7 Dec 07
It is NEVER ok to use God as your stepping stone for hate! While it is considered bad for lack of better word for you to be gay God does not hate you for it. (I know you aren't gay skinnychick just in general) God loves his children and like most parents and children we don't always make our parents happy with our choices. This church is wrong and people who belive in God are suppose to love thy neighbor!!!
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
7 Dec 07
I don't think it's bad to be gay especially if there is real love involved..while it isn't a choice for me I respect other people and for a few of my gay friends really admire their relationships and the love they have even if it is stigmatized as it is..one of the couples both come from very religious backgrounds- while their parents aren't happy mostly because of no biological grandkids, they do believe in God and have said that god has taught them acceptance so that is how the "deal" with their gay children..
Thanks for the comment and of course love thy neighbor even if you don't agree- :)
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