By tiffiny
@tiffiny (872)
United States
December 7, 2007 2:46pm CST
I'm not asking if you think it's right or not. I need help becuase of it. My daughter wakes up and cries and cries and I try to keep her quiet becuase my husband works and has to wake up at four am. So it's just easier to get her to be quiet if I bring her into bed with us and she falls right back to sleep. How do I get this to stop? She's only 10 months old do I need to stop it at this age? It's only been going on for a week. What do you guys think?
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7 responses
@OllieW (15)
8 Dec 07
IMHO you do need to stop it, it's no good for your daughter - she won't know where she should be, in her cot or in your bed. I've had the same with my daughter at about same age. So. I coudn't bear to hear her crying for longer that 5 min, I used to come in while she was crying, saying 'shhhh mummy's here' then go out of the room... sit on the stairs for 5 min, come in, check that she's OK, 'shhhh'... Repeat as requested:). Or get a comfy chair (ikea got great cheap ones), and sit in her room, but not too close to her bed. If she stops crying as soon as she sees/hears you, sure sign it's all crying for attention.
I think one of the keys is not to let her to actually leave her room and don't turn the light on (the big one). It took me about a week, but it worked! Now my daughter is 4, sleeps 7-7, only gets in my bed on Sat-Sun morning at about 8 am. Not that I'm bragging or anything ;)
@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
8 Dec 07
Those are some very good ideas, especially the part about not turning on the lights. That throws the baby off and thinks it's time to get up or time to be held, when in fact it's time to sleep and be quiet.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
7 Dec 07
My opinion is, when you have little ones you do what you need to do to keep everyone rested and happy. My youngest is going on 13 months and I still bring him in with me when he wakes up at night rather than have him crying and waking everyone else up at 3 am. My plan is to slowly "wean" him once he's old enough to sleep in a bed if he's still waking up. Then when he wakes up I can cuddle him in his bed until he falls back to sleep so he learns he can sleep all night in his own bed. Once he's asleep I'll go back to my bed. Eventually he will sleep through the night and everything will go back to normal.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
9 Dec 07
I really don't know tiffany. his is my first time doing the cosleeping thing regularly. With the other babies I listened to everyone that said it was bad and I just ended up being a worn out exhausted mommy that wasn't good for anybody. Now I'm just following the opinions of all the other cosleepers it's worked out for and hoping things go the same for us.
@nicolecab (923)
• United States
8 Dec 07
My son is 9 months old and I to have to bring him into our bed in the mornings. I notice that he goes through this just every once in a while. I do it because it is just easier for me and it works for us. Sometimes he just lays there and wants to snuggle; other times he will go back to sleep. I dont mind because I feel like it makes our bond even closer. She will prob go back to normal in a couple of days mine does. She may just want to be close to ya'll for right now. If she just started doing this I would not worry about it to much she will prob go back to the norm in a couple of days. If not you might want to try and give her some shirts with you and your husbands sent when she wakes up at that time and see if that will do the trick. Good Luck!!
@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
8 Dec 07
I am a sole parent now so after my husband left it took me a while to move my son out of my bedroom and into his own. He was first in a cradle and then in a cot. That change didn't worry him. Now at almost 3 he seems to find comfort in going to sleep in my bed. After he's asleep I move him back into his bed. Most nights he sleeps in his own bed straight away. I know that letting him sleep in my bed is a bad idea but he finds comfort feeling close to me when he's stressed. Sometimes at night if he wakes up crying and won't go to sleep again in his bed I'll put him in with me until he's asleep again and then move him back to his bed. Have you tried letting you child fall asleep and then moving her back to her own bed.
@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
8 Dec 07
Let her cry it out. She won't be damaged or deformed and she won't even remember it.
You're giving her what she wants and once you start, it's very hard to stop it.
Children belong in their own beds, not in yours.
@lanangregs (4)
• United States
11 Dec 07
I didnt weaned my older son to his bed till he was a year and it was hard but I am cosleeping with my 2 month pld now till he is a year as well, it all depends how confortable you are with cosleeping
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
7 Dec 07
I think it just depends on what you want. Do you mind her sleeping in bed with you? does it bother you or your hubby, if so, I suggest breaking the habit, but alot of people love having their kids in bed with them. I personally can not sleep w/my kids in bed w/me. We never did the co sleeping thing, and I think that as they get older, it does get harder to break them from the habit of sleeping with you, they get old enough to cry until you do what they want you to. (:
Good luck!