Does your husband help with the daily chores ?

December 10, 2007 11:17pm CST
My husband does help out oft and on, not on a regular basis. I was wondering whether all husbands are like that or there are husbands who genuinely go out of the way to help their wives in household duties. At times I feel that working in an office is much less tiring than working at home. We are all the time doing something or the other. Do our husbands appreciate this or expect us to do it as part of wifely duties.
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15 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
11 Dec 07
Help? How is doing things around his own house "help". Everyone in the family should have the chores that are their responsibility. It's part of what brings the members of a family together. Any man who would excempt himself for household chores is robbing himself of a lot of what it means to be there for the family. I've never understood the concept myself... kind of like how I've never understood how its "babysitting" when the dad watches his own kids.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Dec 07
You said it! The family is a community that needs to work together to make the household run smoothly. Everyone should do their part. Why should I go into my 14 year old daughter's room and pick up the clothes off the floor? If you love each other you'd do anything to make life easier for one another. If you want to spend time together as a family, then the more people helping out, the faster the chores get done and the more time there is to spend together playing games, etc.
• India
13 Dec 07
Cultures and upbringing play a vital role in husbands helping out. In Asia, it is not very popular though more and more husbands are helping out as both go to work. Thanks for a wonderful reply.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
11 Dec 07
All relationships are different, and I think it depends on the personalities, values and professions of both of the people in any relationship. My boyfriend happily initiates or helps with cleaning responsibilities, as well as cooking, feeding pets, doing the groceries and so on. It can do with how they were raised, their views on how a relationship/marriage should run (eg: housewife/mother who does all the cooking, cleaning and child-raising while the man "brings home the money") I think that in general women seem to think that men don't like to help out, but I don't think this is true. I think that it's about half-half, and I know there are plenty of women from the last few relationships who are out working while the husband is tending to the house, or both working and sharing household responsibilities. =D I think that everyone appreciates having things done for them, but it is our job as part of a relationship to make sure that we (and the things we do) are not taken for granted. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Mal.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Dec 07
My husband was brought up old-fashioned. He has 3 sisters and 4 brothers. The girls had to help out around the house, the boys didn't. My husband expects me to be like his mother. I tell him if he wants me to be like his mother then he better be like my father. Not going to happen! LOL! I think we should work together to make the household run smoothly for everyone.
• India
13 Dec 07
Hey, that great. One does not mind working so long as there is a word of appreciation from your partner. I am glad your bf is there besides you to help out. Yes, I suppose it is the upbringing and the culture in which you are brought up. Have a wonderful Christmas and a New Year too.
@shaggin (74023)
• United States
11 Dec 07
LOL I always wonder this about other peoples husbands as well. My husband does not help out at all. Ok so I could deal with him not helping me vacuum and do dishes stuff like that. As a stay at home mom thats my job to take care of all that stuff. But I do expect him to pick his dirty clothes up off the floor and put them in the hamper things like that. But he doesnt. He thinks because I don't work that its my job to clean up after her. You don't know how furious it makes me. After giving birth to my daughter the doctors told me to take it easy so I wouldnt wind up back in the hospital but I have no one to help me out so upon arriving home I had to do all the housework. My husband was yelling at me because I wasent listening to the doctor but not once did he offer to help me.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Dec 07
According to Dr. Phil, being a stay-at-home-mom is the equivalent of 2 full-time jobs. Let's face it, we are on the job 24/7. Men get to take their breaks from parenthood but even when we are out with friends, our children are always on our minds. I guess that's part of being a mother. It wouldn't kill your husband to help out. Go away for the weekend and let HIM try it. He'll soon realize it ain't easy!
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@shaggin (74023)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I agree with you patgalca! At anytime I am out without my children they are always on my mind! I am a mother 24/7 good days and bad! Trust me though even if I went out and worked I would still be expected to come home and do the housework he just doesnt and wouldnt do anything. He will let me sleep in awhile on Saturday sometimes but when I get up its not even worth sleeping the extra few hours beacuse then I feel so much more stressed when I wake up and find the house even more messy and see that he didnt do a darn thing to pick up after my daughter while my son and I are sleeping. Its not like its just happened once and I'm complaining about it. He knows how I feel because everytime he lets me sleep in this is what happens. My husband is a chauvinist! He does not appreciate all that I do for and with my children he basically thinks stay at home moms dont do anything. When I left him in charge while I was in the hospital overnight giving birth to my son he left the laundry unattended and everything was a disaster when I got home. I could only just cry because it was so obvious he just doesnt care and was simply waiting for me to get home. We have about 4 loads of laundry everyday among so much else to do sometimes its just to much work it drive me nuts.
• India
13 Dec 07
I think it is very chauvnestic attitude on the part of your husband. Really men, at times they can be sooooo infuriating. Forget everything and take care of yourself. Or better still, get a job and share the chores. It is then that he will realise what a huge responsiblity keeping house is.
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@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
11 Dec 07
I think that husband should help. My boyfriend was one of those boys who'd leave his dirty clothes in his bedroom and when he needed it clean he would be angry with his mother because she didn't wash it. That was really pissing me off. Or I'd prepare the lunch put everything on the table do the dishes and he's just sit there or go to watch tv, so I told him to forget that because I am not his slave and if he wanted to eat he had to help me prepare the lunch or even do the dishes. At first he thought I was kidding but the next day I just didn't prepare the lunch for him. he was astonished but that gavce him a lesson. I understand the man does different things around the house like I don't know repairing stuff or something like that but he can't sit in front of tv the whole weekend and expect me to do everything and in the end ask me to go somewhere or do something he wants. That's just not fair and I really think that man should do what he can around the house if that means cleaning or dusting then cleaning or dusting it is!!!
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• India
14 Dec 07
Hip hip hooray, we need more women like you. Cheers, and the fact that you stood your ground must have brought him to his senses real fast. Big hug to you.
• Indonesia
11 Dec 07
I don't have a husband but I do live with my boyfriend. He's nice and understanding if relate to daily chorus. I'm not saying that he help me everyday or have his own chorus, but he's been quite helpful in everything I do. Like laundry, if he saw me do a lot of laundry sometime he offer to work in on it so I can work on something else or sometime he just accompany me during my chorus, like talk about things, just chat so I won't feel so tired or upset about the chorus I did. I found it relaxing, and helpful in one side.
• India
13 Dec 07
When work is shared, it becomes so much easire. Even having someone around to chat with you is great. Makes you feel you have someone with you. I am sure its very relaxing.
• United States
11 Dec 07
If both spouse and wife work outside the home . I agree 150% all chores need to be divided in half fairly. As not to over burden one another and keep a nice tidy place to call home together.That as a couple you can both take pride in together.
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• India
14 Dec 07
Wish every man thought like you do. Well, we women have to stick together and your reply makes me happy. Thanks a lot.
@biggerb (2024)
• India
11 Dec 07
Hi! My husband is the type who does help in the household chores.Earlier we were in a city and we had only a part time.She would work only for 1 hour.We are both very particular about keeping the house neat.So he used to help out in the cleaning,doing the bathhrooms and in the kitchen too.Now we have moved to place where we have a full time servant to help out and the new job is 24x7 for him.So he just does not have any time.I am at home so I manage pretty well with the help.Its really nice when the husbands help instead of sitting there and wanting the wives to do everything.Its quite frustrating as I have seen many of them like that.Its time these guys change.
• India
14 Dec 07
There are men and men and you have found the right type. These days it is very hard to find such men. Now that you have a full time maid, life must be much easier. My husband does help, but not always. He will cook also when I am unwell. Thanks for replying.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Dec 07
I have had fibromyalgia for 11 years so my husband was forced to stop partying and become a real husband and father (silver lining, folks!). He washes dishes, vacuums and washes the floors. Doing the floors is too hard on me physically. I just can't do it. I did it when he was away and I collapsed afterwards. I'll never do it again! Before I was ill I worked full-time. Hubby didn't stay home with our daughter on days off, he went golfing. I spent my weekends doing housework. I had no time for family or fun. (another silver lining!) My husband does feel that because I am at home that it is my job to look after the house, but he understands when I am in a flare that I just can't do it. It's hard because his cooking menu is so limited (Kraft Dinner, hot dogs and fries, bacon & eggs) so I either force myself to cook or we eat that crap! He is pretty insistent on me making his lunch for work, which really bothers the kids. "How come we have to make our own lunch and Dad doesn't?" I wonder that myself. If I didn't make his lunch he would eat a bag of chips for lunch. Better that I make it for him and keep him healthy. I need him to be around for a long time. But overall I would say he is pretty good about helping out around here. When he is working he works 12 hours shifts so he doesn't help out much at all when he is on shift. But when he is off he will wash the windows if he feels it needs to be done. The only thing he doesn't do is bathrooms! LOL! He used to do the groceries every week early on in my illness. Once I learned how to manage my illness I took back the grocery shopping. And I wouldn't let anybody touch my laundry anyway.
• India
14 Dec 07
No matter what, do take care of yourself. I am not very sure what fibromyalgia is, but it sounds scary. I am glad your husband had started helping. However, insisting that he makes his lunch is not very fair, but then, we have to let go somewhere. When he works 12 hours continuously, I suppose he must be getting tired. Anyway, take care of yourself. Do keep in touch and tell me how you are keeping. Have a nice day.
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
12 Dec 07
I am sure that some appreciate it and some expect it. My husband/boyfriend willingly has taking on the vaccuuming, dusting and cleaning of the bath tub and shower. I am so very lucky to have found someone who doesn't mind that I do not 'like' to do 'all' of the housework. My ex husband did not like to help at all. It was like *pulling teeth* to get him to take a dish back out to the kitchen. LOL
• India
14 Dec 07
I am glad you have found someone who is exactly the opposite of your ex husband. Willingness to work together and to appreciate and be appreciated is great. Have a lovely time together always.
@nkhanna (922)
• India
11 Dec 07
well for me my hubby is very helpful in this regard.he helps me in daily works.i am doing part time i normally have good time to do other things.however many a times when we are out for shopping or anything like that and after coming i have to cook food then my hubby himself comes to the kitchen and will help me will do all that he can to help me.
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• India
13 Dec 07
Love is sharing everything, and I can clearly see your husband loves you. Even if the dish turns out bad, you can both point fingers at each other and laugh it our. Great going.
• India
14 Dec 07
i think wife is house wives means no need to husband help because she will get lots of time to do all house hold work.. But both are working means husband should be participate the houseold work thats very good understading couples only can do like these.
@tiffiny (872)
• United States
11 Dec 07
My husband has tried t help me with the daily chores and I've told him never again. Lol He puts dirty clothes in the clean clothes basket, he'll put dirty dishes in the dishwasher that's already been done. He throws things out that I was saving. So yeah. Now he can vacume and pick up the kid's room. That's it. Lol
• India
13 Dec 07
I can understand what must have happened. It is just like out of a comic book. It tickles the funny bone, but at that time I am sure you must be mad. Have a wonderful Christmas and a New Year.
• Philippines
12 Dec 07
who cares?!
• United States
11 Dec 07
My boyfriend and I have been going out for about 2 years. It was his idea to split all the chores. Most of the time he does most of the chores before I get home. We both work, he comes home an hour earlier and dinner's ready. We both work, he goes to school online and I go to college. When he's home he cleans the house and has dinner ready on the plate in the microwave. On the weekends both of us don't work, we both wake up the same time. I start cooking breakfast, and he washes the dishes after we're done eating. There's a list of things to do. His theory is that if we do it together, we'd have more time to do stuff like spend time together, do some school work, study, go out to the mall, the movies.
• India
14 Dec 07
One in a million, I am sure. Keep him under the wraps. LOL The fact that both of you are earning and learning is great. Keep up the good work, and do tell your boyfriend, i appreciate him and his understanding very much.
11 Dec 07
you are working woman your husband must work with u. fastafal you are earning and you are working office &house .you are a human being so he is working you willbe happy .