Freezing and thawing cakes?

Freezing and thawing cakes - Freezing and thawing are the two methods that i have leaned but trying to make most out of them.
December 11, 2007 3:12pm CST
I'm baking a chocolate fudge cake with chocolate fudge frosting and strawberry jelly in the middle of two layers.I wanted to bake it before Saturday.Once I freeze them in the seran wrap and foil, when do I take it out so its ready for Saturday? Saturday morning? How long should I let it thaw? Or should I thaw it overnight? I'm good until its time for thawing.When I thaw it, do I leave it out on the counter, in the wrap, or do I unwrap it and then thaw? I am totally confused about it and i am like baking lots of stuff these days so all you kitchen queens out there help me with this!
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