What if your spouse told you that you have a step son/daughter?
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
United States
December 12, 2007 3:08am CST
What would you say if your spouse comes home one day with a child and say honey this is my child from an affair/one night stand or from before we got married? A friend of mine was given a gift before Christmas and that is a new step son. One day out of the blue her hubby came home and said honey I have something to tell you. While she was thinking oh he wants to be a baseball coach or some kind of sports coach because he brought home a little boy, he wanted to tell you that he got you a step son. She is still in a state of shock right now. Her husband had a one night stand six years ago and now the little boys mother has passed away and left the responsibility of raising her son to his father. She passed away about a few years ago due to cancer. The hubby put the son with his own parents (grandparents) till now he wants the little boy to live with them and their two kids. What would you do? What should she do? Although her hubby said it was a one night stand how many did he have? Should he be trusted? Should she open=armly hold her hands out and accept the gift? What would the new sister and brother say? Should they be consider? She is thinking about a divorce should she?
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17 responses
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
12 Dec 07
I had a similar situation happen to me, however, it had happened well before I married my now ex. But after 15 years of marriage he decides to 'come clean' what for?? He didn't know where this boy lived, had not stayed in touch in anyway, with the boy or the mother, so why tell me now? Our marriage ended in divorce, but not because of that incident, I must admit it didn't help matters. And my daughter and his son were very upset by this sharing of information. I still haven't ever figured out why he felt the need to tell us, after 15 years and not contact with that child or mother.

@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I guess, never did figure it out. But I have to ask, if this child has been living with his parents, what was the explanation there? Did he tell his wife that his parents just decided to take in this child?
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
21 Dec 07
He never said...only that her hubby said his folks took the little boy in after his mommy(the lady who had an affair with him) passed away. Her hubby's folks felt bad for their own grandson that is what motivated them to take him in I believe...I mean gosh if it was my grandson I would take him in too and let my son figure out how to tell his wife I as his grandmother would take care of him and I as the mother(to the hubby) would let my son figure out how and when is the best time to tell his wife and his family...
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Sorry that this happen to you too. But, I don't understand myself why he would tell you know after you guys have been divorce that's just silly...oh well people want to come clean and walk away quilt free so to speak I guess. In this matter he had to the boy's mother pass away....

@missybal (4490)
• United States
12 Dec 07
The bad part is he knew and the child was being kept at his own parents house and she still didn't know. Why didn't he come forward sooner? This is terrible because she really can't trust him but then she has two kids with him and now another boy who needs a mother. I for one would start with seperate bedrooms. He can sleep on the couch. Was the one night stand while they were married? I should have read the discussion further before jumping to answer but this got under my skin. If it was before they were married it's not as bad, but still he lied for such a long time and now just comes up and says here's another child for you to take care of. And the child is innocent and doesn't desearve more pain after loosing one mother. And her own children are not going to know what to think. I hope they are young enough that it doesn't affect them too much. How old are her Kids? Really the question is how is her husband behaving. He better be apoligizing everyday and kissing her feet. He better give her space if she wants it and do all the right things because if he so much as once tries to turn this on her like it's her fault she should leave asap. I couldn't imagine if this was to happen to me.

@missybal (4490)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I think I would have kicked him out too. It's not like they didn't have someplace to go. I can't believe her in-laws would have kept such a secret if they got along well. As for her own children if she had just let him off the hook and had the other child join the family at their age they would know what daddy did and what kind of an example is that for them both. And they would have to explain it to people in school and all. It's just so terrible, I guess he always knew she'd kick him out and so he didn't want to tell the truth. Sad, my heart goes out to her and her children and that little boy who's in the whole mix.
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
It's really sad but he involved his own folks into this. My friend was in good terms with her in-laws but now she hates them. He had an affair during the marriage...That is what hurts the most. She said maybe she can forgive if it was before but during marriage. Mind you he always pretend or act like his the perfect hubby toward her and has been friendly with the ladies but we all thought that was just be gentlemenly if you know what I mean. The new one is six, her own kids are 13 and 9. Hmm after he told her the thing she told him to get and so her hubby and the child is living with the in laws right now...He did make mention to her that she didn't want it as much so he wanted it really bad and it lead to that ......Mind you she got even more upset after hearing this...hence she threw both of them out...
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
19 Dec 07
The one I feel bad for the most is not my friend actually it's that little boy who lost his mom...now he is toss into something totally new and for his short time he spent with his step mom...what is he to think that she didn't let him stay...that his is not wanted? Gosh he never asked for this and he can't change it...he is stuck but the adults can leave and make a new life or whatever but he can't...
@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
29 Dec 07
That is a non-starter. The best would be to ask them to excuse you. How on earth should they expect you to just accept like that?
That would mean there has never been a good understanding between the couple. No love, no trust, no confidence, no relationship.
It ends just like that.
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Yeah it's hard when something like that happens...Love is very fragile and should be treasured but like most hurtful people out there they simply don't care about anyone but themselves until they have to pay for what they have done...
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
23 Dec 07
Yeah seeing the child every day is very hard to forgive and forget what has happen. When the kid is the product of an affair and a lie that lasted for six long years...
@nmhschic2004 (1238)
• United States
12 Dec 07
I think i would be pretty upset. And i would want to know why he didnt say anything before we had got married. After i got all the answers i wanted from him i would probably sit down and think what the best resolution would be. And your right - he could have had more then one one night stand. And as for trusting him, that would be really hard to do. He should have been open and honest about it to begin with. And i think if i was in her position after the shock wore off i would probably be able to forgive him since it happenned before the marriage. Then i would sit down and calmly explain it to the brother and sister.

@nmhschic2004 (1238)
• United States
14 Dec 07
well you had said "or from before we got married" in your first post. Thats why i thought it had happenned before they got married. But if was during their marriage its a completely different story.
And as for the kids...your right. This could change how they feel about their father. I dont care how old you are when something like this happens you will lose respect for your father. After 22 years of marriage my dad decided he wanted a girlfriend. My brother seen my dad as a role model. After that happenned it completely ruined what we both thought of my dad.
I just hope your friend and her kids make it through this allright.
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
19 Dec 07
She still won't let the kids know and I think the kids know something is up...
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
It didn't happen before the marriage it happen during the marriage dear. I don't know if she would be able to forgive...by what I can see is that she won't. As for the kids she don't hate or have anything against the new child just she don't want him near hers because his a constant reminder of what happen and also she is affair that what the father did will result in her kids saying if dad did it we can too or that they will learn bad morals from this issue...she also fears that their father's image will be damage forever in their eyes. Because in her kids' eyes their father is Perfect and we all know that we think the world of our father and to loose that hmmmmm it's rather sad....
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@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
12 Dec 07
I don't blame her for wanting a divorce. I would be thinking along the same lines. Where is the trust he should have trusted her from the start. But the bad part is will this new child wonder if they divorced because of them or because of trust issues. This is the main large question I would have to ask. He should have definitely told her from the start. Honesty is the best way. I hope that everything works out for her and her family. I feel for her and her family in this difficult time.
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
12 Dec 07
I don't know what she is going to do but I did recommend her to go seek counseling. This is a topic I don't really want to mess with because there is little ones involved but I just wanted to know how other view it and what their opinion would be. I agree with you too that she thinking about divorce is not something bad. I myself would think the same way...
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
12 Dec 07
Yeah, I bumped into the child and his a sweet pea. Very polite and smiles a lot despite what has happen to him...I am sure he misses his mommy but his looks to be a very brave little 6 year old...But then again I am not my friend...She tells me she has her hands full as it is already...work, kids, home, and so on...
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
12 Dec 07
I know it hurt you much & not easy to accept, but if you really love your partner us you loving husband, maybe i will not file for divorce,as you said it long time one night stand, we cannot judge all the people we are going to listen to them first, but if they will do again for 2 or 3 times that time you can decide to file a divorce. it not easy to have a broken family, our hand have a finger but not all the same size me i right. hope the problem of your friend will be ok, hope she will think before she judge his husband.
wish her a merry christmas be happy christmas will come only once a year:)
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Thank you dear for the warm wishes. As for forgiving him I don't think she will be able to do it. But who knows she went to see a professional about this and she said she will let me know and she is not over with her anger yet...as for Christmas it's pretty much out the door down the tube so to speak...she is not in the mood to cook, shop, clean or whatever needs to be done...
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
13 Dec 07
he "forgot" to mention that he had son already
maybe he "forgot" to tell he about 3 exwives, being in prison, or whatever
its relevant
he should raise that son
he should have been up front about it from the start
maybe it is good grounds for divorce
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Yeah that is what I am saying. If he cheated once and had a kid what if he has cheated many times and only this time he made a child...and six years of lies after lies...business trip yeah right....
@navtech (1773)
• India
12 Dec 07
Dear cartoon4umaniacs, He should have told his wife before marriage. However, past is past. There would have been many factors and reason which would have forced him to withhold the information from his wife. Her wife should consider first how her husband fared with her during the years after her marriage with him. In case she found the answer that he was faithful and honest. She should accept the step-son and lead a happy wife with her husband.
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
It's really easy to say forgive but really really hard to do. Especially in something like this. For a reason like this I myself would divorce my husband. I can forgive my husband for almost everything but affairs I would not be able to look past that huge hump....so I wouldn't be able to tell or advice my friend to forgive him but then I would not advice her on divorcing him either...
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Yeah, it's crazy how spouse keep big secrets like that away from each other. The main reason is they don't want to loose their wife/husband so they don't say a word...but the truth always comes out no matter how hard you try to hide it.....It is always best to tell the truth and keep no secrets with your spouse...
@kimberlylynn (978)
• United States
13 Dec 07
What a bad place to be in, I would have a hard time loving a child my husband had as a result of an affair. I know it's not the child's fault, but it would be a constant reminder of the infidelity.
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Yeah, that is what she can not get over. She don't have anything against the child but she don't want him near her and her family at all...I don't blame her but yet I feel for the child...he is a sweetie....
@froggylovesu (173)
• United States
12 Dec 07
I would simplily ask for my space to absorb the shock first of all . Than come back and say now we must talk
and work this situation out not for ourselves but the
child that is involved in the mess .
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Yeah I agree, the kids are the ones that we must first consider. They are more fragile than we adults are and we have a responsibility to them to give them a safe and comfortable life. They don't need us adults to screw them over they will learn that life is hard on their own...
@RagdollSally (159)
• United States
12 Dec 07
Im not sure what I would think. I would go thrw many mixed emotions. Anger, sorrow, and maybe even a little joy at a baby to play with here and there but I think it would turn the relationship sour in the end and it would be ended..
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Yeah it's sad but I believe that my friend would end their marriage as well. But for the child what would you do? I would try to see if I can help the child but she said she don't hate the boy but don't want him near her as well because he is a constant reminder of what her husband has done....
@salikharal (2)
• Pakistan
13 Dec 07
It is a shock for me when my mother told me that you are my step son. as my friend told me its happened with him i qoute " the mother put the son with his own grandparents and told them my husband is not ready to lookafter my child. now he is in the grandmother's home.
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
23 Dec 07
Wow, how old were you when you found out about it? How is it living with the grandmother? I just hate to hear about things where the kids get hurt and sad...
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Dec 07
Well....wow....If the one night stand happened WHILE we were married I would have to clock him good and hard for not telling me like we have agreed...THEN I would need some questions answered and THEN I would need a couple of days alone to sort things out in my head without any outside influence....BUT being the type of woman that I am and the fact that I love kids etc etc I would welcome the child into our home..
IF the child was concieved BEFORE my husband and I hooked up or while we were seperated for that yr I would just welcome him/her into the home....BUT I'd want to know why my husband didnt tell me about this other child..
What should your friend do? well thats solely up to her BUT she shouldnt IMO reject this child becuase of what her husband did...The child hasnt done anything wrong...Should your friend get divorced? Well was their marriage on the rocks BEFORE this gift arrived on her doorstep?? If NOT then NO..I think a divorce is just her feeling hurt, confused and angry which in turn IMO would be a hastey mistake (to get the divorce I mean)..I think she needs to take some time to herself and mull over any answers she got from her husband (assuming she's asked him numerous questions), she needs to figure out WHY she considered divorce..is it because of the surprise OR is it becuase their marriage was over before this anyway and this is the "perfect out" for her...Regardless though, jumping to any decision is a mistake..
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
12 Dec 07
I would do more than clock him LOL...yeah the child has nothing to do with my anger toward the father/husband but I don't know if I can love him like I would toward my own child. But, I guess if I was in that shoe I would accept the child and take care of him too but the hubby hmm I don't know if I can forgive him.....Yeah that is why I told her to seek professional help...
@peni88 (469)
• United States
12 Dec 07
i dont know what i would do in this situation. but there are kids involved including the one that just popped up. the little boy didnt ask to be born into this situation. and how could the husbands parents go along with this? he also seemed to be passing the raising of this litle boy to everyone else. i would be more piss// at that. i dont think he should be trusted. how are the kids going to react to this? their world is also going to be turned upsidedown. please keep us informed.
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
12 Dec 07
Well, they were fortunate enough to not know yet...they are trying to see how they are going to introduce this to their other kids....She don't want her kids to know but I suggested that she should because they are going to find out either way but that they should find a way to tell them....
@nanguofong (726)
• China
12 Dec 07
I will say that's a very, very disgusting Christmas gift.
I would be bugs and very,very angry for days.
After several days,I will think this was fact, couldn't alter. I love my family, and the child is harmless. Finally, I will accept the fact.
I think the child is harmless and pitiful, and the guy who had a one night stand is blamed. Your friend should punish her husband, prevent similar error,deprive his some right that could let him to guard error. I think she should care for the child. There is a wisdom in China, "if you love him, you should love all of him".
@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
12 Dec 07
Hmm, I am Chinese and nope I don't think I can do that. I mean gosh it is different because I am not wearing the shoes but if it was me I will go ballistic...I am not sure I can love them all even if I do love him...the child is not to blame but I don't know how I can be a good mother to him,if I resent the father...