how do you parents feel about the movie " The Golden Compass?"
By asgtswife04
@asgtswife04 (2475)
United States
December 12, 2007 9:57pm CST
I have been seeing all of these trailors for the movie and have watched several issues on this movie and i can honestly say, as a Christian, my child WILL NOT go see this movie. They are saying that if this one makes a lot of money they will finish the other two books that were written by an atheist, in which the last book tells of the children killing God. The animals with these people and children in the movie are actually called demons in the movie and the head woman, Nicole Kidman, is supposed to represent the Church which they proclaim to be evil. I just can't in good faith take my children to see this movie and have peace about it. tell me what you think?
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14 responses
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I did go and see it and you are right to be concerned for your children.
Although no mention of God or Religion is ever made, there are subtitles that pop up to remind the viewers when something sybolizes God or religion.
Furthermore, the main character is not killed in the end in a long, drawn out torture sequence, like in the Passion of Christ.
Also, this movie lacked anti-semetic themes that would have been more ideal to draw in a christian population.
Its a dangerous movie.
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@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Read again. The Golden Compass lacks subtitles, the main character is NOT tortured and slain, and there aren't anti-Semitic themes in the movie...although all of the above do apply to the Mel Gibson movie The Passion of the Christ which a lot of clergy did recommend parents have their children go see.
The sarcasm escaped you.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
20 Dec 07
OH excuse me, didn't read into the sarcastic side of it, thanks for pointing that out. No, I don't believe The Golden Compass is anything like The Passion of the Christ at all, but thanks for your opinion. Passion of the Christ was based on what really happened to Jesus in the olden times, this movie depicts God being discengrated, and yes i do realize i spelled that wrong, and God can't be killed.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Thank you for's nice to finally see that someone agrees that it's a dangerous movie for children to watch. Although, I value everyone's opinion or i wouldn't have started the discussion. Thanks again and God bless you
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
20 Dec 07
Thank you so much for responding. I am the same way. I don't teach my children and then take them to things that try to tear down the walls that I have worked greatly at to build up. Thanks again and God bless you and your family
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
21 Dec 07
LOL! That is my husband and he is tough as nails. He is so proud to be serving our country though and I love him so much for that even though he has to be away from me and our three children to do it. God bless

@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
13 Dec 07
People think there are a lot of inappropriate movies and books that kids shouldn't see. I urge you to read the book or see the movie before you make a judgement. Some people don't want their kids to read or see Harry Potter, Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer,Brave New World or Goosebumps. Parents have every right to decide what their children watch or read, no doubt about that, but, don't do it based on what a bunch of fanatics think.

@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
19 Dec 07
But you're basing your opinion on what other people think. See the movie or read the book before you pass judgement.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Thank you for responding...i am not basing this on what fanatics think. i am basing this on what i feel in my heart and my heart tells me that it's wrong and with that comes what i think is best for my children. I am a Christian...if that makes me a fanatic, then it makes me a fanatic...but it's all for God and that is all that is important to me. That I do what I know in my heart He wants for me and my children. I pray over and for my children every day and i just feel that this movie is not suitable for my children. My opinion, not anyone elses. God bless
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@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
13 Dec 07
i never see this movie yet..yes, i can hear lots of speculations about this movie..that this movie is not good for children..i think i will need to see and find that this movie is good or not for minors..
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Dec 07
thanks for responding...i'm not sure what your religion is, but there is a website that you can go to to read more about the movie and the details that they give about it. it's the 700 club. i watch it every day and saw the whole thing of what it talked about in the movie and the meanings behind everything and all of that. just thought i would share. thanks again and God bless
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
13 Dec 07
Well, yes, although the church seems to be the bad guy in the trilogy, and although that church is depicted very close to the catholic church, I see the series more about growing up and being able to make choices, having the freedom to make choices. I won't go into the fact that one of the characteristics of religion - by man's choice, not God - is making decisions for oeople.
The Golden Compass is an interesting Fantasy movie, it's not a guide to religion or lack of - and in my opinion it is well rated at PG 13, mostly because it deals with strong subjects - kids are being kidnapped, and harmed. That alone is a strong theme.
Within the age range that it is rated for, I don't see any harm in seeing the movie, even if one wants to include the religion controversy. After all kids will at some point have to hear about medieval church, the inquisition, Galileo.... so in the end the fantasy in the movie turns out not to be any worse than what reality was.
In my opinion - and again I am not talking younger children- this movie can still be a positive tool to discuss religion with the kids, raise questions, give them the opportunity to think for themselves about their religious choices. After all it's not by only seeing/reading what is favorable to ones views that one grows and strengthens one's views. It is important to know about negative things that were done in the name of the church as well, and discuss them too.
If Good wanted no thinking sheep, He would have stopped with the first couple of lambs, no need to go any further and create us with brain and all.
It is possible to view former mistakes within the church without loosing faith in God.
That said, and although the series follows more like the adventures of this child Lyra and later a friend from another world, it is true that it culminates 0 in the last book - with the disappearance of god - that apparently is not God but one angel - in the book meaning only creatures that can pass trough parallel worlds.
There is nothing in the book that says that those children kill him. He is being carried away by some angels in a bubble. He is old and tired and being attacked by some fantasy warriors. The kids simple break the bubble and he smiles at them and disintegrates. No killing see?
If read, watched as many will read or see it, it is no more than a fantasy story. It deeper meanings are looked for they will certainly be found, but which ones and in which way?
The values of choice, courage,even friendship and loyalty - although the opposite is also covered - the concept of growing up and being able to make own choices,those are the major points not a fallen angel that makes himself god and rules by oppression.
The funny part is that a big majority of kids reading the books or watching the movie will be much more focused on the adventures of Lyra - the girl - than the undercurrents.
What one takes from what one reads or watches is different from person to person and can always be a subject for discussion, learning and growing even if perceived as negative.
As someone else said in a comment, if a book or anything else will shake someone's faith, then there had to be doubts there
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Thank you for responding. My children are very young still so they are trying to find their faith. i don't want them to deter from what I feel they should be. in the end it is definitely their choice whether to accept God or not, but i have to teach my children what I feel to be the best for them. When they grow up at least I will know I've done what God wanted me to do for them...what they choose from there on out is their choice. God bless
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@mcjeannie (703)
• Philippines
13 Dec 07
This is a perfect timing for me to answer this discussion.Yes, I watched the movie today.It is a fantasy movie depicting people that represents the church and some common people in the society that were affected by the controlling of Magistrates. Since in reality, this is a movie, so it doesn't mean it has a correalation with religion.Avery good movie and entertaining.
The Magistrates who represents the church should be all good in real life, in the movie, they are the bad ones.The the common people made an uprising to fight them as they kidnapped children and contol them what to do.Yes the term demon is used in the film only to depict the passion, anger and freewill of people(deeply analyzing that the individual's spirit).Wasn't it God endowed us with freewill too? I believe if God is in a human form, he will not like his people just saying yes to everything...that's why we have this "FREEWILL".In the movie, Freewill of the people is supress and all the power comes from magistrates only.If we live in a society like that and FREEDOM is GONE, they might as well take away "CHRISTMAS"!God made us FREE even from sin because of CHRISTMAS(JESUS)!
@mcjeannie (703)
• Philippines
13 Dec 07
So I still recommend the movie to be watched my adults and children alike!
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I do understand everyone's point of choice is to not let my children watch this movie though. That is a belief of mine that I have to follow from my heart. I understand that there are people that believe it is good for their children to watch. that is what they believe and I do respect that. That is just not my choice. I didn't realize that this discussion would bring out so much anger towards me or I never would have started this. I really like mylot and have made some really great friends on here. I do believe however in the future i will be more careful about what i post. I don't like arguing with anyone. I have enough going on without having problems on here as well. thank you for responding though i appreciate everyone's responses.
@mcjeannie (703)
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
Oopss dear me!Don't get me wrong and over react to my response.That is my strong point of view and choice too.So we exercise freewill here in my lot!Peace to you and whatever choice you'll be happy and believe, so be it!
@Stiletto (4579)
13 Dec 07
I haven't seen the movie although I've seen trailers for it and it looks great. Everyone I know who has seen it has loved it. The fact that the book the movie is based on is written by an atheist seems irrelevant to me. I have no idea what religion the authors are of most books I read nor do I care.
A couple of questions occur to me in the first instance. What God do the children kill - whose God is it? What is the church that Nicole Kidman represents? If it's the christian God and the christian church then I can see why, as a christian, you don't want your child seeing this movie. If it's a fictitious God (some of us think they all are anyway) and a fictitious church then I don't really see the problem. It's a fantasy isn't it?
However it's obviously your decision and you've made it so what anyone else thinks doesn't matter.

@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Dec 07
This is true. I just wanted to see what everyone else thought about it, but ultimately it is my decision and opinion. thanks for responding. God bless
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I am getting the books for Christmas and can't wait to read them and will be getting the movie when it comes out on DVD eventually (we can't afford to go to the theater anymore). When we do get the movie you better bet me and my kids (7, 6, 5 and 1 1/2) will be curled up on the couch watching it with a big bowl of popcorn. I can't wait and I hope they make the sequels...that is if they are as good as the book, which I doubt they could ever come close (because movies rarely do).
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Thank you for your response and God bless.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
20 Dec 07
This is true, but my children are only 9,8, and 19 months so they are still finding their way and i'm not gonna influence them in any way i don't feel appropriate for them. just my way of believing and my way of mothering. thank you for responding and God bless
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@ljcapps (1925)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I would do the adult thing and make my own determination. If your child expresses an interest in seeing it, go and see it without him or her and evaluate it for your self. Also don't forget that your child knows that it is a movie, therefore like most movies, it is fictional. As jimbo said How do you know it is about the Christian "God"? There have been hundreds if not thousands of other "gods" or "deities" that have been worshiped throughout time. And since when did the author's belief become a determining factor in a movie's fantasy appeal? If your child's faith is shaken by a movie there was already doubt.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Well, my children are 9,8, and 19, in determining their faith, they are still to young at this point to really say whether or not it would effect them. I believe, however, if you put thoughts or movies about killing God and all this other in their heads it will effect them in some way and probably not in a good way. I for one do not want to stand at Judgement Day and be asked why I allowed my children to be subjected to stuff like this. That is my opinion though and i thank all of you for responding and giving me yours. God bless
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Dec 07
My sons are all adults, and when I go to a movie or chose to read a book I consider the end result and what the author intended. If the author was an atheist and his intention was to turn the watchers and readers from the Church, he does not just mean the Roman Catholic Church, he intends to turn them from all organized religion and especially Christianity, so if one rents the dvd, or gets the book, one must be able to see that it is just a fantasy and prepare oneself to resist the hidden message. There are two dangers, one that the watcher or reader will start to hate Christianity and there will be a few who will go for persecution (remember the Roman Empire first tolerated Christianity and then went in for persecuting and killing Christians) and there will be parents will decide that fantasy in any form is wrong.
Parents who say that they want their kids to watch it are playing a dangerous game unless they sit down and discuss it first. As for the intention of making movies based on the other two books, you have to first see the intention of the media. The media is anti-Christian, not just anti-Roman Catholic and the more people who turn from Christianity or at least look on Christians with a bad light, the better.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
18 Dec 07
About your comment about the media... jyst because something is not saturated in the christian ethic, does not mean that it is anti-christian.
I do not want to start a war, but I know its common practice for christians to think "if your not with us, your against us".
Just because the media tries to remain unbiased and cover all outlooks on life does not mean they are neglecting you. Its a big, multi-facseted world out there and not everyone wants jesus and the bible shoved down thier throat at every turn.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I remember watching Fox News one day and there was a Catholic Priest being interviewed about this movie. The Priest didn't have a problem with parents taking their children to see the movie because he said that the movie was totally different then the book. Apparently the director had many changes when writing the script for the movie. The Priest however did say that he wouldn't recommend that parents buy the book series for their children. After my husband viewed this movie we decided that it was safe for our children. My children wasn't even interested in watching this movie all of the way through.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Hmmmm, well at least you two put a lot of thought into it before taking them to see it. Sorry you spent the money and they weren't interested in it. God bless
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
14 Dec 07
My son attends catholic school. Hes 6 years old and in first grade. His school actually sent a letter home to all parents to inform about this movie. I had heard nothing bad about this movie until than. Yes I seen the previews and all and I think its wrong that the movie looks like a kids action movie. Seem within the last few years though there have been quite a few movies that have raised some eyebrows. and we live in a society of free speech. I personally have nothing against the movie and if my son was older if he wanted to see it I would see nothing wrong with that. If he was older a movie would not deter his faith. But with him being only 6 he still has a hard time sometimes distinguishing things. SO even though this movie is portrayed has a children's flick my son will not be seeing it. It goes against everything we are teaching him.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
20 Dec 07
Good response. I do feel that there needs to be an age limit or something. Older children who already know and feel their faith or their beliefs could probably handle this movie and think nothing twice about it other than it being a movie, but children under a certain age are still so unsure of life itself that it's unfair to push that on them. God bless
@caroliewrites (205)
• United States
21 Dec 07
Hi asgtswife,
I just posted a similar discussion about The Golden Compass. Nobody responded.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Hey carolie, a lot responded on here...not as many as some of the other discussions, but honestly i was getting tired of being bashed anyways. thank you for your comment earlier in the barehugs situation. It was greatly appreciated. God bless you and your family this Christmas!