Are We Truly Going Forward, Progressing, Or Are We Going Backward?
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
December 13, 2007 2:20am CST
Sort of a philosophical reflection here. LOL.
But I was just thinking about things in general. Are we really progressing, going forward, moving on? Think of all the recalls we've had, whether it's been food, toys, medications, and now even the massive recalls for childhood vaccines. Like what the hell is happening?
We're supposed to be so sophisticated, so intelligent, so "scientific", but are we? With everything that is going on in general, have we moved on, or have we gone backwards? Wars are still about, greed is still about, intolerance is still very much alive and well, an over-all apathetic attitude still can exist. What happened?
Aren't we supposed to KNOW better? With all the information that is zapped at us in a moments notice do we really know any better than our parents, grandparents, and on and on? Are we less intolerant? Don't think so. Have needless, useless, senseless wars stopped? Nope. Do we have real cures for all diseases? Nope.
I always remember a line from a movie, Powder, not a great movie, but one I love, "Our technology is killing us." Isn't this true? Are we any better with our technology?
Like when the hell are we finally going to get our act together anyway?
So once again, in the overall picture of the grand scheme of things: Are we going forward, or are we going backward?
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15 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 Dec 07
Good question Pye! Seems like we are selling our souls to Buy cheaper. The Chinese are reaping the profits and poisoning our Kids and Pets. We are worshipping at the altar of the Almighty Dollar, and sacrificing everything we hold Dear.Wars are about greed and intolerance, (the Christian Church has been demonstrating this for 2000 years.) But all is not Lost! Although a Muslim Canadian girl has be murdered for not wearing her head scarf, the overall crime rate continues to fall.People are living Longer with better quality of life. Finally we are beginning to respect the Environment, and appreciate Mother Earth. We are going forward slowly but surely, and Tomorrow will be a Better Day!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I think you might be interested in seeing a discussion I did about religious intolerance then in my discussion here:
It does hit on a lot of issues perpetuated by the church
Yes, we are respecting the environment more, but is it too little too late? We should have started respecting and thinking of the consequences of what we were doing centuries ago.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
14 Dec 07
I just read your Religious Intolerance Post and found it very profound, and well written. I agree it would have been best to have had this appreciation and respect for the Environment many years ago.It didn't happen! But isn't it Great that it is happening now, and I'm sure we still have time to reverse the ill effects. Thanks for these informative Posts!
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
13 Dec 07
There is a movie called "Idiocracy" that I truly recommend. It isn't a "great" movie either, but a rather funny look at where we can end up in the future. People are useless without machines and don't even know how to grow their own food. It is really ridiculous, but if you see it, you can see where a lot of our teenagers/young ones could be headed down this road.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
14 Dec 07
It is a funny "spoof" type movie. But the sad thing is, I can actually see where a lot of it could actually come to be. It is very very scary. The fact that kids are using calculators in class now (mandatory) and we had to do math with pencil and paper (calculators were considered cheating) It's just one of the things that I see the is actually "dumbing down" our youth. Technology is wonderful and helps out tremendously, but we should make sure that we are able to do things without cell phones, computers, calculators, etc.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Sounds like a good spoof movie on how we are now. I think the sad fact is, a lot of us wouldn't know how to survive without machines as we've gotten to take everything for granted now. To be honest, since I never went camping for instance in my life (though still would someday) I wouldn't know the first thing about surviving in the "wild"...LOL.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I don't see much progress in our life. We can not grow as society if middle class is getting poor, poison by greed, kill by war. We are facing much more than we ever expected.
The best technology is being use by military and government to monitor population. What is left for us is ipod to listen to music and computers to get connected. The world we use to have is gone......
Are we going backward? at some point, yes.

@polachicago (18716)
• United States
14 Dec 07
oh, my poor computer, get 3 viruses and lot of other crop...I have to reinstall all programs....
I have second computer not connected to internet, so I can do my job. At least it all clean now and I can be on line...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I think one of the reasons there is perhaps a general feeling of negativity is that we're being bombarded with too much information in general and usually very negative. How often do we hear of happy, light-hearted news? It's nice to be "informed" but we don't have to be inundated either--though I admit couldn't live without my the way, did you get you're problem cleared up?
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Good post and I think Powder was right! SOme of our techknowlegies could be killing us. Nope we havent gone forward about wars they are all the same getting people killed.
and even with our ssmart bombs and every thing like high tech war machines seems like we still get no where in getting the wars over with.
and for all the recalls . I think the inspectors at the factories arent doing there job or all these would not get thru to the people to buy.
and Meds should really go thru more testing before being put on the market.
really looks to me like we could be at a stand still.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Dec 07
yes I have seen the movie a couple of times when on tv. I thought it was world war 2 that was to eand all wars for of the atomic bomb but like ya say it didnt stop the wars..
as for animal testing if they have another way they shold use it
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Did you ever see that movie? I thought it was great
What's amusing is, wasn't WWI supposed to be the war to end all wars? Yet we still have them. As far as meds, I think the useless continual testing of animals has created the can meds be effectively tested if tested on animals..there are other non-animal testing methods that have been known since the 1980s yet not used as much.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
13 Dec 07
You could say technology is killing us and you could also say is it beneficial. If not for a certain level of technology, we would not even be discussing this topic on the computer. All progress requires a few steps forward and a few backwards. For everything you can find wrong with technology or progress, you can find more things that are right. A lot of recalls have come from products made outside of the US. For sure, China does not have the manufacturing standards that we do. But, it is up to the US manufacturer to be sure that other producers make products that are of good quality. There will always be ups and downs in many areas, as it is virtually impossible to go steaming ahead into the unknown without some backlash or regression. Wars are senseless, and one day we will have progressed as a race (the entire human one) to the point where we can circumvent wars. We are not close to that state of living yet. There is at least more peace in the world compared to hundreds or thousands of years ago. And some things never progress. Look at the IRS. They are still stuck in the stone age. As far as the cure for disease and sickness; it will better be found in prevention. You ask a great question about progress in that is there really advancement when we have more and more illnesses needing more and more cures. To my way of thinking, progress in the medical field would best be accomplished with fewer diseases arising and needing less cures. I don't know if we know to what extent our progress is creating more disease which requires more progress to fight against them. I think in most areas we are moving forward. We have a lot of work to do, for sure.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Oh, yes, as far as I can see, you're right about the invention of the that as far as I can see has been one of the greatest of all. Heck without it, we wouldn't be here right?
I sometimes think however, with all our "gadgets" that family time has suffered. Just think how life must have been without computers, TVs,CD/DVDs players...uh, we might think of it as pretty dull now, but because of this lack of amusement/technology, families had to make for their own entertainment, and thus closer
Yes, as far as medical. We've become a society that relies too much on medications when maybe an understanding of preventative measures on a more natural basis would be better. While the medications might help the initial problem, can create other problems, otherwise there wouldn't be the need for recalls of so many meds as causing serious life threatening conditions.
That would be terrific if mankind evolved high enough to realize that wars don't solve anything, right?
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
13 Dec 07
With technology, we are flying forward at the speed of light but scientifically/medically, we are slowly going backward I think. I've found that the old home remedies for alot of illnesses are better than the meds. they have nowadays for curing what ails us. I'm talking the common cold, flu, infections, etc. Not all these new diseases that seem to evolve like mad now.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
14 Dec 07
I agree with both of you. I too am for old home remedies as well and plan to grow some when I have my own land - and maybe I'll suggest some for where I am now - or in our little yard. I think that we're both anti biotic resistant and the scientists are always fiddling with germs for germ warfare. We're overpopulated anyway, why not practice on us?
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@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
14 Dec 07
I often wonder what we are progressing to and for what purpose! It seems like us humans are in a hurry to deplete this earth of its' resources. We take, take, take and put back very little if anything, i can't call that progress, just progressively getting worse! I think we are in a backwards spin! Take care Pyewacket.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Yes, it seems we're just hurrying toward so called progress that is really destroying our world and our own lives.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Sadly, I don't think we will get our act together. There will always be war, diseases,and intolerant people in the world.There will always be people who won't except scientific discoveries.The schools kids today know less history than we know because they aren't being taught history.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Dec 07
That's one good point you make about kids not knowing history ...and what is the saying, if one doesn't know the past, one is condemned to repeat it?? Seems we are repeating our past history's mistakes
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@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I don't really know if we are overall forward or backward, because arguments can be made for both sides and in many different categories. The one thing that I do know is that man's technology develops at a much more advanced rate than his overall ability to understand its consequences in the overall scheme of things. If man ever considers the consequences of something before making it or using it I have yet to notice it. And the real scary thing is the consequences for future generations are never even thought about never mind taken into consideration.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Dec 07
barehugs above you made the point how now we've been respecting the environment more and are more aware of the consequences of what we've been doing to the environment, but it's a shame we hadn't given a thought about what we were doing to our planet years, and years ago.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Meant to add...Now we're scrambling to undo all the damage we've done for centuries
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Pyewacket you bring up some interesting topics.
My theory is the more we know the more we find out we do not know.
With all the recalls--I think we have had lots of lead in the paint we are now more aware of it. With the food recall I think the more mass producted food we get the greater chance of contanimation.
If people grew their own food we would have not have that problem. Most of use cannot grow our own food and a lot of use cannot even cook our our food.
There will always be wars no matter what we know. I do not beleive people can survive without fighting. Someone is always going to be unhappy and wanting to fight with someone else.
Great topic
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Thank you for thinking this a great topic :)
Maybe that is why in our grandparents or great-grandparents day, there wasn't so much food contamination as most people did grow their own foods and cooked from scratch. There just weren't processed foods, well yes so-called "canned" foods, but even those were done at home. My great-grandmother always canned her own foods.
And yes all those recalls about lead paint. I can't help wondering just how many things in general that are made in China have lead paint and haven't been recalled.
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
14 Dec 07
I too love the movie, "Powder", as badly acted as it was. My mom has always said the same kind of thing, she says, "Technology will be our downfall. It is kind of scary that we're having all these recalls. And even this thing about the Compass and Harry Potter - someone here said the book "The Compass" has been banned. Too much like George Orwell's 1984. The conspiracy theorists think that the terrosist acts of September 11th and even the recalls are conceived not on foreign soil but right here. It was an excuse for the government to tighten reins and invoke the Patriot Act. And the food, thats a means of control as well. Many believe that Bush is going to really invoke Martial Law and keep himself in office. Perhaps next, there will be a 'terrosist act' on the web so we no longer will have global communication or even on our other data lines.
With all our technology, what will we do if there is an actual 'collapse' as is warned. First a financial one and tumbling down from there. What if we no longer had our nice technological perks that give us such ease of life (unknowing to those who grew up with it all of their lives)? What if bank accounts freeze like in the Great Depression? What if their is food rationing and we can get arrested for 'hoarding food' when really we are keeping enough for our families to survive. Hopefully it won't come to that.
I've moved to a small community with a shared garden and we supplement with food from the local co-op - so we know its grown without chemicals at least. Who knows what kind of things were done to all of the spinach and such - perhaps by third parties. This is just what bush wants, for us to panic, for everything to reach a state of emergency.
Okay so maybe I side with the conpiracy theorists just a bit.
I guess if you're a Bush fan and don't hold with all of these theories you might say that he's between a rock and a hard place and has a job at a time in history that no one would envy him for.

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Dec 07
A lot of people tried to ban the Harry Potter books as well, some fanatics would actually have book what, are some getting to be like the nazis??
I've heard about the conspiracy theories about 911--why I thought of this don't know..Now my time to ramble a bit. Ever see that movie The Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts? He played a neurotic character who believed everything in life was a conspiracy, but it turned out many of his paranoia was actually true..LOL So who knows? Maybe there is some truth behind some of the conspiracies in real life as well.
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
14 Dec 07
So, yay, we're falling backwards perhaps so someone else's scheme can spring forward.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
16 Dec 07
I hadn't heard of the book burnings. My husband, a pagan at heart (he has issues with Christians) says that Harry Potter and The Compass are subtly anti-christian. Not sure though.
We are not fanatical, but I think its a good idea to be prepared for anything. Even FEMA will tell you to have a certain amount of emergency food - however their are currently laws in place against 'hoarding' having too much food - can you believe it. Even if there isn't a collapse as some people believe - the real 2012 - the awakening not spiritual - but waking up to martial law - after years of rights and privacy being slowly taken away so we don't hardly notice - anyway even without that - if you prepare - you're prepared for storms or floods which do happen - losing your jobs due to downsizing in a depressed society - loss of social security - I'm talking of old age pension - but it could happen to other forms then you're prepared. And if the worst happens the naysayers will all be slapping themselves for not preparing.
FEMA's website does have suggestions for emergency supplies, its scary how violent the weather is lately.
I vaguelly remember that movie. We're not that radical, but like everyone else, with stories about the dropping dollar and even violent weather and possible terrorist attacks get us wondering. Of course, we always say we don't have to worry about it now, not yet - but how do we know when not just one source of produce is contaminated but all - or all food from china is poisened in some way, or when we'll experience a flood. I guess we're kinda procrastinators to some extent.
Who knows what true and what the powers that be want us to think is true - maybe it all depends on how we want to fashion our own reality - like What the Bleep Do We Know...I'm so interested in how people will react in a collapse of society and of course if we don't have access to modern conveniences or food stores and such - will we band together or form tribes against each other - that maybe I'm pulling towards myself a reality which will show me. Then again, I could just have an over active imagination born of being a writer!
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
Hi pyewacket! I have watched "Podwer" too and personally i like the movie a lot. And I do agree that we may be living in a high-tech world, we are actually going backwards. Instead of learning from the past and the massive information being accessible, we are destroying ourselves and also the world we live in. The responsibilities that goes with the progress and advancement are not being taken seriously by the supposedly leaders of our world for I have the impression that they are more concerned for wealth and power. Just my thoughts. Take care and have a nice day! :)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Dec 07
I love the music in Powder. I was actually crying at the end of that movie.
What's the saying those who learn the mistakes of the past, are condemned to repeat them, and I think that's exactly what we're doing. And I think the main problem is that we haven't taken responsibility for our so-called "progress" and that's what has screwed us up, no?
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
16 Dec 07
Hi pyewacket! Yes, the movie "Powder" made me cried too. My heart cries for him when he was discovered in the cellar or basement living so alone. Actually I was so sad and angry for him all throughout the movie.
And I agree with you, we are screwed and I really am sad for the next generation of what kind of world they will inherit, I just hope they will lead better and wisely. Take care and have a nice day! :)
@simplegurl1969 (324)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Hum, as a society? I think we're moving forward, but on a personal note, I think I'm actually going backwards. Thanks for the question though! :)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Dec 07
What is that saying? Two steps forward, one step back--think that's how it is
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@foxygirle (376)
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
Come to think of it. Yes, hi tech is killing us. Just sitting infront of the PC is like abosorbing tons of positive ions which your body should not be even exposed to. It lowers our immune system, causes cancer and destroys our eyesight. Most appliances now emits radiation, positive ions and stays in our household air for years, it becomes poisonous air that kills our body and makes our body weak and sick. And inspite of this hi tech gadget, we still have less time to enjoy and socialize with other people. Yes, sometimes it brings people closer to each other in a less expensive way but sometimes people just got stuck in front of the computers and cellpones that they hardly see each other anymore.
Our food are mostly processed and canned so we are eating more preservatives and less healthy foods. Even in restos, most of them are using canned goods to prepare their foods.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Dec 07
You hit a great point about our food. Yes, our food is mainly processed. Ever read the ingredient labels of most foods, you have to be a bio-chemist to understand them
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Sorry as I am to say it, pyewacket, I feel that we are not moving forward at all. Every time they announce the "next big thing," it usually ends up flopping miserably. When you consider it, the greatest strides in technology and medicine were all made during the first half of the twentieth century(or so I've heard). Most governments continue to throw money at the most pressing problems in our society, with very little results. Our country, and others, are on the verge of a financial collapse. The picture certainly doesn't look too rosy, does it? I heard this great speaker on talk radio last night who had some interesting things to say about where we came from and where we are likely going if things don't change. You can visit his site at:
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Yes, we're particularly not advancing much in the science of medicine. With all our razmataz technology and know how, we have more recalled medications due to detrimental side effects that they can cause. Think maybe we SHOULD got backwards to the older remedies which were actually safer