Our first good snow here in in Boston! What's it like where you live?

The commons across the street from me....was green - snowy scene
United States
December 13, 2007 3:05pm CST
It finally happened and the weathermen were right. We have a couple of inches of snow on the ground and it's still falling. Of course I always run out on my front and back porches to take pictures to send to my daughter in Long Beach so she can see what she's missing (yeah right...missing!). Unfortunately I also caught the maintenace men...or parts of them as they were shoveleing but I'm not going too far out in that stuff to get any good pictures just yet but I will later. The traffic across the street from the commons was at a stand still making me soooo happy that I don't drive. I'm sure there are people in states around me experienceing this same storm so what's the weather like in your neck of the woods? Are you having fun yet? lololol....
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21 responses
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
14 Dec 07
We measured our snow just as things were settling down here and it totalled 9 inches. Tomorrow is supposed to be clear and then late Sunday night we're supposed to get hit with a bigger storm. Our weather man isn't saying how much just yet just that's it's "probably" going to be a lot...he got critcized badly for originally saying today's storm would only be a small amount, as if it's his fault storm system change as they get closer.
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• United States
15 Dec 07
I'm usually the first one to bad mouth the weather men but if we think about it it's really not their fault since the weather is so unpredictable.
• United States
14 Dec 07
It was 84 here today in sunny Florida. We haven't turned on the ac in a while because we are still trying to recoup from the 500.00 electric bill during the summer. It's so hot in the trailer. I cooked dinner 2 hours ago and I'm hoping that, now that the stove is off, it will cool down soon. Can I have a handful of snow please? No more than a handful.
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• United States
15 Dec 07
84 degrees! I feel sooooo bad for you...lol! You can have all the snow you want as far as I'm concerned.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
14 Dec 07
I live in Western Mass and we're getting slammed worse than you are. It's 8 and half inches already. I was out in my wheelchair for a while; it was fun. I've decided not to go to work tomorrow, with help from my PCA and my mom, because it's just not worth it with the risks of accidents and the like.
• United States
14 Dec 07
I know only too well the kind of snow you are getting! I wouldn't want to live in the western part of the state for any amount of money. You seem to always get the worst of it. Just stay in and keep warm and keep on typing...lol!
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
13 Dec 07
I have rad a few snow stories on My Lot lately. I guess many of you live in the US. I live in Adelaide, South Australia. It is summer, but only the beginning. It is forecast to be 35 degrees today (nearly 100F). Quite hot to say the least. The bushfires on Kangaroo Island are still out of control & this heat is going to make the situation worse.
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• United States
14 Dec 07
Oh yes, I know about you Aussies and having summer right now. I have an email penpal who I just heard from today and she's complaining that her ac has gone out on her! I can't imagine!!! lol but I would definitely trade with you.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Our first good snow happened a little over a week ago, ctry, and it wasn't so bad. At least it didn't hang around too long because it was followed by rain a couple of days later. We have been having a lot of rain, but it is supposed to turn to freezing rain soon. I'm not planning to go out anytime soon because this is definitely not my favorite weather.
• United States
14 Dec 07
The few times it's snowed here it was also followed by rain but this is a real snow storm and the snow isn't going anywhere too soon even if the sun is out tomorrow. Definitely not my favorite weather either.
@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
14 Dec 07
I am in Allentown PA just north of Philadelphia, and it has been crazy today. This is i believe the third snow of the season, but it has not snowed at all today. It has been all ice. Sleet 8 inches of it. I get out of work in about thirth min, and i have to drive on 3 different high ways to get home. I hope that the roads are plowed and salted.
• United States
15 Dec 07
I don't think there's anything worse than sleet when you're trying to drive is there? My sister lives in Pittsburgh and she just went back home to that!
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
14 Dec 07
right now it's just cold and windy with some rain but we are supposed to get a bad storm this weekend. I am moving on Monday so I hope it is all done by then! It's already snowed once here in PA. Last week it snowed for like 2 days but then it was 60 degrees so all the snow melted away. I hate the cold weather but I am ready for it, the sooner it comes the sooner its over!!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Dec 07
We are haveing nice balmy weather. No rain no snow. It was so warm that I was tempted to tuen on the AC. We are able to have the windows and doors open.I like the snow but not the ice or cold. I sympathize with you all with the road problems and electricity outages.
@cowgirl2701 (2079)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Here in Missouri we have had a couple of Ice storms. Oklahoma got hit the worst by them. Right now the sun is shining but later today we are supposed to get snow. They are saying 3-7 inches. I want o go to Long Beach and visit your daughter. The weather is probably nice there.
@yojspew (171)
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
Too bad here in the Philippines we don't have snow..^^..but I hope I can visit your country someday so I can experience how it feels like touching the snow..^^..
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
13 Dec 07
No snow here yet. Have had a couple of ice storms. But those don't count. My four year old is chomping at the bit. She wants to make a snow angel. She wants to build a snowman with her daddy. She wants it to snow! I have been hearing this since Halloween. If you want to send some her, I'd appreciate it. And I know one little girl would love it. Enjoy it!
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• United States
14 Dec 07
My daughter called me when she got home from work and she said my granddaughter is thrilled! She was out there making a snowman and snow angels. This is when I really hate the fact that neither of us drives and we live so far from each other.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
14 Dec 07
I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and we have had snow on the ground for a couple weeks already. Actually the snow came late this year, we usually have snow on the ground by Halloween. It is so cold here, we have had 30 below and colder already. I don't go outside too much because I hate the cold. I hate the snow, I hate the ice. I don't like to drive because it is so slippery. I hate the weather here in Winnipeg. I lived here all my life except for 5 years I lived in Calgary, and the winters were much milder. We have only moved back to Winnipeg last year and this is my second winter since I've been back, and can't stand them. I want to move back to Calgary, but it isn't an option in my life right now. But one day I will again.
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14 Dec 07
hey i stay in India and that too in Hyderabad so it is sunny and hot even during the winter season so i m felling sad that i have never enjoyed the fun of being in snow.so you just enjoy the fun of snow fall
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• United States
14 Dec 07
We have TOO much snow here in Montreal, It's beautiful but a pain. It's 13 F outside right now, It's freezing cold. There's so much snow. Abut 2 weeks ago we had a snow day the snow is just beautiful but the road is soo slippery plus the roads suck out here, I'm from the US and I've never seen roads look like this ever in my life. This is the first time I've seen snow and I guess today we're going to snowman with my little sister because It's her first time too. Hope you have fun with your snow!!! Ali*
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 Dec 07
Nope all we have is wet cold and dark We have had a bit of Sun but it does not make it any warmer It is very rare that we get Snow and when we do it stays a few Hours and that is it
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Well, we have had cold, and ice, and more ice. We got the milder part of the same storm that wiped out Oklahoma City, and it is still horrible. I have been out of work for a couple of days, and I get personal time for them. That is all I have of personal paid time, though, two days. I still would like to have tomorrow off. Weather Channel says we are getting a lot of snow tonight. Local station says that is a bunch of hooey. It is cold though. And lots of places are still out of power. I have had fun staying home and cleaning more than I have in years. Glad you are having fun as well.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
13 Dec 07
It has been snowing here in where i live in ontario, canada, off and on for the last week or so. we have quite a bit of snow, its up to my knee's in some spots. They took a really long time to clean off the sidewalks and since i have a small child i couldnt go out anywhere!! the stroller doesn't work so well in the snow you know. and the sled doesn't work so well on the parts of the sidewalk that are cleared or on the roads when you ccross the streets! So i was pretty well stuck inside.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Well i am in Houston texas and it does not snow here,so we do not get to see snow.I think it is pretty but i like a milder climate like here.We have mild winters mostly.last night we had some rain and heavy cloulds, but by this morning it was nice and the sun was out.It began to get a little cooler this afternoon, no rain.Tonight it is just chilly but not cold ..You would probably laugh at our so called cold weather compared to yours in Bostin.We are a bunch of cream puffs here in the Houston area,it it 40 degrees we are freezing Lol...
• United States
19 Dec 07
We just had rain earlier this week and we'll get rain next week. Our rainy season is right now as come summer, we won't get a drop. We probably get 20 inches or so before March and then after that, it doesn't rain again until November. The only year that was broken was when Katrina hit -- we got flooded from all the excess rain. Right now, it's 62 outside according to the local number you can call and get the time and temp. I knew when I woke up and put my heavy barn clothes on, I was hot. It was about 40 last night for a low, up from 20 the night before.
• United States
19 Dec 07
We have 65-70 degree weather. Sunshine and great smelling air. The leaves have almost all fallen. The really weird thing is we seem to trade the nice warm weather for chilly and damp weather every other week or so. Last week was cold and rainy. This week warm and wonderful. Next week... It snowed over Thanksgiving, but only a couple of inches. The people around here kept talking about it being a ton of snow...In some places the grass was a few inches and it poked through the snow! Michigan native reporting in from Midland, Texas!