Need help with my babies night waking!
By astromama
@astromama (1221)
United States
December 13, 2007 3:51pm CST
Help! My 7 month old (who is normally a very good sleeper) has been waking up numerous times during the night for the past 3 nights. It's like he won't sleep without the boob in his mouth (we sleep together), but I can't sleep that way! I am at the end of my rope! I'm so tired and I don't know what to do. We don't have a crib for him and no way would he stay asleep if we slept separate. I just need to get some sleep... Any idea why he might be waking up so much?? could it have something to do with separation anxiety or something like that? Any thoughts would be appreciated, especially if you've had a little night waker yourself!
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6 responses
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Could be a growth spurt, and he really is hungry more often. Or he could be teething. Check his gums, give him a teething ring. If he really is inconsolable some baby Tylenol can help relieve the pain. Otherwise, just comfort him and try to get through it. If it's teeth, it should be over soon... until the next one starts coming.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
14 Dec 07
It could be because he misses you and wants to be near you. Or maybe he is getting sick. Thats the main two reasons babies will wake in the night. Try rocking him to sleep then place him near your bed in his own bed. That way he can still smell and hear you. {babies know there moms by smell} Maybe give him one of your blankets or shirts that smell like you. If he wakes place your hand on his belly or back and softly hum to him. I did this with my boys when they were little and wake in the night. It lets them know you are still right there. He should be able to fall back asleep. It will take some time to get him used to not sleeping with you. Dont give in. If you give in and put him back in bed he wont ever be able to sleep without you. Have a rutine. eat dinner, bath him, then rock him to sleep Put him in his own bed next to you. Patience is the key {which I know is hard}. Eventually you should be able to put him in his own room with no problems. I really hope he sleeps for you through the night so you can get some much needed sleep. Good Luck. Merry Christmas!
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@edigital (2709)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Nothing problem with your baby except he suffering from hunger at deep night and want to drink mother's milk. You need to feed boob until he reach at least 1 years 6 month or 2 yrs. This will make your baby strong, wise and safe from some common disease. Our creator ordered to all mother to breasfeed her child upto 1 yrs. 6 months to 2 years and there are many usefulness for your and your baby for this. So your baby feel hungry and cry and when baby found mother's boob to drink he keep silence and his hunger goes. This has became a habit of his - if you like to avoid it, you must feed baby during his sleep and before your sleeping.
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@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Feed boob? As in fry it up on the stove?
BF for 2 years? WTF?

@sarahkskeeters (235)
• United States
14 Dec 07
I remember that stage all too well. My daughter did the same thing when she started teething. I can't remember how long it lasted but I want to say about 3-4 nights per tooth, in the beginning. It should subside as soon as the tooth pokes through the surface, if that is indeed what is going on here. He probably wants to nurse for comfort. We used hyland's homeopathic teething tablets with very good results along with a little bit of infant numbing creme for her gums. If your son seems warm or is especially fussy, a small dose of infant Tylenol will help ease his discomfort. When we knew she was likely to wake up we would give her 3 hylands teething tablets, a bit of numbing cream, and a very small dose of infant tylenol before bed. Then I would lay the teething tablets, cream, and tylenol right by the bed so I could quick ease her pain and we could both get back to sleep when she woke up. It's terrible, but he should ease up soon (at least for awhile!). Another poster mentioned a growth spurt, and that could also explain his behavior, although growth spurts dont typically occur at 7 months. Separation anxiety is highly unlikely since you co-sleep and he is too young for that. Most babies don't start showing signs of separation anxiety until they're around 10 months old. Good luck and hang in there! Maybe tonight will be the night you get a full 8 hours.
@moonchild1au (6237)
• Australia
14 Dec 07
I think it could e teething, my 7 month old daughter has been extra cranky this week & at the beginning of th week, her first tooth broke through the surface. She has been out of sorts since this tooth started pushing through. If it is teething, I suggest Nurofen, cold teething rings, cold face washers & teething gel, I know this helps my bub.
@neetipari (49)
14 Dec 07
well seperation anxiety not only happens only during sleep so it happens even when he is awake. it could be one reason that he would be having some stomach disturbances or he sleeps more in day time so he don't fell sleep at night. feed him and rock him to make him sleep better