What do you do if your good friend has a fair with your boyfriend?

December 15, 2007 12:36am CST
What do you do if your good friend has a fair with your boyfriend? Even though your good friend didn't care share your boyfriend ? What do you do to ballence the two relationship?
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8 responses
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
16 Dec 07
I would walk away from both of them and never speak to either of them ever agian. If they had an affiar together, then one didn't love me and the other wans't really my friend!
• China
16 Dec 07
It's really embarassed...== Though I konw it's very sad if I meet such problem,however,I probably will let them go.Because I don't want to loose my good friend.Maybe it's easy to say than to do,but I still want to try my best to ballance the friendship and love. ^^
15 Dec 07
It's a horrible situation because they've both betrayed your trust and they're both people who you should be able to count on not to. I don't think I'd stay with the boyfriend as he's obviously a cheater and has shown that he doesn't have much respect for you, especially if he's cheated on you with a friend of yours. As for the friend, well they're not really their friend if they're willing to do that to you either. The bond has been damaged and it's like as not irreparably so. It's a really sad situation. I hope that this is a hypothetical discussion and you haven't had to go through such a horrible ordeal.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Well, considering your boyfriend had an affair with your friend, I would say neither one of them are worth having as friends. I would certainly let them both go and find some friends and a boyfriend that are worth having and that will consider your feelings.
• India
15 Dec 07
Sounds a bit complicated! I have never been in such a situation. I guess I would keep away from both for some time, and then maybe I would kiss and make up with my good friend, if she didn't deliberately alienate my bf's attention. As the bf, I would tell him to go to hell.
16 Dec 07
i will just leave him and will tell him go to hell
@nichole1983 (1187)
• Canada
15 Dec 07
im assuming you mean an affair... i would let both of them go... boyfriend and the friend.. boyfriend was cheating... and once a cheater always a cheater... as for the friend... well shes suppose to be your friend and your bf would be off limits.. not cool at all
@aaslin (123)
• India
15 Dec 07
dont say her a good friend anymore if she takes ur boyfriend....ur good friend will not do like that....then ur boyfriend is also not fit to be ur friend