Shopping is Finally Done, Now to Get the Gifts Wrapped!

United States
December 15, 2007 7:37pm CST
We finished up the shopping today. We made it to the Christmas Tree Shop at 11:00 this morning. I could find only one of the Snowtube that was on sale for $3.99. Dang, I wanted 3 of them. We got quite a few stocking stuffers and found slippers and a pajamas for my daughter. After we checked out my husband brought the bags to the car. I waited amongst the swarm of shoppers. The mall was buzzing with people! I had to stand and wait for him because there were no benches available, all were taken by weary shoppers. When my Hubby got back, we headed for the food court. We sat at a table that was near the arcade and watched the people as we ate our lunch. Kids were wizzing by with their wheelie shoes. Those darned things scare me. This one kid could barely keep his balance. There was a man in his early 40's that was playing Alien Invasion. He stood with his legs slightly apart, knees bent, and focused on killing those nasty aliens. It was comical to watch him play. He was really into saving the earth from these evil creatures. Once lunch was finished we headed to the Dollar Store. Hubby huffed and puffed over how hot it was in the mall. I agreed. But, in the Dollar Store I had to put my jacket back on when we neared the back of the store. The back room doors were open and cold air was coming in. Our purchases were less than $15. I found a great gift to add to my Sister's birthday package. It is a small pail with a snowman painted on it. We then had to wait in line to climb the stairs that led to the second floor. The escalator was out of order. You would have thought it was a line that was leading to Santa the way it moved. It reminded me of a scene from A Christmas Story. Once we reached the top of the stairs we headed for AC Moore. Normally we spend at least an hour or more in this store. Fatigue was getting the better of us so we headed directly for the item that we sought to purchase. Bonus! The iron on alphabet letters were on clearance for .50 cents a package! I bought three! One package will be used to put my Grandson's name on his new snowpants. Better to have his name on the pants so he or someoone else can identify them should they come up missing again. Of course on the way to the register I fould some note pads that had a magnet attached for 2 for $1. I had to get at least two! Then off to Old Navy. We only had 2 more gifts to get I thought for sure that I could get them both at Old Navy. Wrong. I did find a nice fleece pull-on jacket for half price. Regular price was $19.99. On the way to the exit we came upon Target. I convinced my Hubby that I could find something for my son in there. Nope, wrong again! While Hubby checked out the games I headed for the restrooms. There were lines of people waiting. One stall was open, but wasn't one that anybody would use. Yuck. We didn't spend a dime in Target. Nothing caught our eye. We did raise our eyebrows at some of the prices though. We laughed at some of the so called bargains. Best Buy was our last stop. Hubby wanted to check out the WII. Yea, like we can afford one of those! The graphics were great. He was impressed with it. Well, maybe Santa will be able to afford it next year. HOT FLASH! Great. I strip off my jacket and scarf, roll up my sleeves and start fanning myself as the sweat trickles down my nose. Hubby took one look at me and felt sorry for me. We headed out of Best Buy and through the crowds at JC Penney. The cold air felt refreshing. I had put my jacket back on before we reached the outer door. I took several deep breaths and felt much better. Once in the car I picked up the scarf I began to knit on the way to the mall and knitted a few rows. My body was in need of a nap so I put the knitting away and closed my eyes. Slumber came quickly. I awoke just before the exit. We dined at the Old Country Buffet. The meal was great. We both moaned a bit when it was time to leave. We were heading to Walmart to see if we could possibly get the one last gift we needed. Although the parking lot at Walmart was nearly filled, we did manage to get a spot that wasn't too far away. The wind was picking up and it was quite cold. The hooded sweatjacket I was wearing didn't offer much protection. Once inside we headed to the men's section. Yea! I found the pants for my son and at a great price. We also found 2 pair of pants for my Hubby. One pair cost $4.50! The other was $12.99. Great buys! I also found diabetic socks for my daughter. Her feet sometimes swell and these will be good for her. I picked up one more thing for our good friend and gloves for Hubby. We were officially done! Once home, Hubby brought the bags inside. They are sitting on the counter in the kitchen and in the living room. I have to get out the secret weapon "A Christmas Story" and start wrapping the gifts. What isn't done today will be done in the morning before my Grandson comes home. It feels great to have the shopping done. Now to get it all wrapped. Just thought I would share my day with you all. Big Huggers to you! Peace, Love and Joy.
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13 responses
• India
17 Dec 07
I am still left with my shopping.I guess i am greedy that i am waiting for a bigger discount.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Dec 07
wow...what is your secret ??? i've only bought 1 gift so far!!!
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
16 Dec 07
It does sound like you had a big productive busy day. I know you are so happy the shopping is done. I finished mine up weeks ago, that was a relief. Now I see all kinds of stuff to buy and have to keep myself from buying it for the kids. I do my best to keep the kids gifts even, if I buy more for one, then I have to do that for all. I did some wrapping yesturday and plan on doing some more today. Merry Christmas.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Glad it went fairly good. I hope you get them all wrapped before your grandson gets home. We went last night because of the storm that was coming throught today. It was crazy!!
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Dec 07
I think that sounds like a great day, elusive. I wish my hubby would go shopping with me. He hates to shop, would rather do anything else. I went out shopping with my friend yesterday and left the kids home with my hubby, so that was a nice break. Merry Christmas to you!
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
16 Dec 07
What a great, busy shopping day! I'm happy for you that your husband not only is willing to go shopping with you, but he's actually helpful. I have to go by myself because my husband either stands around bored, or walks too fast to look at anything. Most of my shopping time is spent either trying to keep up with him while taking quick glances at items we're passing by, or repeating to him what I still have to get, because he keeps asking, what else do you want to look at? Last week, I drove to Columbus go go Christmas shopping with my sons, and my husband decided to come along. I didn't buy one thing, it was too hard with him there. If I get a chance, I may go again during the next week. I did manage to get out early yesterday morning, and I got most of my shopping done. Now I just need to fill in a few little things. I have a huge wrapping job ahead of me.
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@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
15 Jan 08
Wrapping gifts is one of my favorite chore hehe.. Unfortunately I didn’t wrap my gifts for my nieces and nephews. I’m going to buy for my parents this week and I might wrap it.
• Saint Lucia
17 Dec 07
Glad to see that you have finished shopping. wow! the Christmas spirit is alive here on mylot. i hope you get those gifts wrapped in time for Christmas and everyone gets something special and something they like. i hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. ^___^
@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Boy...I sure enjoyed reading about your day. It was as good as being there; thank goodness I wasn't. I taught myself years ago to shop early so that I wouldn't have to go through the mess of people. When I was a young woman I truly enjoyed it but now, no way. I get irritated if I have to stand in line for more than 10 mins. and some people are just outright rude when they're shopping; pushing, shoving, etc. Thanks for the memories of yester-year...LOL
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
16 Dec 07
I imagine you are very glad to be finished shopping. It does sound like you had a great time while you were wearing yourself out. :) Have a Merry Christmas
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Dec 07
At least you're shopping is now finished! I should have gone shopping earlier today before this storm started because now we won't get out and we still have shopping to do. I ordered some things online, so those will be showing up here soon. I only have two gifts that I can wrap right now and I sort of want to get them out of the way, but it's sort of pointless now.
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• United States
16 Dec 07
Sounds like you had a busy day. I wish I could say that all my shopping is done but I can't. I don't even want to think about all the things that I need to buy still.
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• Pakistan
16 Dec 07
woooow such a huge posting,but what i am more happy for is that butterfly u finally completed your shopping and now juzz left to wrap up gifts,where as my shopping is yet to be completed so u r lucky!