economic collapse
illegal immigration
stolen jobs
stolen money
terribly bad ideas
the fall of the american society
us economy
Cheaper Labor, Yes. But At What Cost?
@AD11RGUY (1265)
United States
December 16, 2007 5:40am CST
Lots of controversy over the work illegal immigrants do. It's been said that they do the work we Americans won't do. I think that's b.s. Americans used to do all these jobs but the greed of the employers displaced these Americans with those who will work for less money. And of course the number one illegal immigrant population seems to be Mexican. So much so that the information I found is based on Mexican illegal immigrants, not the lot of illegals. And of course this is what leads to the accusations of this being a prejudice war. When one looks at the facts behind the matter it is clear that race is not the problem here. It clearly is the problem created by having non U.S. citizens working in a workforce designed for U.S. citizens. Take a look at the following information.
and finally for current tallies;
Obviously, we are facing a serious problem - the destruction of our economy that we depend on to live. I think there is no question about it. We MUST stop the illegal immigration into this country!
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8 responses
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Every other country in the world has immigration quotas, but, if we do it, we are the bad guys. We cannot stay indefinitely in Mexico, and, if we want to move there, we have to prove that we can support ourselves in high style. We cannot own land until we have passed rigorous paperwork etc. We cannot get a permanent drivers license just a tourist license or use our US license while on vacation. Many ilegals in the US have states drivers licenses.
We have to provide our own health ins. if we get sick while visiting Mexico or if we decide to move there. The Mexican Gov. wants the US to provide all illegals with health ins. while they are in this country. That is insane. Our own people do not have it so good.
As far as jobs go, the ilegals will take almost any job at any pay just to get their foot in the door. They are willing to live in substandard housing and put way too many people into too small of a living space just to be in the US. It is still better than what they had at home and it gives them a chance to send for the rest of their extended family. People are willing to hire them for the cheap labor and up to now the employer has not gotten into any big trouble for doing so.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
20 Dec 07
You got it! Sounds like you live out here! This is exactly what happens and I see it everywhere here! They are in violation of the safe health and housing laws as well. There's a starting point. Enforce the maximum number of residents per house and it will start to break some of this comfort and convenience apart. And of course, if any illegals are caught - buh-bye! And as far as the Mexican government...they can kiss my donkey. They have far worse laws regarding illegal immigration than we do. For instance, getting caught a second time as an illegal there is a felony. Away you go, along with the key to your cell. We should adopt this practice, just for familiarity sake. So where do they get off on telling us how to deal with illegals?
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@JeremyEdison (281)
• China
17 Dec 07
it is not a simple question.although I am not a american.
I do agree with you opinion.but did you think that why the mexican and the other ill immigrants leave their home for a strange country.Everything has its own a developed country,the usa attract a lot of people who wanna make big money.they think in american they will live better than in their home.for this goal,they will be at all costs to achieve it.eventhough illegal the country bordered the american,maybe it is easy way for illegal immigrants.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
20 Dec 07
Agreed! And we Americans welcome ALL who are looking for a better way of life! But we have rules and procedures for being allowed to pursue this "better way of life" here in this country. All we are asking for is for those who desire to live here to follow our rules. This is our house. We built it, we manage it, we maintain it. If someone doesn't like the rules of our house, they are free to go to someone else's house. Just like in your home, if some total stranger were to move in without your permission, you would do what it takes to have them removed. We are no different.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
16 Dec 07
I agree, we must stop illegal immigration, but what can we, the citizens, do when our government seems bent on doing whatever they like? There are many voices crying for more law enforcement, a border fence, deportation, etc., and still they come...
I also think your assessment of illegal aliens doing work Americans supposedly won't do, is right, too. Americans do all sorts of manual labor and always have. We have minimum wage laws that don't apply to field work - why? Small farmers can't afford it, but the big guys can. Greed, again.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
20 Dec 07
Sadly, I agree with your comment on our gov. But we must band together through voting and petitioning to get these boneheads to do what they are elected to do. We can't lay down for this. I'm starting some letters of my own to send to select representatives about this issue and still am considering an internet petition. If many of us do this on our own and actually send the letters to congress, local mayors, county reps. and so on, we will eventually get our requests and demands noticed and acted upon. Got to take action.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
16 Dec 07
In holland we have the same problems.People immigrate to holland because of economical reasons.They are doing the jobs dutch people don´t want to do anymore and they do the jobs for lower money.At first we didn´t ghave problems with them but more are coming illegal and are turning into criminals.We have a lot of dutch people without jobs so we should also stop illegal immigration so dutch people can have a job again.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
20 Dec 07
How sad! I've always heard that Holland was a wonderful place to live and work from other Americans who have actually moved there. Now you folks are also going through your own he11 with illegals. That really sucks!! Is there anything being done about it? Or is your government being unresponsive like ours?
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
16 Dec 07
It is the employers that are backing most of it - if they wouldn't hire illegals, and only citizens, it'd cut down on alot of it, but they are more concerned with padding their own pockets than keeping america up and running. They can't even support their own people. It has been said too, that the illegals work here and then send money back to families in mexico. So not only are the employers NOT supporting americans, not supporting America, but they are supporting Mexico at america's expense. But because we are not allowed to close the borders, and because many don't want to support America, it is only going to get worse.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
20 Dec 07
You speak most accurately of the situation. What's worse is the government's taxing, feeing and fining of businesses such that the cost of doing business continually goes up which fuels the desire to hire these illegals. A self-perpetuating disaster if ever I saw one. So in reality, there are TWO fronts that we have to attack in order to preserve our domestic economy. Hopefully our next president will see the full picture and be on our side - the Americans' side. We have to stop making it so tough to do competitive business in this country.
@Aspen7698 (29)
• United States
17 Dec 07
As with all things, greed is at the heart of it. I live in Arizona where people have very strong opinions on illegal immigration. What never ceases to amaze me, however, is how craftily the federal government has deflected the blame away from themselves and on to these poor people looking for a better life for their families.
The hostility against Latinos here is palpable. Peoples anger and frustration need to be directed squarely at the feds, the only entity constitutionally able to deal with border issues. Cry as they might, the businesses here are making a lot of money by using illegal labor. With our government so beholden to corporate interests, when it comes down to the choice, the corporations win every time.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
20 Dec 07
A very sad truth. But if citizens start applying pressure to the local governments to A) Make it less costly to do business locally and B)Enforce what laws they are allowed to regarding illegal immigrants and the hiring of them and continuously pressure the feds. to take action regarding the deportation of the illegals, it will begin a wave effect. Just maybe, it will turn into a tsunami.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
2 Mar 08
Ok, illegal immigrant workers save the elitists millions in wages and benefits. The key is not work that Americans won't do, the key is work that Americans won't do for $3 a day.
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@kimberlylynn (978)
• United States
17 Dec 07
I've lived in a couple of places that heavily relies on immigrants. I don't know too many Americans who would work for even minimum wage in the fiends all day in 110 degree heat.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Just because the weather is a problem, doesn't make it okay for paying low wage.
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@calicot (256)
• Philippines
27 Dec 07
Imho, before California and neighboring states became US territories, they were part of Mexican colony. So if you say that Mexicans are crossing the border, well they were there long before there was a border. That is why many places in the US have Spanish names e.g. Los Angeles, San Francisco,San Fernando,Colorado,San Antonio,Sacramento,Alamo (no pun intended). During the great railroad constructions, many but not most workers are Mexicans and Indians, it so happen that their bosses are Americans.
Btw, kimberlylynn is right at some point, if you would see that a number of American companies are already moving their manufacturing operations across the world -in China. Why? Because labor there is cheaper, no labor union, work even on Sundays and most holidays, 10-hour shifts, no insurance, medical and lots more, and the most crucial of them all is that an average American factory worker's monthly salary is equivalent to +/- 2-3 months for a Chinese factory worker.
Imho again, that's the sad part of having a capitalist economy. It's a two bladed sword. Profit is usually the benchmark, the more savings derived from lesser operations and salary costs the more profit made.
At least the US has control of a country rich in oil. Unlike, ours that rely heavily on imports.