Google Street View - Is it too much?
By vivasuzi
@vivasuzi (4127)
United States
December 16, 2007 8:32pm CST
Ok... if you haven't heard Google is now adding Street View to their maps. Basically, in certain areas you can see a picture from a car driving in the street.
The good side: You can see landmarks, major roads, and things you may be travelling to.
The down side: You can see a very close up view of your home, your yard, and anyone who stands too close to the window. Also, lots of people have been "caught" in images they don't want the world to see, such as a girl who's undies were showing as she climbed into a car.
Their Arguments: I've seen people stating "it's public domain" or "what's the difference if someone sees your house while driving by, anyone can drive by your house and see you sitting on your porch"
My Arguments: Yes someone can drive by and see me, but only for a second. They aren't going to have a permanent image of me that could be passed all around the net! Some girls were caught sunbathing in the public, but most cars driving would only see it for a second. If someone got out of their car and stood to stare at them, they probably would have moved! With this camera image, you cannot move. You can request it to be removed after tons of work, but that's it.
Their argument: So what if they have a picture of your house, it's not like a burgular can case your house from a picture.
My argument: Hello! That makes it easy for burgulars to stalk houses b/c they can now do it from the comfort of their homes. They can zoom in to figure out what kind of windows I have and how many, probably even figure out how my locks work, and see what car I drive if they want to keep an eye out for me. Ok, I know you think that would be a lot of work for a criminal, but I don't think it's necessary.
My final argument: Yes it's great to be able to see some businesses from the street and makes it easier to find landmarks and tourist spots, however I see absolutely no reason why they need to show private homes. If someone was standing in the street taking photos of my home and putting them online, I could have them arrested.... so why is it ok for google to do it? Just because they are driving by and not stopping to stare, suddenly it's ok? I disagree.
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3 responses
@joey_matthews (8354)
17 Dec 07
I don't know what to make of it, at first it doesn't really bother me. It doesn't change or make an importance in my life, I see the reasons behind why it would be good but also the points you'ved mentioned.
I'm unsided at the moment.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
17 Dec 07
I do go back and forth too with "what's the big deal" but then I start to wonder how often they will update these photos. Do I have to run and hide if I'm out front and see one of these cars coming down the street?
The pics of my house were so close that you could see the couch in the window so as technology gets better, how can I be sure they won't be zooming in even futher. All I know is I'm happy I was already planning to get verticle blinds for more privacy.
@joey_matthews (8354)
17 Dec 07
That's actually a good point.
I think they only use one picture and it's update like once every year. reason I say this is because the area where I live, there's no updates on the changes which have happened since like a year ago. We've got a new community building and my old school was knocked down and moved closer to where I live now.
It'll be interesting to see when the changes are made.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
17 Dec 07
There are countries and cities (coughlondoncough) where photos are taken of you on a daily basis if you are out in the public. There are people (coughbritneyspearscough) who can't leave their house without having photos taken of every single thing. There is no such thing as "privacy" in this day and age. Sure, it sucks...but I'd rather there be a close up image of my house on the internet than photos taken of me every 2 seconds as I walk down the street where I went to go buy milk.
And hey, you don't want to get caught showing your underwear or sunbathing... don't do it in public where anyone can see you anyhow!
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
17 Dec 07
Well I know our laws suck about privacy, and when I'm out in public I'm as careful as I can be... but sometimes stuff happens, and it would suck if you were one of these innocent people who just got caught during a moment and others on the net were purposely looking for these types of photos to share on the web.
I never understood the whole paparazzi thing. Who really cares what britney is doing every day? I know I don't! Overall though, I'd almost rather see a pic of me walking a public street than a close up of my house :(

@Lybra2266 (96)
• United States
17 Dec 07
The power of satellite is always in debate, and the battle to censor it may never be won. Argue all you want, but beware of the facts, just as you mentioned, know the down side, as well as the up side of things and make your decisions on how you choose to use them. This power lies now at your fingertips as well as all others. Know that if a person wishes to look closely at you for some specific reason, that it is probably safe even for you that they are now able to do this from a distance...and not from the hidden shadows of your bushes, just outside your window... I myself have had such an experience, for one to desire to look too closely and deeply in my direction is brought on by some sort of obsession, and I'd rather he aware that he may be out there somewhere, looking in from the comfort of his own living room, then to be unaware that he's just outside the comfort of mine.
At least he has other options if he feels it is so important to see me.
And, I have this same power at my fingertips, and can keep an eye on my own bushes, should I feel concerned that He may be peeking in on me.