Would you give up your dog - or cat - if you were moving?
By Amy
@artemis432 (7474)
Abernathy, Texas
30 responses
@WC1989 (595)
• United States
17 Dec 07
I wouldn't choose to give up my pet however I have had to give up my dog in the past.
For some unknown reason the veterinarian couldn't get him the shot required to take him on the plane (we moved to a different country) so we had to give him up.
My mother gave it to one of her colleagues with a big house.
However, after we left him behind my dog began acting strangely. He barked far too much and destroyed much of the garden. The person we gave him to had to give him away to someone else. I don't know anything about my dog's whereabouts anymore or of his health.
god, this topic is making me cry.
Later on I was given a cat by my aunt. When we moved to a new house, we made sure to bring him along no matter what.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Dec 07
That's so hard. We'll I will be thinking positive thoughts about where your dog is and how she is doing!
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
17 Dec 07
YAy - I'm so glad you brought him along! You tried other vets - or was it a small town with only one vet?
You can't find out from the person your mom originally gave him to where he went?
Good luck, and happy holidays.
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@WC1989 (595)
• United States
17 Dec 07
Unfortunately we have lost contact with them.
She was a colleague, but not a particularly good colleague. The reason why she was chosen was because she was the ONLY one who said yes. Also the fact that she lived in a huge house (not her own though. She was a caretaker of the house when she wasn't working at Auchan

@bhappy2 (327)
• Australia
17 Dec 07
I would never give up my pet for any reason. I believe taking on a pet is the like having a child. Would you give up your child? Taking on a pet requires commitment and you owe that animal a good home, food and you do not abandon it because taking it with you is a bit difficult. You can take your pet with you anywhere in the world so why oh why would you leave it behind. Think how confused and sad the poor animal would be. It loves you and it would fret for you and you can't explain to it why it is being left. No, take the pet with you, he's family.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
17 Dec 07
I've never had a dog - but I would agree - he would be family! Sometimes apartment complexe/landlords don't allow pets. Or they charge a huge fee people can't afford. But I side with you - what if they charged the fee for your daughter or son? I'm glad I found another pet lover. For some pets aren't family but something disposable. Many families give up dogs after they grow out of the cute puppy stage. So sad.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
9 Jan 08
I would worry too, but I'm sure your friends will take good care of them. We had to have our cat stay at the foster home of the foster mommy who we got her from originally for the entire month of November while we tried to find a low cost (no pet deposit and extra rent and lower rent then the air force base) and pet friendly place. We had to take out a loan - it was expensive and we had to forgo Christmas, but we found a place owned privately with landlords who have animals and love them. YAY! Now our rent is half the price of base - more then half the rent - it only $525 a month for a house and some land and a shared garden and animal friendly. We had no relatives to give her too for November, as all our relatives our far away, but it was great that the organization we got her from - and her original foster mommy - were willing to keep our kitty for a month.
I wish you luck! I know how you feel - my very first cat who just passed from very old age (indoor cat OF COURSE) got out a few times and I cried as I searched for him imagining every possible scenario. And imagining him, scared and lost and maybe cold.
@ttmhiggins (14)
• United States
8 Jan 08
Yes, I agree. I could never get rid of my two cats. They are just like my kids, I have so much love for them.
In fact my husband may need to go away for awhile and
I'll have to move in with family..where I can't bring my cats. I don't know what I'm going to do. Since it's only temporary I have some friends/aquaintences that would take them in for me. I worry though that they won't take care of them like I do. Also my cats are strictly inside cats, they have never been outside. I worry that what if they let them out, even accidently, and they get lost and I never see them again. That just makes me sick thinking about them wandering the streets not knowing where they are, hungry, cold and me never seeing them again.

@polachicago (18716)
• United States
20 Dec 07
I will never give up on my pets. They are not replaceable.
They are not like furnitures, they are part of my family.
Not only, if I would move to different country, I would take my pets with me.

@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
8 Jan 08
Totally not like furnture but in our throwaway society many see them as such. Kudos to both of you for loving your furry friends.

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Dec 07
If I were moving, I would first find out if the place I was moving to accepted pets, otherwise if it didn't would hunt around for a place that did--no way would I give up the two fur babies I have now. I did have to give up a lot of "babies" last year but that was due to different circumstances as my mother (still living then) and I were being faced with eviction. I was lucky that pet rescuers came to my aid and took them --but like I said, it would be different now. I only have the two, so would find a place that did accept pets.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Dec 07
Well don't forget artemis, last year my mother and I were being threatened with eviction, not because of the place going condo but because my mother did create a "problem" of too many cats, but I was fortunate that I was able to place them with pet rescuers...the number WAS out of control and my mother did have hoarder personality and thought out lifestyle was normal...she had a lot of emotional issues there..too long to get into here
Yes, you do point out many valid reasons why a person might have to give up a pet...but personally say if things happened now...and I had to move pronto..and I looked around but didn't see any place right away I could move into ...uh, maybe give my pets temporarily to one of my friends to keep until I did find a place that accepted pets, while I was still hunting around? Yes I know the one you're talking about. To that, well about living in a car..uh, like what if one doesn't have a car? I don't, nor would I have money to afford a motel room temporarily
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Dec 07
I would try to. But there are so many extenuating circumstances. Like what if you were all of a sudden evicted - given a month hopefully because your apartment was going to be a condo say. You work around the clock and weekends too. You need to find a place in a safe neighborhood because you have kids - maybe you're a newly single mom with several kids and not expecting alimony or child support. You don't want to lose your job. Every place you look either doesn't take pets - or the deposit is more then you have and no one will negotiate. There is also an added fee sometimes of up to fifty dollars - sometimes per pet.
There are so many cases - like Sally's of people who love their animals but can't keep them.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
21 Dec 07
This guy says even eviction =- any reason I gave was bullsh%^. So obviously you and oreo just don't really, according to him, love your pets. To him you're selfish - if you loved your babies you would've lived out of your car to keep you babies.
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@houndsgood (774)
• United States
17 Dec 07
I rather live out of my car with my dogs, than in a palace without them. I love them, but I also took on the responsibility for their care and lives when I adopted them. There is always a way, even if you have to do a little more research to find the right apartment or just take a little more time for the moving process.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
17 Dec 07
Some people don't have the time, and some have done extensive research but only find no pets allowed in decent neighborhoods (and have kids) or they have to pay a fee they can't afford.
And some think animals are disposable - you know?
Sometimes I wish I had a dog - but our neighbor - on the same property as us has three, and three cats, one rabbit, four doves, several chickens, two gecko, two fish - oh and two parakeets. So I get lotsov animal energy.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
20 Dec 07
Your answers still wouldn't work for everyone. If someone were pregnant and had kids - living in a car? In the middle of winter or the middle of desert summer? You and the dogs would get sick. And who said anything about giving up pets BECAUSE you were pregnant. I don'thave kids, but we were actually in a hotel room for month and got into deep debt and it took that long to find a place that has cats. Not everyone can do that. There are people whose situations have them lose their jobs. It was that or continue to live on base with high rent and not be able to visit my mom with cancer ever because our budget was tight with medical bills. We were able to keep her in the no kill shelter we bought her at in the first place. Not everyone has that option.
You say, just don't move there - if its a bad neighborhood - MY POINT EXACTLY - its not an option. Yet if you haven't the money to pay the extra deposit elsewhere and the complex/landlord won't negotiate - anywhere you go - and no one will accept pets again your out of luck.
@houndsgood (774)
• United States
17 Dec 07
I don't agree. When you get a dog or cat, you have to say to yourself "can I afford to take care of and house this living being and committ for the rest of its life unless I should become incapacitated?" There are people on fixed incomes or have gone through rough times, but their priorities are clear. I knew a woman who wasn't well off, but she rather skip lunch twice a week or do without a few things than be without her dogs, have them strave, etc. Those dogs were in the best condition of any dogs that I have seen. THey wore collars from the dollar store, but they were very healthy and cared for. People find the money somehow if something is important to them.
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@cooldude_no1 (883)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 07
hhhmmmm.. why is it that bringing your dog(s) along when you are moving is not part of your option? =P
I would definitely bring them along. I moved before and I brought them alone. I grew up with them and we had a special bond together. So there's no way of me to give them up and just leave them. And absolutely, I will not get another dog to substitute them (maybe if they passed away).
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
17 Dec 07
I don't have a dog - although I share our neighbors pets - same property. Sometimes landlords or apartment complexes don't allow it. Sometimes people think its a hassle to bring their dog along (would it be a hassle to bring a human child along).
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@cooldude_no1 (883)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 07
if it's a hassle, then they shouldn't have taken up the dog (or other pet) at the first place. It's a responsibility once you decided to get a pet. I guess everybody here agrees that pets should be loved and not be dumped when you find it troublesome to fulfill your selfish needs.=D
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Dec 07
I certainly agree - and we won't get a dog untl we own a house. However, some people, like you are taking dogs they grew up with and have no choice (if the parents won't take the dog) Too many things can happen despite knowing the responsibilities included in deciding to to be a caretaker (not an owner ecause we don't own pets like they're possessions). Your landlord could decide to sell your house and only give you a month's notice. And maybe they told you they weren't planning to sell for years. Then you have to find a house/apartment in a safe neighborhood, and sometimes you are rent controlled and are then looking at at least 800 dollars for rent or more - plus paying first and last months rent, sometimes well over 1500 dollars, plus moving fees and you may not have the money left over for a 250 dollar pet deposit and the additonal 50 dollars a month for the pet in your rent. Or you may not be able to find a place that even accepts pets You only have a month, and still have to work - sometimes weekends too - and if you don't find a place you and your dog are homeless.
So alhtough, yes I beleieve dogs can't be substitute for other dogs, and that yes, we have a responsibility - I think some people have extenuating circumstances.
Or some people get sick and know they can't care for the dogs, and as one mylotter who adores her animals - she couldn't afford them any longer. Things happened, we get sick, disabled, lose a job. I do my best not to judge others. Another wonderful mylotter, Pyewacket, found a loving home.
We will wait to buy a home with land. There are some who know they will never own a home and land so they risk living in an apartment/house they might lose or the landlord might decide he doesn't want pets.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Dec 07
Yes, when they don't care about their pets. Sometimes when puppies grow up, the family decides they don't want a full grown dog!
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Dec 07
I agree - however if you've lost your job, gotten sick, divorced or any situation where you know you can't take care of them or you'll be on the streets - make sure that you get them in with friends or relatives temporarily - and if you don't have those near by - a NO KIll shelter - not the Animal Shelter - they will kill your pet!
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
9 Jan 08
Some people don't put themselves in that situations - those are their choices - pet deposit or no pets allowed. Not everyone has the option to live on the street if they have family.
I think you're great - another pet lover yay!!!!
We stayed in an extended stay hotel for a month to find a place that was affordable and loved animals - we had to move off base as it was too expensive for us. I know other people don't have this option, but I'm so glad we did. We had to get a loan and have no christmas but it was well worth it. We love our new pet friendly place!
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
8 Jan 08
I guess I am lucky I have never had to pay a security deposit or extra monthly fee for my cat. But then again I just wouldnt put myself in the situation. If an apartment does not allow pets, I simply forget about that apartment as a possibility. There are always more places to live and I will only consider the ones who will accept my cat along with me.
Apartments come and go, but my cat is probably my best friend in the world - he has always been there to make me feel better. I need to take care of him in return.

@kevsgirlalways (5883)
• Malaysia
18 Dec 07
ack no! i love cats and used to have a lot of them. if i still have cats, i won't give them up at all if i were to move to another place. i'd so bring them along! i can't bear to leave them!
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
8 Jan 08
Its hard enough to lose a beloved pet when they die, let alone knowing they are sad and lonely somewhere without you.
@Seraphine (385)
• Finland
17 Dec 07
I'd never even consider moving into an apartment/house that did not allow dogs/other pets. Where I go, my dog goes. I'd rather live in my car, even at freezing temperatures. Dogs are a lifetime commitment, not something to be dumped just because someone sees a nice apartment somewhere that doesn't allow pets.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
8 Jan 08
A nice apartment or house should never be the reason to abandon a pet. There are reasons peple have given that I understand, but this one, never. Or because they grew out of puppy hood or are getting too old. Countless reasons like this are so sad.
They're our responsibility, to love, pay attention to - get fixed! We even need to get their teeth cleaned like kids - not so they have good teeth so that they don't have internal problems like heart problems.
@moxalot (100)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Every place I have moved I have moved my pets. I've only had cats. But I made sure that I was able to move them into where ever I was moving too...
It's too difficult to find an adult animal a new home. And most no-kill shelters are full or close to it. So not keeping them would not even come into my mind.
Anyway, before I had my human kids. My cats were my furry children. My mom keeps telling me I was oh so close to being the "crazy cat lady"... Or she told you were one cat away....
Best Wishes,
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Dec 07
Hey Sarah - I'm so glad you love your kitties! Amy
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
17 Dec 07
When we moved into a bigger house because I was pregnant we were not allowed to have pets and we had two cats so we gave them to my mother in law. I miss being able to have pets and can't wait to buy my own house so I can have them.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Dec 07
I did the same when I moved to CA, I wanted to be settled and have a place - I was stayng with my sister. I don't think my mom had my cat two weeks before she was saying, sorry, he's mine now, I love him too much.. .
@lynthepoet2008 (15)
1 Jan 08
I have this very problem, I have 2 dogs 1 cat and im hoping to move to austraila in 2 years or sooner. 1 dog has diabetes and wont be alive in the next 12 months as he is 13 soon seeing his life out is what im doing. the other dog is 12 this year and the cat is about 8 now that's the problem. I will not leave behind me other dog so I would have to see his life out as well unless I take him with me, but if this is way too much for him I will wait but his age is against him so another 2 yrs and he will be with his brother in heaven. Now the cat belonged to my ex but I love him way too much to just give up!!!!! so there is the other problem, he will not stand the journey no way, friends say they will have him but that's something I dont know if I could do. Don't get pets is my advice they are a tie if your moving around and no you cant just leave them, they came to you by your doing so you must have the responsibilty to care for them.
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
8 Jan 08
I love that you love your animals so much! My family were friends with another family who had a cat with diabetes and they had to give him a shot each day. That would be hard. I'm considering it with my cat though because it would be less expensive then doing it at the vets. However, we like going because they cut her nails - which is very hard with our cat -she's so squirmy when you pick her up! And they have no problem!
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
17 Dec 07
Yay - another furry family lover!
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
2 Jan 08
I would never give up my furry kids. Just over a year ago, I almost lost our house to foreclosure. I was preparing to live on the streets/in my car with my kids because I couldn't afford rent.
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@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
2 Jan 08
I don't think I could give up my pets at all. I have 3 cats and a puppy. I would be finding another place to move to if they didn't accept pets.
Me and my husband are about to divorce and I was thinking of letting him take his cat (cause that cat is mean) but even then, I can't split my 3 cats up. I will just keep them all.
@nichole1983 (1187)
• Canada
17 Dec 07
i move my pets come with me.. they are part of me in every way.. no way i will ever get rid of them just for a living situation...
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Dec 07
That's exactly the choice some have no living situation - the streets or giving their dogs up.
I won't get dogs until we own a house and land, but some don't have that in their future.
@sheilamaye (123)
• Philippines
17 Dec 07
il make sure that this place accepts pets! i cant leave them behind.i love my dogs so much!!!they are part of me. wherever i go. they will go!
@babymar (359)
• Philippines
2 Jan 08
i would definitely not give up my pets, if i were moving, i will look for a place where i can bring my pets with me...it's not easy to give up my pet coz it's part of me, they live with me, eat with me, play with me, so how can i give them up?
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