Holiday Depression
By starcrossed
@starcrossed (14)
December 18, 2007 11:38pm CST
'Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la la la la la... goes the Christmas Song 'Deck The Halls' - but what if you ain't feeling jolly or happy? Depression is one of the common negative feeling especially during the holiday seasons where everyone is partying and feeling the happy thoughts of the season. What if you're alone this Christmas? What if you have been recently fired-off your job? What if you suddenly lost someone so special? What if you have no money to spend? What if you're in bed sick? What if... and the list goes a long, long way.
The following are common symptoms of Depression:
* depressed mood
* loss of interest in life, even in favourite hobbies of sports
* loss of pleasure - getting no feeling of enjoyment, even from things most people would greatly enjoy
* tiredness and fatigue
* impaired concentration
* suicidal thoughts
* changes in appetite, either increased or decreased, including either weight gain or loss
* changes in sleeping patterns - most typical is waking unusually early and not being able to sleep at all
* agitation and sketchiness or, alternatively, extreme placidity, which may go as far as physically slowing down
* constant physical problems with no return to feeling well despite treatment
With all these faced by someone in this situation, what would you tell or can you spare some tips on how to avoid Holiday Depression? Who knows you may even save someone's life with the thoughts you're going to share.
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