I feel terribly alone...

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December 20, 2007 4:02am CST
I feel like nobody loves me. My mom left us when I was 4 and my dad remarried some years ago. I hardly speak to my step mom, she is rude. My parents are fonder of my other siblings and concentrate more on their activities. I feel completely neglected. I have even tried to kill myself, I feel terribly alone...
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19 responses
@subha12 (18441)
• India
20 Dec 07
hi don't be so sad. we come to this earth for some purposes. It is sad taht you have lost ur mom and ur stepmom is not good. But we all feel alone at some time in life. do in what you have interest and try to spend time with children and books.
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@rosema (1145)
• Philippines
20 Dec 07
Don't ever try to kill yourself. you know the best thing that you could do is to love yourself...because nobody will love you if you dont love yourself... enjoy life coz life is good.
• United States
20 Dec 07
There are many who feel like that..that is a bit alone in the line of family..I too feel that way..but I know I have lots of friends..And what I lack in family, I have well made up in friends.. Focus more on your friends, then on your family..I have found that thinking of how my family uses me..it makes me cry. For most with the exception of two ..they don't talk to me.. The ones who don't talk to me...usually find my number or email when there is money needed..That is about how much I am worth..for my family. My friends, though, they are the best.. I know with them there is nothing superficial about their care for me.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
20 Dec 07
Dear, please do not feel so disheartened and disappointed. I feel, the first thing is that you need to motivate yourself. In the circumstances which you have narrated, it is better to go for self-motivation and self-elivation (I know it is easier said than done, yet you need to try). Think that you are not alone in this world. You need to cultivate friendship with like minded people (may be of your own gender...). For getting love...you should remember, you need to love yourself and you need to shower love on others. Help others (including your friends and relatives) in their hour of need, without asking for return. Be humble and polite. You would require lots and lots of patience to make someone dear to you...it will take some time...but if you succeed...you can feel the difference. Remember...yours is not a bad condition....think...there are others in this world who may be in worse condition than yours. Cheer up yourself...I feel you have the guts to rise and you can succeed. Best of Luck to you!
@yefta_aye (637)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 07
just have positive thinking and love them
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• China
20 Dec 07
Hi, friends. You are not alone, you have many mylotter friends. All of us hope you can have a wonderful life. Please live a life with a smiling face and try your best to make much more new friends, at that time, you will find out that the world is fine and you will not be alone any more. Cheer up!!!
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
I think we all feel alone at times, I have this feeling a lot now that I have no family, I have to rely on friends and some of them seem to have let me down but one must just go on, you must get out and meet new people, join some sort of club, even a walking club or anything to just get you out there amongst people...but just remember you are special, you really are, there is a lot of alone people they just have to find each other..
@crom07 (233)
• Philippines
24 Dec 07
hey dont feel bad about being alone..many of us people felt and deal with loneliness,alone....do we have to be like some fish? imean if were alone we let our self flow thru anywhere in the river? well all i can say that being alone sometimes give us more strenght.so be cheerful.and besides our lord is within our heart. Godbless you
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
21 Dec 07
MY friend, sometimes we are not really alone, we just feel alone, which is different but doesn't make much of a difference in the way we're feeling. You surely have many things in your life that don't help to make you feel better, but maybe it is possible that being here and making new friends, discussing ideas and opinions.... that might give you some positive feelings. Maybe while you're feeling a bit better you should start planning positive things that you can do for yourself. I know it feels better knowing that the ones that we are close to care for us the way we need or would like to, but we can always start by being our best friend to start :) By loving ourselves and find the things that we enjoy and make us feel good. Meanwhile you can always come here when you're feeling down, talk to us, you know we talk back:) and better yet, we're always here. But don't confine yourself with online friends,if you can find people that make you feel good, smile, enjoy life. I know that nothing can replace our family and the things that happen to us within our family can scar us for a long, long time, even after we think we are over it. But having friends is a great step towards starting to feel better and less alone. ANd when we feel like that we can face everything else.
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
21 Dec 07
I am so sorry to hear that. Please be strong. One day you will meet someone who loves you and cares about you. And you will have a happy family. Don't let the past bother you.
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• United States
21 Dec 07
Im sorry you feel alone, i know how that feels. Maybe you could call your dad up and try to spend some one on one time with him. It might make you feel better. A lot of people dont like their step parents so im sure your not along on this one.
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@michecu (637)
• Philippines
21 Dec 07
Learning to love yourself...that is the greatest love of all. I guess, you should not despair. YOu have already gotten this far and I know you can still continue to pursue your dreams. Nevermind what your parents do you, just make sure you do something good for yourself that will make everyone notice and be proud of you. I know you're not the only one in the entire world who is in the same situation... you can seek the company of your good friends and even your teachers or the people whom you look up to for proper guidance. Don't waste your talent and life - put it to good use. :)
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• India
21 Dec 07
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
22 Dec 07
In mordern society,people always feel alone because we prevent our reality to the person we meet.We live in a cabe and our hearts can not be benefit from others.We usually don't know the name of our neiqhour's name,Even we not familiar with him. But on the contrast,you have many friends online.If you have the feeling of alone,you can online and talk with your friends.It's also a good method which I often take to avioding the sense
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• India
24 Dec 07
@sukuru (122)
• China
21 Dec 07
Do not feel neglected,there're lots of beautiful things outside,i guess you're a student,right? you can get along with your classmates,just try to be on your own since you feel your parents concentrate less on your activities. wish you happy everyday!
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@venigalla (191)
• India
30 Dec 07
u dont take such hasty decisions. When some one not loves us it their fault not us they will have some thing problem in their mind . when step mom was rude then lonlyness is the happyness of u . Dont take hasty decisions like commiting sucide balance u r self they are not only u r world there is other world too which welcomes u see for it and try hard for it
• United States
31 Dec 07
If the picture of the young lady using a laptop is you, that is not a picture of lonliness NOR a lady unloved ! However, if the real you is hiding behind some facade, let us see you and let us feel you and we at myLot may give you some of the strongest and fulfilling friendships you have ever realized . . . just come forward and let us see ! Step moms are a challenge but not impossible to get close to. I have two and if I ever need either, I can count on them. Not like mom, but not in some negative fashion in which communication is sometimes and visitation is rare. Reach out and just be her friend, despite the rudeness. She did marry your dad so that means something . . . sharing the light and happy holidays, Miss Erica Hidvegi, the Enlightenment_Advisor, B.A. Psych/M.A. Transpersonal Studies- Cnslng/Author, Artist, Photographer, Entrepreneur & Freelance extraordinaire
@zlesing (487)
• China
21 Dec 07
I will never want to kill myself... Your life not only belongs to you, but your parents, your friends, your lover... And many things I haven't done yet, how can I do such thing? Sometimes I feel terribly alone, but I'll never feel like nobody loves me, at least your mom. Everyone feel neglected sometimes, you're not the only one. Just be positive, do other things you're interesting in...things will go well...
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@cosylvia (398)
• China
21 Dec 07
sorry to heat that you have a unhappy childhood,but you can change it now,you can build a friendship with your friends,you know,when you r alone so thirst for the friends.wish you have a good day and merry christmas
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
20 Dec 07
My first question is why is your stepmom rude? Is there a reason the family reacts to you the way the do? How is your attitude around them? Do you speak pleasantly? Smile? Try to change what is inside of you, learn to like yourself and I believe a change in you will bring about a change in them.
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